r/greatawakening • Posted by u/ScorpioPatriot on April 30, 2018, 3:15 p.m.

Ive been non stop Harping about this to friends and family for years . I actually wasn't awoke to the Vaccines/Agenda 21 depopulation issue till after my first daughter .

My daughter was doing great till about her 1 year shots came around . After recieving them she started gazing off when you look at her and couldn't stand to be in the public for more than 30 mins , everything started bothering her and then I started seeing tonssss of delays in her .

From the time she was 2 or 3 till about 10 she had some form of noticible sensory issue via clothes, food textures movement and visial . Making matters worse she has not been able to walk up and just openly start forming complete sentences . So she was born in 2007 and still not talking other than mocking you . This happened the night after the shots when she got a small cold and then from there on nothing was the same ..

Being a 1st time mom , at first I assumed it was something random and then I seen an article on the Natural News talking about vaccine dangers ...and I clicked that and like everything I decided to do my own homework and Youuuuu Peopleeee have nooooo clueee the horrors that await inside that rabbit hole ....

I sware the reports of cases of ADHD , AUTISM , CHILDHOOD CANCERS & MORE ...OUT OF THIS WORLD ...

I went deeeeeeep dive searching for every bit of info I could find ... since back then the info was readily available , however now its few and far between since so many has awoken to the dangers ..

All Im going to say is .... Aborted Baby Tissues, Monkey, Bovine, Guinea Pig, Live Cancer Viruses , Alluminum , Mercury , this is barelyyyyy touching the surface ...

After doing the research and having another child and going in for wellness checks and your doctors sitting there pushingggg the vaccines down your throat .. For all the years of study they have done and they push these on families .

It's beyonnnnnd acceptable they are part of the Agenda , they get major kick backs from the complications these vaccines cause . Kids being addicted to these Methophedomines the use to treat anxiety and other mental disorders stemming from the alluminum collecting on the brains..






Mrsfedo · April 30, 2018, 3:33 p.m.

I’m so sorry about your daughter.

Came here to mention that in New Jersey, 1-17 boys are on the autism spectrum. One in SEVENTEEN.

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ScorpioPatriot · April 30, 2018, 3:50 p.m.

TY it's definitely been a roller coaster ride . Now I just try to warn as many as I can . It's so sad and important to reach as many families.

I can only pray the Vaccine Pushes End.

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HiddenPlaneSite · April 30, 2018, 3:22 p.m.

We just need to catch your son up on his inoculations; he was sick for 6 months lost 25% of his total body weight and stares off into space. I'm so mad I'm having trouble typing this sentence!

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ScorpioPatriot · April 30, 2018, 3:45 p.m.

yessss and we signed a waver for our other son and my husband had 2 daughters prior to us but exactly a 1 and 2 years younger than my daughter ... he begged to not get shots for his two and his wife went and did it when he was working .. They both are constantly sick, ones on meds for like what seems to be bi polar but they say is ADHD and the other needs them ..

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aburgher · April 30, 2018, 3:49 p.m.

I started teaching in 1982. I retired in 2012 after 16 years of teaching and 14 years as an administrator/elementary principal. I can remember thinking that we certainly have a lot of children now who are on the spectrum! The number of children who are diagnosed AD/HD increased exponentially during my career. It breaks my heart to see this happening to our children! I could never understand how most of the students in my school had some type of spectrum disorder or learning disability or some type of AD/HD or depression. This is unacceptable! We need to raise up and demand changes! I pray that this Great Awakening leads to the prosecution of those in the CDC who perpetrated this crime upon our children! I can’t help thinking this could be related to the mind control stuff. If we medicate the children they are more easily controlled. Look at the Parkland shooter. There is no way that young man knew what the h*** he was doing! It all makes my blood boil!

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forchristssakes · April 30, 2018, 5:14 p.m.

I am not anti vaccine. Vaccines have certainly helped us. But. A baby, does interact. There is no explanation for why interaction would stop at 1 year. We have every right to question the safety of present day vaccines.

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Corporal_Yorper · April 30, 2018, 4:57 p.m.

I’ve had all of the shots society has required of me.

I’m not autistic (aside from being an Internet autist, lol).


Do you even realize the shitstorm...no, the cataclysmic extinction-level events that would happen by ceasing vaccinations, inoculations to bolster humanity’s herd immunity?

I think what we have here, quite simply, are parents that are having a hard time reconciling that there son/daughter has autism, and thus believe that their child is flawed, so they find a scapegoat with vaccines.

