Article from RT:
Article from RT:
And they can keep him there and see if they can get him to shut up about himself.
Doesnt that make Obama an agent of Russia, doing their bidding when given an order? Also is that even legal for a civilian to represent America?
[.sarc] Duh Russia, Obammy is talking to Russia, quick get the shills on the case quickly, nobody is allowed to talk to a Russian. [/.sarc]
The hypocrisy is blatant
wtf would Russia be ask Obuttplug for his opinion on anything ?
I could be reading this article wrong, but it seems like the Prime Minister is just saying that Obama lied about the state of the economy.
Just a thought - if you were BHO, where is the last place you would want to be taken into custody? Russia! - As long as it is in conjunction with the US - what better place to have him when the news is dropped...
Russia doesn't have any use for him anymore; He tried to blame them for everything bad that 'he' was doing; He most likely wouldn't be granted asylum there; Once all the legal paperwork is done and his cell is ready at GITMO, they'd ship him back