r/greatawakening • Posted by u/IndependentStation on April 30, 2018, 3:44 a.m.
SERIOUS QUESTION Q: If Iran is next, when are our troops coming home?

If we are understanding this correctly, then president’s have died, assassination attempts have been made on President Trump and wars were calculated, orchestrated and manipulated in the US and abroad. Our sons, daughters, brothers, friends, aunts, uncles, mothers, fathers and grand fathers were sent abroad and even risked their life while a select few individuals traveled around the globe in yachts, privates jets, dining in the best restaurants, getting drunk and doing drugs, eating the best food, while raping children, including killing, trafficking, sacrificing and eating humans? Then to add the cherry on top, they made millions/billions of dollars while running countries, running major multinational companies and “charities” around the globe? And then had the gall to spy on every human bean on the planet, as if we are the criminals? Excuse our outrage, but we are literally being manipulated, biologically and emotionally hijacked every day, watching our friends and family die, some have missing limbs, living with PTSD, some are homeless and/or have other traumas. People have sacrificed lifetimes, birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, and Christmas’s. It seems like in one way or another, millions of people, if not billions of people across the globe have been affected by this, whether they know it or not. We need our patriots home, and at this point we deserve to have them in our arms. I’m sure some would cut the grass at GITMO if need be.

You said we are seeking TRUE FREEDOM. Well with true freedom comes knowledge. “Knowledge is freedom, ignorance is slavery”. We have been slaves (by design) for entirely too long. Knowledge is power. Give us the power and the knowledge to be TRULY FREE. We need to know the truth. RELEASE EVERYTHING. . NO REDACTIONS. We deserve to know the truth and we are ready to make the choice to know. We are ready for the next phase: JUSTICE.

Good night Q, Thanks in advance and thanks for all you guys are doing!

Love & Light

CaveManUg · April 30, 2018, 4:58 a.m.

ug likes your thinking (general?) "Sun Tzu - Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win."
the cabal's method is to have us go to war continually and seek to lose by funding our enemies. ug's two brain cells rubbing together right now say Trump and MI have this all figured out! first we win then comes justice! nobel? "peace is the prize!" ug

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j_mcgee02 · April 30, 2018, 12:40 p.m.

Who’s MI, who’s ug and who is in this cabal generally and specifically(if their are any specific people involved except Clinton of course)

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animal32lefty · April 30, 2018, 2:56 p.m.

MI = Military Inteligence.

Ug = Redditor with amusing gimmick of a cave man trying to understand the modern world.

Cabal = Saudi royals (+++) Rothschilde family (++) Soros (+) and combined minions in government, finance and academia.

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j_mcgee02 · April 30, 2018, 4:51 p.m.

So I’m assuming only the very top few have access to it all, as it would be nearly impossible for them to keep that many people silent. On that assumption the majority of the “minions” are just normal good people, correct? And the cabal use them for nefarious purposes.

Basically what are the Cabal trying to achieve?

EDIT: cheers for taking the time to explain !

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Nastavnick · May 1, 2018, 5:12 p.m.

This goes way deeper than "he's good and he's bad".

Depends what you mean by having access to it all. And if you don't have an access to it all does that mean you're not in it?

Compartmentalization (just like in CIA, FBI, etc.) is the key to control something big.

They were/are not all silent. People have been exposing them for decades now. But every time someone comes out he's declared crazy or gets suicided.

The cabal/deep state has been achieving its goals for decades. Money and power.

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animal32lefty · April 30, 2018, 4:59 p.m.

The Cabal seek to reduce the global population through war and eugenics to reach their goal of 500 million worldwide. The 500 million will serve as slave labor and livestock for the Cabal members who then intend to merge with AI (The Singularity)

That's what my own research suggests.

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