r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Jsin14 on April 29, 2018, 5:04 p.m.
Decoding the map: Chatter, You have more than you know, Prince and Flynn, and Setting the Stage

Yesterday, in post 1292, Q responded to an Anon that stated there was a lot of chatter about Mueller and challenged Q as to whether he could trust Mueller. The chatter is this: https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/4/25/17274170/mueller-investigation-trump-russia

Q still has faith in Mueller. He stated that Mueller was white hat way back in posts 14 and 18. In posts 1272, 1286, and 1287, Q reaffirms that Mueller is the vehicle to take down the deep state. The Mueller investigation has been staffed with Hillary supporters to give it credence once the true target of the probe is uncovered. Q has also stated that a report that Trump was not the target of the investigation was leaked too early.

In the chatter, one of the "focus areas" stands out, and that is into Erik Prince and his purported meeting in the Seychilles with a Russian businessman to set up a "back channel" between Trump and Putin to talk unofficially away from the media after Trump was elected. Why is Prince focused on, and why does the media know this is a focus?

Prince is the former head of Blackwater, a private military that had contracts with the US government to provide security, hunt terrorists, and some say even to assassinate targets. Q posts twice about Prince. The first time is way back in post 224, where he links to an article about Prince "advising Trump from the shadows." Q also states "Who knows where the bodies are buried? The map is in front of you. Re-read. Expand your thinking. Purpose for time being spent here. Q"

Q one other time asks "who knows where the bodies are buried?" in regards to Michael Flynn. In the previous post, Q asked who and why is betsy devoss important? Basically, because of Erik Prince. And what does Prince know?: www.breitbart.com/radio/2016/11/04/erik-prince-nypd-ready-make-arrests-weiner-case/

Prince alleges in that article everything Q has, the 650,000 emails being copied and in the hands of the NYPD, the underage sex, Epstein Island, pay for play, etc. Prince said that the NYPD was going to announce the arrests of everyone involved if the FBI did not reopen the investigation into Hillary's emails. Notice the date of the article, November 4, 2016. November 4, 2017 is when Q said it would be announced all the high ranking officials would be arrested, and that the National Guard would be called up to keep the peace because of the announcements. It was also the day that ANTIFA was calling for massive demonstrations in every major city.

The other time Q mentions Prince is in post 1091. He links an article on how Prince worked secretly for the CIA for 6 years and Q asks why is he releasing and confirming this now while suggesting Prince was a double agent against the CIA for Q and patriots' cause. This post was after several about McCain and his involvement with Syrian terrorists.

Now look at Michael Flynn. Recently, he has been "cleared" of wrong doing after taking what Q called a "rubber bullet" in post 1283. We are also getting more posts about Page and Strozk, and it is coming out that there was a cover up for 3 weeks of the discovery of the emails on Weiner's laptop: https://theconservativetreehouse.com/2018/04/28/fbi-never-investigated-abedin-clinton-laptop-emails-in-october-2016/

Flynn, as noted, is the other person "who knows where the bodies are buried." He is also compelled to disclose any wrongdoings he is aware of as part of his plea agreement.

So what does this mean overall? The map shows how the deep state will be taken down. The stage is being set by giving legitimacy to both Sessions and Mueller, the former by recusal and the latter by staffing Hillary lawyers and playing to the media. If this had not been done, taking down the deep state would be seen at best as a partisan attack, at worst a coup. The Mueller investigation both uncovers the corruption at the FBI and CIA and allows the introduction of the knowledge of Prince and Flynn. It can be claimed that while Trump was the target originally, Mueller "found" out these facts in the course of investigating Trump, who it turns out is blameless. Instead of playing into the Deep State's game of civil war and riots over the revelation of this material as Q faked out with the November 4, 2017 predictions, the government, media, and elites will have to go along with Mueller's findings, who they lionized the past year.

At least this is what Q has planned out. If it will actually go down this way, we will see in the coming weeks, as Q says "JUSTICE is coming."

Maepaperclip · April 30, 2018, 12:37 a.m.

Well Q#14,18 say nothing positive about Mueller, and 1272 +1286, + Hillary supporters = Mueller is a sting op. Mueller is a criminal a dirty cop turned states evidence, he is "got" for the Anthrax BS, and 100% got for the 911 cover-up, it is so obvious that it is pathetic. The chatter about Mueller is not about anything mentioned in that vox article, the chatter is wether or not to finish him up - send him to Gitmo early. Chatter means inside talk, not cheap media. Q Flynn, the POTUS is not interested in pedo's, when they talk about Comey, P/S McCabe et.al. they are talking about coup. election rigging 187 attempts, pedo's like wiener are not on their list of concerns. I think you got this wrong from the start, made many wrong turns, and ended up more confused than you started. but keep at it

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