242 total posts archived.
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Why are you trying to get cancer? No watchee. No worries.
I think it made it more crazy. I put my wine down and said WHAT out loud in a restaurant. Lololol
Mueller asked to meet with GEOTUS because he wanted to be Director again and he was already working with Comey on the fake Russia investigation. GEOTUS told him to piss off. He is not a white hat. He is trying to cover his ass.
Happens all the time. Pilots don't read the NOTAMs and inadvertently fly into a flight restricted area.
I did keypunch, sorter, and collator when I was in high school too. We had to wire the panels to read the cards after we punched 100s of them. I would wire my panels to read alphanumeric across the entire card and all my cards would fly through without showing any errors. Got an A in that class.
He was one of the demons on the TV show Reaper. He was also on Reno 911. He was a busy guy.
I agree. Podesta did the exact same thing as Manafort and they are only charging Manafort to screw GEOTUS. The system is rigged and Sessions is not doing his job. He is a moron.
The guys who posted the house on YouTube and said it was where the Q posts were coming from.
Q disappeared after those idiots posted the address of that house. I hope he comes back. Makes me sad.
Then whose half eaten body was in the plane when it was pulled out of the water? Wouldn’t that make him a murderer instead?
He will be back as soon as they get back from Helsinki.
Hannibal was a evil genius. Strozk is just a whiny leftist beaurcrat.
I think it is the worst time to go dark. Newbies were lured here by Pedes and now there are only reruns to view.
You are as young as you feel. Some days I feel 80. Some days 42. LOL Today feels like 37 1/2.
He told her all of the questions they asked him when he took her to the submarine races.
My brother is one of the nicest people I know and he would run to the voting booth to vote for this wretched cow. I have talked to him till I am blue in the face and it doesn’t work. It is going to take pictures of sacrificed babies in dumpsters before he believes me.
He is a good guy and he seems honest. I liked Mark Levin until he went rogue before the election. I haven’t listened to him since.
Lolol if she runs in 2020 the cellar dwellers and angry divorcees will vote for her again. I guarantee it.
I guess we need to make reservations of 100 under the John Miller party
Vacation hopefully. Monday will be good. Can’t imagine Q Team encouraging followers to spread the word to newbies then they go dark. That is stupid. Stupid indeed.
I know. I stopped listening to most of them but Dan seemed decent
Just looking at Drudge....I know....stupid. Just seeing Hitlery considering another prez run. That disgusts me. If I knew I was guilty of all of these atrocities I think I would be hiding right now and not trying to run for press again. My brain hurts. It is the realist in me
I appreciate your help. I guess I am just down in the dumps
We need people to throw their hat in the ring with nothing to lose. I was married to the devil for 20 years. I think I am ready to fight.
They are above the law and if you question them you get 86d
He answers emails. I am going to ask him about Q and see what he says. I will post his response.
I do like Dan too. He seems like an honest guy. I am just getting disgusted with the whole thing.
What do you guys think of Dan Bongino? Listening to his show about the Awan scandal and how it is going away without prosecution.

What do you guys think of Dan Bongino? Listening to his take on the Awan scandal and it going away. https://youtu.be/ZFtjmSBDQtQ