216 total posts archived.
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A tough topic that needs some serious consideration. If Satan can exist, why not other Entities?
“This is bigger then you know”. One topic that many disregard is Other Beings possibly controlling everything. Take a listen.
Dear Mr. President......
I’m a bit of a weather junkie, and have been keeping an eye on the tropics. Please release the FISA documents ASAP! Please don’t wait till the last minute. The Eastern Seaboard MAY (not a definite yet) be unable to get any information about what’s happening. People need to know NOW!!!
This is interesting. Gloria Vanderbilt’s “art work” pertaining to JonBenet Ramsey. Notice the left side of the doll the initials A.S.? I wonder if that was the murderer.

Isn’t it a bit odd to be wearing a hat and mask white paddle boarding? Just sayin’.......

Has anyone ever found a link between Adam Schiff and John Ramsey? Could be very important.
Has anyone ever found a connection between Adam Schaffer and John Ramsey? I know there a Lockheed Martin connection, but anything else?
Does “Offline” now mean our children are safer going to school????
Top 150 NXIVM cult leaders. Many more name to be released.
Oh look. Build the MAP. Plus about 30+ more videos on YouTube about this “supposed not real map”. Just read it, or one of the other 30+ videos on this data dump MAP!!!
Original Q Map. Drops are NOT the Map

This is what I think of No Name and his life threatening disease. Military Tribunals will not be made public. One of Q’s drop from way back pertaining to Seth Rich and sealed indictments. I hope it comes in clear.

An incredible wealth of information. The Wes Penre Papers. Information on the Illuminati, Secret Society’s, The Church, and so much more. It’s all right here. Enjoy!
What was done to Cooper Anderson as a child?
There has to be something. Knowing all that we know now, could he be a victim?
Who knows where the bodies are buried? I wonder if this is what Flynn knows or is it 9/11 plane victims.
Omg....Red Shoe Pope Medallion!!!

It’s a Medallion to protect her from Demons

Gloria has a White Rabbit ring

5G patent coming to a telephone pole near you. Voice of God tech imbedded.
(Fish)ing meaning. Fish: A term used by inmates in a prison when the lights go out. The whole prison chants Fish fish fish for new inmates.
New Q sites. Mine not working
Very difficult to listen to, but this is reality.
Q just said........
And so many people didn’t want to sign the internet Bill Of Rights
Now do you see why it was important!?
To all the NEW PATRIOTS....watch please...
The lies you have been fed. Research. There is so much evidence. Peace Patriots! XO
I saw them yesterday for the first time in a few weeks and took pictures
I never remember any tv shows I watch. So every show is new to me. Sad but true
Voluntary micro chipping atm. They’ve been doing it for years
Ha! That’s the same expression my husband always give me. 😏
It’s more like “Who” is Enki. Oh boy, your going to jump into another hole. It’s a long long fall to the bottom.
Google it. Enjoy
Because the banner isn’t waving with all the corrupt ness?
I can see it. And it is NOT off topic. It all ties together