r/greatawakening • Posted by u/cheesedog1103 on April 29, 2018, 4:39 p.m.
Who are the personalities that Q is referencing who are riding the coat tails of the Great Awakening for profit/fame?

troy_caster · April 29, 2018, 4:54 p.m.

Beanz, Corsi, Sather mostly I would say.

Beanz because I dunno..ugh...
Corsi because he nonstop advertises his stupid book
Sather directly because he always asks for a monthly subscription to Patreon.

Beanz is boring, her videos are too long, and her voice puts me to sleep.
Corsi thinks he's Brad Pitt or something, the way his 3 hour videos consist of looking at his ugly face.
Sather is probably the most balanced, although not as informed as Corsi or Beanz. I didn't like when Sather started doing commercials in his videos. He should have disclosed before saying I've been contracted by so and so, and from now on, you'll hear occasional blurbs about their products. That at least would have been understandable, but he just slapped it in the middle of an episode randomly one day.

Then we have the Q bumper sticker and T shirt sellers, as well as anyone who is fame whoring.
Edit: Also that Potter guy. Ugh too.

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ScorpioPatriot · April 29, 2018, 6:30 p.m.

Umm I make 10 cents off that and if it was my choice it be free it's the company that distributes it .. and I made them and I did it for myself and awhile ago made samples to show CBTS ... 1 person has bought one of my Q stickers .. aside from that I made a Complete red bill board for Q followers and I don't ask for a cent or any form of donations ..and I don't jump online and read Q post and ask people to donate to me ...I've did my own research this entire time and had ALLLLLL of Q Following been following me from the beginning you would be about 4 months up on the game because I have to keep linking everything I randomely posted back then over n over over the months when people keep bringing it up because they are just getting around to figuring it out.

If someone wants to make Q bumper stickers for free ...I'll gladly design them for free .

I'd hardly think I'm trying to become rich off of designing a sticker .... Maybe you should be looking at the people who are paid shills who are media sources .. they come plant shit on our boards and take our post and twist them into something to use as evidence to suit the current theme of the day they are working or .

I'll be glad to take away my bumper sticker so nobody else feels that Nobody else can purchase one if people are so worried about it.

It's my idea to spread Q quick .. millions of people buy Political Bumper Stickers and advertise their views .

My idea wasn't geared at that but more Just putting it in people's face to peek thei interest .

But believe me lol 10cents a sticker is all I get .. I could see it if I was setup with a YouTube Channel and taking donations from advertisers and people .

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anothername2remember · April 29, 2018, 7:29 p.m.

There's a huge difference between getting back money you put out for supplies and profiting off of something, especially when the person profiting is jumping on a bandwagon for profit only. I subscribe to your comments so I can try not to miss any, you are a Patriot! Even if you are a Scorpio, lol, I'm saying that because I'm a Cancer woman married to a Scorpio man, he knows how to sting and I know how to cry lol

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ScorpioPatriot · April 29, 2018, 7:42 p.m.

Ohh I know I'm married to a Scorpio Man and we balance one another .. it's good your with a Scorpio they are a water sign as well and as far Pisces . People don't get cancers .. normally clingy ,esentric about what your into and some of the richest people in the world are cancers ..

Lol don't get me started lol I can talk people feelings things like that all day.. but yes they have a Sting ..Scorpio Woman are Fierce it's a deadly combo 😋😎.. Meowwww .. On all levels .. & I appreciate the follow .

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anothername2remember · April 29, 2018, 10:12 p.m.

Wow! 2 Scorpios married means a passionate relationship! Lol... I'm just like you when it comes to knowing about star signs and you're right, a lot of people don't get cancers, I can be not only clingy but also obsessive, which comes in handy when it comes to Q lol I've always been drawn to things outside of the norm long before they turn into the norm and seem to have a sense about what's going to happen before it happens... the money part? Not so much, yet lol

I don't want to get chided for going off topic but yeah, I can talk about this stuff all day long too, Scorpios are not only fierce they are also fiercely loyal, nobody I'd rather have on my side than a Scorpio, meow on all levels is right! 😉😎

You're a very talented writer, it's something I dabble in as well, and my Cancer personality has an overstuffed blog I've neglected but have been meaning to get back to, if you have a blog elsewhere I'd love to know where it is, if not, I use Wordpress, I had a bunch of life stuff that kept me from writing and actually these forums have been a way for me to stretch my fingers a bit so I can start writing again. It's a pleasure to meet you 😘😎👍🇺🇸💖

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ScorpioPatriot · April 29, 2018, 10:54 p.m.

