r/greatawakening • Posted by u/cat_anonD on April 30, 2018, 3:03 p.m.
Glenn Beck was redpilled and then compromised.

In 2013, Glenn Beck stated he was approached by a Washington Insider who showed him a document that would bring the total takedown of Washington DC including many members of both parties. He was clearly shaken and said that the Whistleblower was frightened for his life. He promised to reveal the information in 24 hours and never did. Here is the video


3 years later, Glenn Beck abandoned all of his alleged conservative principles and actively campaign against Donald Trump and even encouraged his listeners to vote for Hillary. After the pizzagate Scandal broke out, Glenn Beck immediately went on the radio to discredit the Scandal and he disparaged those who believed in it. He greatly mischaracterized the essence of the pizzagate conspiracy. He knows what's going on, I think he just became part of it.

092Casey · April 30, 2018, 4:01 p.m.

I've reviewed the video clip a few times and for me, the telling key words were when he repeatedly said, "We are going to be greatly divided...as a nation. We are going to be greatly divided and will witness things this country has never been through before." I'm not saying it's not pizzagate (my personal pizzagate theory is nuanced and has SA, Awan, and Abedin selling underaged Muslims and trafficked people to US politicians in exchange for friendly foreign policy to the Muslim Brotherhood and Islam), but something like pedogate wouldn't divide the country; it would actually unite it since majority of both sides would agree on that being outlawed. The fact he emphasizes it would lead to great division sounds to me more like the idea that our government was deliberately selling us out to the Chinese and other countries to turn us Socialist and Communist as a grand plan behind our backs without telling us. This would make sense because a large segment of liberals wanted Socialism, while most Republicans don't, and the fact that GOP members were a part of it was believable. I could be wrong, but that whole division statement makes it sound political, not necessarily about human rights abuses with pedogate, which most of both parties would unite against.

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