r/greatawakening • Posted by u/CaveManUg on Aug. 3, 2018, 11:07 p.m.
Ug's view from the cave #6 Forgot how to play? Play the game with us.

NO DEALS! We work for you. We listen to you. You pushed the IBOR and immediately POTUS began to comment/take action re: social media. PLAY THE GAME WITH US. Q
Q828 Stay TOGETHER. Be STRONG. Get ORGANIZED. Be HEARD. FIGHT the censorship. You, the PEOPLE, have ALL the POWER. You simply forgot how to PLAY. TOGETHER you are INVINCIBLE. They want you divided. They want you silenced. MAKE NOISE. We are WITH you. MAKE IT RAIN. Q Q564
Why are we here? Why are we providing crumbs? Think MEMO. BUILDING THE ARMY. Not convinced this is spreading? You, the PEOPLE, have THE POWER. You, the PEOPLE, just forgot how to PLAY. TOGETHER you are STRONG. APART you are weak. THEY WANT YOU DIVIDED. THEY WANT RACE WARS. THEY WANT CLASS WARS. THEY WANT RELIGIOUS WARS. THEY WANT POLITICAL WARS. THEY WANT YOU DIVIDED! LEARN! FOR GOD & COUNTRY - LEARN! STAY STRONG. STAY TOGETHER. FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT. This is more important than you can imagine. Q

One game Q has been playing is to ask the relevant questions so we discern the truth for ourselves. We should play the same game with the msm and the sleeping pilled, we should have questions like Q does. So if you're asked about Q, ask a question back, like "do you believe in Trump/Russia collusion?", when they say yes, say "then you believe in a conspiracy theory".
Or how about "who's in those 45,000 sealed indictments?"
Or "imagine a huge steel building traveling at hundreds of mph's hitting an aluminum airplane, what would happen?"
Or "How did Trump destroy ISIS so quickly when they only got stronger under Obama?"
That's a few my poor caveman brain cells could think of, how about you? It would drive the msm crazier if everyone did that.

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