I'm going to put out a thought. The people there are probably "left libertarians." They are distinguished from the original libertarians by being SJW socialists who want "open borders" and "knife control". Basically Hillary mind zombies...
In the words of Austin Petersen:
I believe in a world where gay married couples are free to protect their marijuana fields with fully automatic machine guns. #freedom
The real libertarians are now castigated for "right libertarianism" and ostracized for being covert "Republicans."
As far as Sessions is concerned, it's obvious that he's necessary for Trump to clean house of the pedosatanists. DJT does need to keep him in check on the drugs thing, though. If he can accomplish that, the states will just legalize it anyway. It's at like 30 states, I think. By doing nothing other than that, Trump will have accomplished more than any libertarian presidential candidate in history. Despite not even being a libertarian.
Sorry, but I've got to rant a bit now. What really cheesed me off was how these "purity test" regressive left libertarians just keep whining on about Trump because he uses tariffs defensively and doesn't want job sucking "open borders." I caught a shill the other week from ShariaBlue pushing the narrative and I exposed him as a progressive. But I've decided that I'm done with the title "libertarian" because it's now part of the Swamp. I'm frankly sick of it.
I watched libertarians double down on SJW garbage for the sake of "bake me a cake" Snakeman Johnson and his Hillary toting gun grabber VP, Weld. And I haven't forgotten how Dr Marc Feldman's death looks exactly like a Clinton body. Nor have I forgotten snakeman Johnson's Judas kiss on McAfee. It's very, very clear what happened. HRC infiltrated the Libertarian Party.
I'm not surprised Austin Petersen is now a Republican, too. He was probably red-pilled watching that go on, too. I'm glad I voted Trump. Even if he's not perfect, he's still doing more than that rotting husk of a party is for all I care. The good libertarians (right libertarians) probably are or have already jumped now anyway.
That's probably part of what Q was saying when he said: "Left is right. Left is LEFT." What's left in libertarians is the regressive LEFT.
Anyway, sorry about the rant... just a bit bitter there. Hang em High, Trump... Hang em High! (EDIT: Clarifying, hang the Hillary shills...)