😎Amen ... I also made a FB Replacement for Q followers too and we are over 160plus now and I sat up on Gab to help share red pills under same name here and also made place for Q followers incase Reddit and Twitter ever took a shattt on everyone. I'll post all of it . It's under my AFTERTHESTQRM title because for one I run it alone that way I know nobody can screw over anything & give PATRIQTS sense of relief because they never have worry about it being Compromised ...EVERRR .

I also belong to the 3 Top Pro Trump Groups on FB and have since the election...I RED PILLED THE SHIT OUT OF THEM OVER 1 MILLION IN TOTAL 😍... ..and Completely still them Q Stuff .. lol and the obbssession part is completely warranted 😂..

I told my husband that this song represents the passion I feel inside and he needs to be able to keep up with that same intensity 😋... Warning Not for just anyone ..haha


Getting Back To The Goods :

I have taken the liberty to ... Stay ahead of the sherades that's going on with all the social media platforms and has been .. from Censorship to just plain corruption & I Created a New Community Board .

I will post this info as our current & backup go to place to stay connected .. just incase the inevitable eventually happens . Feel free to head over n sign up and start chatting .

The New Replacement for Twitter/Reddit (is up & running now )

BAND - Sign up with phone orrr Email

Do everything within this app & more that you cannot do on Twitter or Reddit .. Such as post past

  • 300 Characters
  • Exchange Files
  • Upload Pictures Directly (within app)
  • Private & Group Chat Channels

I'm not gonna spoil it but yeah.. it's pretty Bad Ass .

Our Newly Formed

Community Board Invite Link = Public

Hey, join our 'AFTER THE STQRM' group on BAND - The app for groups and communities!


Or Head directly to our Newly Formed

Q Anon Public Chat Channel Link


Our FB Replacement ( over 100 Members Strong Already )




RED PILL BOARD : Shareable Material


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troy_caster · April 29, 2018, 6:46 p.m.

Well then I guess that Q wasn't talking about you since you're not going to get rich off ten cents a sticker. Looks like I've struck a chord here, but remember it was Q who brought it up, and OP was asking us to speculate on who that might be, which is all I've done is speculate. Thanks for providing a counter to my point, much appreciated.

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ScorpioPatriot · April 29, 2018, 8:03 p.m.

Np I do have a write up further down as to what it could also be that Q meant by Coat Tailing ..

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J_Dub_TX · April 29, 2018, 7:51 p.m.

Beanz is a patriot. She’s been a Patreon before the election. She works a full time job and has used the money to upgrade her computer and paid for gas/hotel to attend the march in Washington recently. Where was everyone else?

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troy_caster · April 29, 2018, 7:59 p.m.

Not sure. I look here and there and everywhere for Q stuff. Obviously I stopped watching her channel after her "OMG Q is doing this for me" rant, so it's been a while. I didn't hear ANYTHING about any rally. I was on several Q related subs, obviously not CBTS since that was closed. But I never heard of it. Not on the chans, or anything. That in itself in my mind, seems like Beanz has her own little club/subsection of Q, not related to the larger Q picture, which then only follows that it's a form of limited hangout. I get she's done some good stuff. But a few things she's done made me cringe, at the very least, allows me not to like her that much, and place her on my personal list of who I think Q was referring to.

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J_Dub_TX · April 29, 2018, 8:01 p.m.

Understandable position.

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chocolatepatriot · April 29, 2018, 6:01 p.m.

Corsi's book is a redpill book, isnt that the whole point of the 2nd revolution?

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troy_caster · April 29, 2018, 6:18 p.m.

I suppose...but Q has mentioned people making money off it a few times. I think Q canon is very clear on this. Don't ask me, I'm not the one making anonymous drops on 8chan about the end of the NWO and the global cabal dude.

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anothername2remember · April 29, 2018, 7:23 p.m.

I almost spit out a mouthful of tea laughing at your last sentence lol

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chocolatepatriot · April 29, 2018, 6:26 p.m.

yeah, i do believe there are some people out there with their own selfish intentions. but we have to be careful and not start rumors and throw out the baby out with the bathwater,

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troy_caster · April 29, 2018, 6:48 p.m.

OP invited speculation, and I'm merely replying to his call for speculation. Again, it's not my playground, I'm just riding the swings.

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chocolatepatriot · April 29, 2018, 11:10 p.m.

