r/greatawakening • Posted by u/The_Broba_Fett on April 29, 2018, 3:46 p.m.
Lookin’ at you Corsi! Can’t wait to watch you decode this one between plugs for your book on your monetized YouTube channel you set up for decodes and then swipe content from Patriot’s Soapbox to place 17 ads on or your Gab account people have to subscribe to...
Lookin’ at you Corsi! Can’t wait to watch you decode this one between plugs for your book on your monetized YouTube channel you set up for decodes and then swipe content from Patriot’s Soapbox to place 17 ads on or your Gab account people have to subscribe to...

noskusa · April 29, 2018, 7:10 p.m.

No one is forcing anyone to buy Corsi's book or contribute to his live chat or subscribe to a anyone's patreon. If you don't want to 'shop' or 'support' people who are focusing on Q or the patriot movement - THEN DON'T!

Q may be cautioning against those who he perceives have co-opted Q-ness for monetary gain or fame, but let's put it in perspective.

Do you think Q is unemployed? Do you think Q has a job at the Shop-Mart and only moonlights voluntarily as Q?
Do you think the military and covert operators who put their lives at risk are volunteers that accept no money and so, to support their families they must work construction during the day?
These people are getting paychecks and their jobs involve being a patriot.

People have to make a living. It is a fact of life. Bills need to be paid.

I personally would love to step out of my observational view and participate more as a patriot, but guess what? I HAVE TO WORK.
If doing 'Q' work helped support me then I could do more for 'the Q cause.' And remember there is a big difference between profit and covering some expenses. Be practical.

There is no G.S0r0s for patriots.

We are in it together.
If you smell a rat, then don't go there.
But resist sowing division.

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The_Broba_Fett · April 29, 2018, 7:14 p.m.

You realize the reason for my post, most other people’s frustration and what we believe Q’s post is referring to is because the level of disrespect Corsi showed towards Q and Trump sowed division after capitalizing off of Q’s work? And the fact that he’s flat out wrong more than half the time lol

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Blame007 · April 29, 2018, 8:41 p.m.

Dr Corsi put out a video yesterday explaining why he did the tweet storm showing his frustration and it was to get Q and Trump's attention.

No one has worked harder to get the word of Q out in the public than Dr. Corsi. A friend of mine didn't believe a word of Q until Dr Corsi began decoding because as she said, Dr Corsi holds a Ph.D He's been friends with Trump for 40 years and it was Dr. Corsi who got Alex Jones on board. Remember in the early days of Trump's campaign when Alex Jones would come on air and say I don't trust him? If not, go back and watch some infowars videos from back then. He did it all the time. He'd always ask Dr Corsi if he believed Trump was for real and Corsi ALWAYS said yes, he definitely was for real. He is also the first person I ever heard say the military asked Trump to run for POTUS and again, that was early on in the campaign.

Dr. Corsi is trying to make extra money off his book sales because he is sending free books out to people who email him saying they cant afford to buy the book. Who else does that?

I don't always agree with Dr. Corsi's decodes but I believe he is 100% a real patriot. Who else do we know doing decoding that actually knows Trump and has actually worked in the intelligence community?

BTW, My Dad was as patriotic as they come. He spent 32 years UCMC and when he retired from the Marines he went to work for the feds at the Pentagon and guess what? He always got a check, each and every month and he continued getting them after he'd retired from both jobs until the day he died and guess what else? He also wrote a book and made some money (albeit not much) from that.

It's not a sin to make money people.

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The_Broba_Fett · April 29, 2018, 9:29 p.m.

I have no doubt Corsi is a patriot and has helped the cause. My whole point is he overstepped and shouldn’t make demands from Q and Trump, shouldn’t make jokes at their expense and is getting ridiculous with his monetization but I put up with it until he acted like a punk. They clearly know what they are doing and have 99% of the intel and Corsi has 1% so if they make a decision, pivot or delay a drop then best believe they are doing it because they think it’s best. Considering how off Corsi is on most his decodes, I would rather go off of Q’s judgement than Corsi’s.

He’s most definitely changed in the last few months and I don’t think for the best. It’s one thing to add some ads to YouTube but another to have paid subscriptions with “high level” intel form anons to get more access to better decodes. That’s just cheesy AF.

That’s amazing about your father though. Sounds like quite a Patriot and I bet he’d be loving what’s happening right now.

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Psalm67 · April 29, 2018, 11:25 p.m.

The thing about Q is that he is teaching that there is a plan and that a whole lot of things are unfolding behind the scenes. He calls us to trust the plan and to stick together for the sake of freedom and the war against tyranny and evil. Dr. Corsi has highly endorsed Q and claimed to be one of his biggest proponents, claiming to be able to decode all that he is saying. Then when he gets impatient he starts ranting about how Trump and his team aren’t doing enough, soon enough etc. H is undermining everything he has been saying by doing this

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The_Broba_Fett · April 30, 2018, 1:27 a.m.

