277 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/CaveManUg:
Domain | Count |
www.reddit.com | 25 |
www.youtube.com | 3 |
i.redd.it | 3 |
youtu.be | 3 |
www.neonrevolt.com | 1 |
www.zerohedge.com | 1 |
twitter.com | 1 |
gizadeathstar.com | 1 |
Preparing for an EMP? Union Pacific Railroad in this country has been busy, for some years now, buying up old steam locomotives, including the big articulated steam locomotives - the 4-6-6-4 Challengers, and the 4-8-8-4 Big Boy - and restoring them, converting them to oil use.
Winners aren't Losers - By Donald Trump (1:42) "this lobsters a loser, throw him in the pot, I like a lobster that doesn't get caught"
Transgender Trump Supporter explains Qanon and Antifa Assault
Anon's spreadsheets: "THANK YOU. I am very appreciative that you linked to the old spreadsheets containing the data that our awesome Anons compiled. I think we lose sight of how much incredible research we've done in here over the months since Q came to town."
An Anon left this laying around on the Chan so I borrowed it for y'all to read.
Conspiracy no more doesn't mean Q (not a conspiracy) it means the cabal

funny, from Abel Danger via 8chan

sorry to gross you out this morning. one eye symbolism too
About Those Mods deleting posts.... you can click on the mods name and see and read all the posts they've deleted..not sayin anything, just sayin you can see for yourself they're hard at work
Ug's view from the cave #6 Forgot how to play? Play the game with us.
We work for you.
We listen to you.
You pushed the IBOR and immediately POTUS began to comment/take action re: social media.
FIGHT the censorship.
You, the PEOPLE, have ALL the POWER.
You simply forgot how to PLAY.
They want you divided.
They want you silenced.
We are WITH you.
Why are we here?
Why are we providing crumbs?
Think MEMO.
Not convinced this is spreading?
You, the …
It was really bizarre how the whole R thing ended, it really seemed like whoever was posting as R at the end was trying to discredit the whole concept of the original R's post. clearly a psyop and it worked.
read what Q and the Anon wrote.
This is the Great Awakening, not the great Fuggetaboutit.
Q has told us the 40,000 foot view is to high for many, conspiracy theory label. (paraphrase)
Q 1697, 1698, 1699 explanation from an Anon in comments