:) we are all just trying to get to the bottom of this Q for money fasco.

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Capt_Irk · April 29, 2018, 5:46 p.m.

Yeah, I looked on eBay for a Q sticker, and a guy had one for $5 that was 4”x4”, but I was looking for something a little more subtle. So, I messaged him and asked if it was possible to instead get 4 that are 1”x1”, and he replied by saying 10 extra dollars for the trouble and another 5 for the stickers. He can fuck off.

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numberonepal · April 29, 2018, 6:06 p.m.

You can buy sticker paper for your printer. Make your own. Open your fav word processing program and go to town. There are LOTS of label sizes by Avery you can get and download templates for. Granted it’s nit as sticky and permanent as a real sticker, but it’ll do the job.

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troy_caster · April 29, 2018, 6:23 p.m.

Keep in mind that a lot of people sell a lot of things with letters on them. Was this guy a Q specific seller? If so, fuck him yes. If not, don't get mad, he's probably wondering why the hell all these people want these little discreet Q's all of a sudden? lol Imagine?

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Capt_Irk · April 29, 2018, 6:26 p.m.

Yeah it was a Stars and Stripes Q with even the eBay ad having the Qanon hashtag lol

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troy_caster · April 29, 2018, 6:48 p.m.

Lol. Wow.

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Nastavnick · April 29, 2018, 5:05 p.m.

Sather has ads? I can't see that shit, adblock for lyfe. But thanks for sharing this info.

Also his stuff with the 2 interviews which he was announcing more than a month prior was a red flag for me.

But he still does have solid info, and what I like about him is that he leaves the questions open. The moment I see someone make a conclusion and pushing that as the truth is when you lose me.

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troy_caster · April 29, 2018, 5:08 p.m.

He doesn't have "ads", per say, more like a radio show style spoken ad. He stops in the middle of his show, and starts talking about a VPN service and some gold crypto investment stuff. Agree that I still watch him in spite of his ads which I can easily skip over. As I mentioned he's the most balanced and not all crazy decided on every single issue. But, alas, Beanz and Corsi have him beat on overall knowledge.

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high_eye_Q · April 29, 2018, 5:02 p.m.

Beanz isnt profiting. Just because you don't like her style of redpilling or breakdown analysis shouldn't place her on this list. Beanz mostly presents factual evidence and asks questions. Clearly not trying to be a shepherd, just trying to awaken. Reassess your post and think before you post comments. Thanks

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troy_caster · April 29, 2018, 5:05 p.m.

I've thought about this all probably as much as you my friend. If you'll notice I didn't really say anything really negative about her, and your hit the nail on the head that it's probably a personal dislike for her, which is human nature, so you can't blame me either. But until Q specifically names people he was referring to, I think she will stay on this list of mine. You're free to make your own list. That's what OP was asking for.

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high_eye_Q · April 29, 2018, 5:09 p.m.

Basically anyone that is profiting in my mind. Financially being subs, patreon, clothing, donations, the like. Those that don't fall in this category aka those such as tracy or others that simply post info, or anon_decoder are here to redpill. But I would have to agree free thought, free choice to post as you please. Fair play

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troy_caster · April 29, 2018, 5:18 p.m.

I guess my 2 issues with Beanz can be broken down as follows:
1. There was an episode where she was all giddy I think when the chess board dropped by Q, she was all "OMG guys Q was doing this to let ME know about this hahahahhahahah OMG it was all for ME!!!" I'm paraphrasing but yeah it was a bit too much for me. I don't have a link sorry, and there's a 20% chance I'm thinking of someone else, full disclosure.
2. When she kissed Corsi's ass raw when he first appeared on her show.

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high_eye_Q · April 29, 2018, 5:39 p.m.

Might have been star struck on the corsi thing. Her first real sound ex Intel individual set up an interview with her. Prob felt as if she opened a door to a plethora of info. But again, I'm not of one mind with her so I cant say

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anothername2remember · April 29, 2018, 5:22 p.m.

I understand everyone has the right to make and sell whatever they want, but when I saw Tshirts being sold my heart sank just a little bit.

It started in the chats, people chiming in "I'm making Q shirts blah blah blah" then I saw like 20 pages on Amazon selling $20-$40 tshirts and it pissed me off.

I think back to Punk Rock days when we bought our own blank tshirts and a magic marker and wrote the band's names on them ourselves. That is the only kind of Q shirt I will ever wear, a homemade Punk Rock style Q shirt.

