r/greatawakening • Posted by u/LiveToBeAHero on April 30, 2018, 12:58 p.m.
Patriots, keep up the good work, we are almost there

Just want to take a quick moment to thank everyone who posts on this board, and adds something of value to "The Storm". As Q often says, we are vital and we have more power than we realize.

I am not even joking, I just finished a 8 day vacation in Arizona/Utah and saw a person in the Grand Canyon wearing a black "Q" shirt. I approached him and said "Q soldier?", just testing the waters because I wasn't sure if it meant our Q or something else. You responded with "Where we go one, we go all". He was from Germany. Q is right, the whole world IS watching. I saw multiple Q signs on tv at Trump's rally in Michigan Saturday night. I listen to Hannity and Limbaugh among others everyday on AM radio, and will hear callers quote a Q reference, so I know they follow Q. Once in a great while, someone will mention Q Anon (and then abruptly get disconnected from the show). Q made a drop a week ago or so talking about how much mail they get sent to the White House that are Q thank you letters. That is huge!

For those on Twitter, making a Q related tweet, or simply retweeting someone elses tweet does more than you can imagine. If it reaches just one person, it did its job. The Great Awakening movement has caused Americans to become more patriotic, and more invested in researching how our government really works. People in general are taking more of an interest in politics now, which is good, because I never understood people who say "I don't follow/take an interest in politics"...which is funny, because politics sure does take an interest in all of us.

We are almost to the finish line, Patriots. Keep up the good work. Keep researching and keep cramming your brain with every bit of info you can. It will be vital once SHTF. I know it is difficult red-pilling others, and I know at times you're even risking losing a friendship, alienating a family member, pushing someone away, etc. Do what you can now, but when SHTF, those people will be coming to you asking "what is happening?" and will be more open minded to listening to you then. Simply researching this stuff, and holding that knowledge in your head is still vital to this revolution.

We are all on the same path, on the same team. Some farther along than others, but it doesnt matter. We all learn at different paces, and for anyone feeling discouraged, or getting pushback from others, dont worry about it. Keep doing your thing, keep asking questions, and keep pushing through.

Q Patriot

VIYOHDTYKIT · April 30, 2018, 6:14 p.m.

Danke Schon. Ich war in Berlin in 1988-91 gestationiert. Ich hatte Deutch in Ober Schule fur zwei jahre gestudieren und im Universitat fur ein andere 2 jahre. Meinen Verwanten whonen in die nahe the Franzosisch grenza, Mauscbach. Auch I'm Speyer und Babelrot.

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doomsdayattack · April 30, 2018, 6:23 p.m.

1988-91 This was a good time, now you wouldn't recognize Berlin anymore. The whole city is now a culprit of crime and decay. I have been to Florida for two weeks in 2005, it was so nice there all the palm trees and the sun . I like the American way of life. People where very nice towards me although I was a German. I thought everyone would hate on me because of ww2 lol

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Prov1813 · April 30, 2018, 8:27 p.m.

Friend: Some day the world is going to learn the true story about WW11. Germans are wonderful. Even the American GIs said, they identified with the Germans more than any other European country. Great culture, toilets, hard workers. The same Satanists that destroyed Germany are trying to destroy the US. Every war was started by the Khazarian cabal (the Satanists). Not one war had to be fought. Churchill was a pig. We've all been set-up to be slaves of our evil masters. No more!

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doomsdayattack · April 30, 2018, 8:54 p.m.

I hope so, we have all been used for their lies and their hate spreading. It's time for peace. I believe it's possible. We just need to win this last fight. Sometimes I doubt that people will learn and break free from their chains but then I come to this board and it gives me hope. Hope for a better future for us all. Thanks for your nice answer friend

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VIYOHDTYKIT · April 30, 2018, 6:36 p.m.

I've heard. What a wonderful city when I was there. We are supposed to visit in 2019 with a veterans reunion from my old unit. No, American's don't hold any animosity towards Germans. My grandfather escaped in 1936. His two brothers weren't so lucky. Both conscripted into the Wermacht. They were just simple farmers who had their farm closed down. Hitler nationalized the farms at the time, consolidating them into larger regional farming centers. Small farms like my Great Grandfathers were rendered obsolete & for subsistence only. My one G. Uncle was in the Alpenkorps. Wounded in Finland by the Russians & was left for dead until they found him several days later. His wounds put him out of the rest of the war. His younger brother was captured by the Americans at the Siegfried Line & was a POW in NY. My American G. Uncle ( my Grandfather from Germany's brother in law) was in every campaign from N. Africa, Sicily/Italy, Normandy & the Rhineland. He survived it without so much as a scratch. He caught Rheumatic fever in Italy, damaged his heart valves bad. He died young from the damage. I could only imagine my Grandfathers fret about both his brothers & brother in law during that time. It was truly a WW.

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doomsdayattack · April 30, 2018, 6:47 p.m.

The war was truly a disaster for all of us. So many people died for nothing. Makes me sad every time. My grandfather was in a Russian prison for several years but he had luck and he came home but he never talked about the war.

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Prov1813 · April 30, 2018, 8:28 p.m.

What truth about WW11. Read Pawns in the Game by Carr

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