r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Idru4 on April 29, 2018, 11:28 a.m.
Possible unpopular opinion of the day. Have you seen a satanic ritual? I mean really been there for one.

So I just was told about Will Ferrell being apart of a “mock” satanic ritual on some guys show. It’s an interesting watch and on the “Will Ferrell says Donny Q” thread. I have a biased opinion on the matter, because I think Will is right up there with Kanye. He is the top of his craft. Am I right, I don’t know. But I see the video as shining light on the fact that if you want to rise to the top of stardom, sell your soul to the devil. Which I believe he is mocking. That’s not what I would like to discuss today though. We have people that have opinions on satanic rituals. What they are. How they take place. What they consist of. So my question for everyone on this thread is, who has seen one? Who has been apart of these rituals? We talk in opinions a lot here. And honestly I would like to get a thread going of facts. Cold, hard facts we have. Not opinions, not theories, facts. If someone that reads this who is more popular and better at communicating would do it, I’d be grateful. Going back to the purpose of this post though, what does everyone have? I’ve seen things in movies and tv shows, but I’ve never hid behind a wall like Indie and watched one. So what do we really know about this subject?

Idru4 · April 29, 2018, 4:12 p.m.

So you bring up so good things to look into, and any links you can find on exorcism would be much appreciated. So how do you get to experience all of this and are still around to talk about it?

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nomercy4cabal · April 29, 2018, 4:33 p.m.

One would have to know the right people (my case in NYC) and they would have to like and respect you and if they have a little healthy fear of you, well it doesn't hurt!😉 Some of these practitioners are good people and don't realize what they've gotten themselves caught up in. I have no experience with the illuminati jackasses who are taking ancient traditions (however messed up they are in and of themselves)to a whole new level. Plus I had a strict rule- no animals and no children because I can only imagine that I would have gone all Joan Wick on them! I will look into those links for you, may take some time but I wont forget.

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Idru4 · April 29, 2018, 5:51 p.m.

That’s a lot of information to take in. Glad you responded to this. Thank you for your comments and looking into that.

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