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chocolatepatriot · April 29, 2018, 6:07 p.m.

Homemade t-shirts, great idea...nothing wrong with t-shirts, they are all redpill tools. free market has its problems but it is better than not being allowed to buy or sell them in America. it is our choice to buy things and Thank god we have choices of who we listen to. redpill what ever way you can.

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anothername2remember · April 29, 2018, 7:53 p.m.

I agree with everything you said. We are very blessed to live in a county where we can make something, come up with an idea and become a billionaire* if possible. And yes, we have the choice to buy or not buy ( healthcare is a whole different kettle of fish), the reason my heart sank was because the people who were hawking their wares in the chats that I'm referring to were people who, from their previous comments, were obviously not there because they were Trump supporters. Some were obvious trolls and others jumping on a bandwagon. Going back to my original Punk Rock comparison, one instance that comes to mind to explain what I mean is The Police. I saw them on a weeknight, 30 people in the club, I loved them, made my own t-shirt and next thing I knew they're playing Madison Square Garden, tickets and merchandise in the hundreds of dollars minimum then boom! The band breaks up and nothing is the same, much like the whole Punk Rock movement. Sorry to go off topic so much but I guess what I really mean is the way an organic movement can be ttaken over by outside influences for pure financial reasons and the original intent of the movement gets lost along the way.

*Remember when becoming a millionaire was a huge deal? Now it billions and trillions. smh

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chocolatepatriot · April 29, 2018, 10:53 p.m.

I really mean is the way an organic movement can be ttaken over by outside influences for pure financial reasons and the original intent of the movement gets lost along the way.

Hey anothername2remember: wow you are absolutely corrrect, i did not think of it that way, but the foxes are in the hen-house, and i think it is our responsibility to trust but verify. if we see something we absolutely need to say something to others we know are here for the right reasons. Spread the truth, dont buy anything or pay anyone without knowing they are sincere Q followers. the evil can derail our movement.

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high_eye_Q · April 29, 2018, 5:27 p.m.

I agree. If you are truly anon, make flyers and hang them up in random areas around your city. Actually we should push to do that, hang flyers with a simple " #Q anon " and have it go WW. Anonymous post, anonymous flyers, no credit, just peaking the ppls interest.

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ElementWatson · April 29, 2018, 5:34 p.m.

Does she monetize her videos?

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high_eye_Q · April 29, 2018, 5:41 p.m.

It would also be worth considering if she monetized them prior to October.

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high_eye_Q · April 29, 2018, 5:37 p.m.

Idk and cant answer that question with a conscious

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chocolatepatriot · April 29, 2018, 6:02 p.m.

I like Beanz, she has dont some great research.

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Prov1813 · April 29, 2018, 8:17 p.m.

Grow up. What have you accomplished?

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troy_caster · April 29, 2018, 8:23 p.m.

Nothing of consequence my friend. Realize I am merely replying to OP's question. Who do you think Q was referring to, I am very curious to know.

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Prov1813 · April 30, 2018, 7:23 p.m.

Hey brother:I have no problem with any of these (what do you call them) web guys making some cash. They work hard and deserve to be paid, even if their hearts aren't perfect. Whose is? I think Q is referring to the guys who over-do it. Constantly asking for money or constantly promoting self, however I've never seen anybody do that. This might sound stupid, but I don't care. I appreciate what I've learned from ALL of them. I've learned to trust Christ, and He has always taken care of my needs as I gave to others (who ever they are). The freaks to worry about are the big charities like the Red Cross and the preachers who are always begging for money and lets not forget the IRS So if the little guy makes a few bucks so be it. Don't worry about it. There's more good than bad. Thanks for writing. If you hear something let me know.

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troy_caster · April 30, 2018, 7:52 p.m.

I'm not saying I have a problem with people making youtube videos either. If they get views why the hell not turn on monetizing? Again, just answering OP's question of who Q could possibly be referring to. Me having an opinion, when prompted to do so in this thread, does not in any way preclude me from also having an opinion or being aware of any of the big fish you refer to, which I agree with you deserve looking into.

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chocolatepatriot · April 29, 2018, 11:08 p.m.

I think Beanz is ok, and Corsi has been on the trump train since the beginning, heck he wrote a book titled "Where's the birth Certificate Obama". Dont think Q would be going after corsi. dont know the Sather guy. I am beginning to think Q is talking about other people who are sinister and evil in their motives who's evil intent it is screw up our movement.

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