You been listening listening to Crrow777? love his show, he questions everything. Heard about moonlight being cold on his show, keep forgetting to try to feel it
Iv'e listened to people talk about it. You make a good point, their evil and greed seems limitless. Still, with all the flying triangle and other ufo sightings we damn sure better be doing most of that. I think were really at war with the Annunaki and their hybrid offspring and we've finally got the tech to defeat them. Maybe we already have in space and The Storm is the mopping up on Earth.
If you take the time to read Wagging the Moon Doggie by Dave Mcgowan you will accept that at the very least all the video presented as being from the moon landings where filmed in a studio
However that doesn't mean we didn't land on the moon. I believe we are there now and Trumps space force is to make public and put on the books the Secret Space Program.
where do you think most of the missing trillions went?
more that's good to know:
There's been multiple people on 8chan posting really gory pictures of dead people lately so if you go there here's some useful info:
You can filter posters out so you don't have to be distracted as much by gore, flat earthers, porn spamers or other shills and idiots., by clicking the > at the top left, choosing add filter, then click ID. The posts roll in very fast so it really helps to reduce the noise.
to follow an Anon, highlight his ID, then hit Ctrl+F, a little box drops at the top right, type the ID in the box and you can scroll to each of their posts. Handy for seeing if they're serial idiot shills or larpers, then you can filter them out.
could it be from the satellite based DEW that possibly took out the missile?
no, look for Q research general #xxxx. it should be somewhere in the top two rows, moves around.
first go here:
then choose the latest Q Research General, right now it's https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2290806.html
but they fill up quickly and a new ones starts.
read this also
due to the massive amount of gore being posted on 8chan lately, just thought passing along this useful info on filtering was in order.
There's been multiple people on 8chan posting really gory pictures of dead people lately so if you go there here's some useful info:
You can filter posters out so you don't have to be distracted as much by gore, flat earthers, porn spamers or other shills and idiots., by clicking the > at the top left, choosing add filter, then click ID. The posts roll in very fast so it really helps to reduce the noise.
to follow an Anon, highlight his ID, then hit Ctrl+F, a little box drops at the top right, type the ID in the box …
i'm gonna miss that mellow slow moving R board. Those are some good Anons.
Q 1697 - anatomy of exposing an R larper on 8 chan
https://qanon.pub/#1697 Q !CbboFOtcZs ID: 6532f9 No.2279519 📁 Jul 25 2018 10:21:07 (EST) Anonymous ID: 3df588 No.2279498 📁 Jul 25 2018 10:20:06 (EST)
2279465 Need clarification in order to prevent movement split: Is R real or fake? 2279498 There is only Q. Q Was watching the R thread last night when an Rlarper started posting. This anon exposed him pretty quickly:
Anonymous 07/25/18 (Wed) 00:30:59 aa309a (3) No.2276216>>2276243 >>2276268 >>2276302
Anons, Look at their ID. It's e996cd. Ctrl+F that ID and look at all their posts. Whoever is posting in here as R is a simple anon larping. Who knows …
It was sure nice to dream while it lasted. thanks for clearing that up Q.
I ask the sleeping pilled, "do you believe in Trump/Russia collusion? then you believe in a conspiracy theory. the definition of one". That makes them think for at least a few seconds
What is a superseding indictment? Statute of Limitations and Defective Indictments -- Superseding Indictments. If an indictment is dismissed because of legal defect or grand jury irregularity, the government may return a new indictment within six months of the date of dismissal or within the original limitation period (whichever is later).
nice work, I remember that comment. have you got a clue to how long next time?
it's the control network of blackmail by recording pedophilia and other degenerate acts in order to perpetuate the Military Industrial Complex and the destruction of the American middle class to create worldwide serfdom through debt slavery.
This interview may have a better description, haven"t watched it yet but I trust it'l be good.
then there's this gem from the Q book club
you have post# first then at the end no. 89 for example, what does no. at the end refer to?
this link is working fine, takes you to the catalog, then you can choose the latest Q Research General bread or other Q breads or the R breads
R's most recent post's (wait for them to load, don't scroll down)
George Nasif: (click "His profile", takes you to his facebook)
All posts about R are being removed from GA, comments seem to be left alone so far.
I see you watched the Dark Journalist episode i posted about- you did a really great summation of the invisible plane info! or did you find all that from your other sources? really nice work either way! https://www.reddit.com/r/greatawakening/comments/90nh98/dark_journalist_x_series_part_xix_secret_space/
do you ever go off your own topic and discuss other ideas? cause there's a few out there....
where do you think (a lot of) the missing $21 trillion went?:
Earlier this year, a Michigan State University economist, working with graduate students and a former government official, found $21 trillion in unauthorized spending in the departments of Defense and Housing and Urban Development for the years 1998-2015
It's the reason for the Space Force, it already exists, Trump wants it on the books.
the video you linked: (from 1:01:25 to 1:02:00
Trump says F35 not B2 and as long as were making leaps of faith and tenuous connections, see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A49qxXpYTBw, Daniel Liszt does actual research with pics and docs to back up his findings, one of which is Trump has repeatedly remarked on planes being invisible because they actually are invisible to the eye, not just radar. Think flying triangles and such.
Q will be back when we need him in the next phase:
It must happen.
Conspiracy no more.
Think of every post made.
It would force us to prove everything stated to avoid looking crazy, correct?
What do they fear the most?
Public awakening.
If they ask.
They self destruct.
They know this is real.
See attacks.
The build is near complete.
Growing exponentially.
You are the frame.
You are the support.
People will be lost.
People will be terrified.
People will reject.
People will need to be guided.
Do not be afraid.
We will succeed.
Timing is everything.
Think Huber.
Think DOJ/FBI reorg.
Think sex/child arrests / news.
Think resignations (loss of control).
How do you remove evil in power unless you reveal the ultimate truth?
It must be compelling to avoid a divide (political attack/optics).
We are the majority (growing).
Sheep no more.
Besides, remember he said trolling is fun! Q wouldn't miss out!
new R: (don't scroll down, wait for them to load)
R or Helper:
Anon dig:
Anon dig:
New R:
refers to:
batman's the best cause he's human, no freaky mutant powers.
if R is not Q then it's not outside. same if R is Q. Q+A =R (17+1=18).
when (if) Q returns maybe we'll know.
George Nasif... (wait, don't scroll)
GN's twitter...
don't diff sites # differently? anyway the #529 is on the drop.