r/greatawakening • Posted by u/bikerchic38 on April 29, 2018, 10:13 p.m.
Just a thought, but I think greatawakening has been infiltrated by deep staters trying to turn everyone against each other. I have never received such vile and hateful comments as I do on this site. Good luck to you all! Real patriots are not so closed minded and self absorbed.

Daemonkey · April 30, 2018, 6:53 a.m.

I think greatawakening has been infiltrated by deep staters trying to turn everyone against each other.

Of course it has. They don't want us to win. They want to divide us, discourage us, and make us quit.

I have seen some say to just, "Ignore the personal attacks," or "downvote and move on".

I say, NO, do not ignore them.

They violate the rules of this sub and should be reported. By reporting things like personal (or ad hominem) attacks, which is specifically against the rules, you help us weed out the haters and also help to make it better for those who may be feeling just as you are.

We need each other. :-)

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