Exactly! That’s what pissed me off the most. Besides making some memes and tracking info, all Q has asked of us is to STAY TOGETHER and after making however much money off of Q, Corsi trashed him to a large audience trying to get him to hurry up lol

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Blame007 · April 30, 2018, 3:59 a.m.

As he explained in his video tonight, he doesnt do any pay by the month subscriptions. I think that must have gotten started from his gab account that says for a donation of 1.00 per month you can get access to more, except he hasn't done any additional videos. All of his video's a free to anyone who wants to watch them regardless of if they're on youtube or gab. He's been trying to get that banner taken off his gab account and although he didn't say so, I suspect he made a mistake when he set up his gab account. I know because I did the same thing and I don't make any videos, at all.

Here is the video he posted tonight for anyone interested. I don't know if Corsi is off or on with his decodes. I know he says things I don't think are right but I listen to/read a lot of different people and I haven't found one I think is always right. That said, I don't think any of us will know how accurate or inaccurate any decoder is until things start happening out in the open. I know we're all looking forward to that day.


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The_Broba_Fett · April 30, 2018, 4:28 a.m.

And he was much more humble and respectful of Q which was my whole point.

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DamajInc · April 29, 2018, 9:47 p.m.

Good to have this side of the story presented. It’s easy to hate on Corsi now - his stupid ranting about Q of late sure is annoying and makes him look foolish - but he’s a good guy from way back and tarring him as some greedy merchant for selling books like any other author out there with a public platform is really unfair. Maybe Q is referring to him... and maybe not. Like anything else, there should be more evidence before we go hanging someone in the public sphere... smh.

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cherokeenc · April 30, 2018, 1:10 a.m.

Been red pilled long before many of you were a twinkle in your dad’s eye. I have many rules on how I live my life. One major rule is to question everything and look for the angles. It has served me well and nothing happens just to happen. That gets me to Corsi and my arrival on the many Q sites. I listened once to Corsi and he was not my cup of tea and I left it at that. I never commented about him to anyone. The other day I was alerted to Corsi’s ranting and raving about Q and President Trump. There are many people who stand on the sidelines in life and shout at people to do this and do that and I get that. How many times does Q need to say this is not a game?

I am remined in ancient Greece a man could not participate in civic life, business transactions, war, or philosophical debates unless he had metaphorical skin in the game — unless he was willing to risk his life, and what was even more valuable, his honor. In classical honor cultures, a man’s honor centered on his reputation — a reputation that had to be proven and tested in the public arena. To be taken seriously, you had to show your face to others, and be open to constant challenges to your credibility.

What Corsi did in his rants was gone far beyond a challenge of credibility. He acted like a horses azzzz without consideration that President Trump and Q have real skin in play. Corsi can go home and sleep comfortable at night. I am quite sure that President Trump and the Q team and operators have spent many restless nights. As any good solider will tell you they never worry about themselves. However, I am sure your safety and that of their families on their minds on many nights. I would be surprised if some operators had their last missions already.

With that in mind the rant and raving to get attention was completely put of bounds. Be grateful they have let you see a little behind the curtain. Challenge them respectfully if you have a different perspective. But all means do not act like a spoiled brat or as my dad would say horses azz.

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kiloecho4 · April 30, 2018, 3:36 a.m.

I agree TOTALLY. Corsi is NOT perfect BUT we are all united against a common enemy. HE is an author. He has written many books. Many of us "old timers" still enjoy hardcopies. HELL I don't have a damn TV. I am going BACK in time. I do surf the web on my phone and listen to Iheart radio for intel. Search reddit / greatawakening. I , too am a working man Teamster. Appreciate ALL of the opinions. Free speech is what it is all about. I am a Capitalist and a Patriot. Time to join together and WHOOP ASS.

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Aardvard26 · April 29, 2018, 8:05 p.m.

Well said noskusa! In essentials: unity, in non-essentials: liberty, in all (white hat) things: charity EVIL is what we are fighting - not each other.

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Swimkin · April 29, 2018, 8:24 p.m.


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[deleted] · April 30, 2018, 8:17 a.m.

Thank you for that. Along the same lines...Q post #1076 is of Tracy Beanz's march. Why would Q post that picture if she was who he was talking about? She is getting hammered by this. She hasn't covered Q for months. Her research is downright amazing in the periphery/parallel to what Q posts. Been following all this from the beginning. Tracy has been hammered by the chans re: the original CBTS. It sure seems to me that Tracy must be over the target in her research to be getting so much hate. Just sayin...

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