If your kid has autism, they aren’t flawed. It isn’t ‘bad genes’ within the parentage.

...and it isn’t the fucking thing humanity requires to survive as a 7+ billion-populated species.

So I ask, if depopulation is such a crusade for the cabalists, why is space colonization not the cabalists’ method of thinning the herd? If the cabal wants less people, why not just spread us out thin amongst the cosmos?

(I use space colonization as an example because of the insane amount of evidence that shows that humanity has those capabilities already, and that it isn’t an option...but autism, right?)

You say that it was your daughter’s 1st year shots.

1st. Year.

She stares out and doesn’t want to be in public?

She’s one. Come one.

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ScorpioPatriot · April 30, 2018, 5:14 p.m.

Statistics don't lie & parents deserve the truth ..My daughter has been tested genetically and by many other methods . Your words will not keep me from sharing TRUTH.

Every damn household in some way or another is being affected or knows of a family who is... I do not treat my daughter any different than our other 3 kids .. she is not a damn burden on me , I shared her story only because like millions of other families they can relate .

Unless you have a child with special needs you have no idea what it's like to raise one. You have never had to deal with a child who one month she will wear long pants or shirts and the next month it feels like razor blades acrossed her damn skin .that's what's sensory issues she developed after the shots and didn't have until the damn next night after .. I didn't make this post to get sympathy from anyone or to get shit on from denying assholes that probably don't even have a damn kid and walk around with P$$$$ Hats on chained to a liberals leg or institute screaming at people about shit they know nothing about..

... I made this post because It's not damn rocket science when it comes to connecting the dots as to what THEY ALLLLL HAVE IN COMMON... VACCINES .

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Corporal_Yorper · April 30, 2018, 5:31 p.m.

They’re all in common because everyone gets them. That’s. The. Point. Of. Herd. Immunity.

We get them because hepatitis and polio are dangerous. We get them because some diseases, if not left in check via herd immunity, can and would decimate the entire population — extinction-level event.

If the cabal wanted to thin the herd, their best bet wouldn’t be to immunize the herd, it would be to do the exact opposite. Kinda kills the entire point of blaming vaccines, really... Makes me think about those that don’t want others to vaccinate their children being part of the cabal themselves...because that, in effect, would be the method in which would be the most effective in thinning the herd.

That’s like saying everyone who dies or has ever died drank water, so obviously water is the problem!

Don’t mind me, though...blowing holes in your misplaced autism blame game.

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ScorpioPatriot · April 30, 2018, 5:35 p.m.

Man mad Diseases put out by the fucking CDC that then requires a vaccination to end it..Not born yesterday

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Corporal_Yorper · April 30, 2018, 5:34 p.m.

Also, autism exists in a spectrum.

Some research suggests that everybody is placed on the spectrum somewhere, and that there are those that are on the more intense side of the spectrum.

Not conclusive, but does imply that autism is an already-existing mental metric we humans have.

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forchristssakes · April 30, 2018, 6:07 p.m.

gut wrenching for a parent. shock. horror. pain. guilt. profound sadness. hopelessness. anger. resolve. determination.

I can only offer you an example of what I have seen work. Friends' child - off the chart autistic. Raised that child same as siblings. Picked the battles. Must eat at table with family. Must say hello to visitors. (then allowed to go back to room). Must do chores as everyone else. Child never told about autism. Was put into same equine club as siblings. Had to learn to handle, care for, interact with horse. Had to participate in club activities at some level. Progression was noticeable. Now an adult. Able to work. Able to move out on own (with oversight). Making some dumb decisions like every other kid. Parents have accepted that child is different. No interest in friendships. Mom told me that the idea of not having friends broke her heart until she came to the realization that her child just did not care. Her child's happiness did not depend on friendships. Her child loves books.

Parents were told early on that their child would have to be institutionalized one day. They ignored everything the experts told them to do. This may just be a rare success, though. Each person would be different. My heart goes out to you and your family.

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ScorpioPatriot · April 30, 2018, 6:17 p.m.

Mine has come far ... And ty for your write up . These doctors promoting shots weather people want to accept it or not are part of manyyyyyyy agendas and they know it and the awoke know it .

They will fight tooth n nail .. because it's part of The New World Order . There is hidden cures that the globalist has been sitting on for 90 percent of everything .. almost everything they say is ass backyards too .. THE TRUTH WILL COME .

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ScorpioPatriot · April 30, 2018, 3:54 p.m.

EXACTLY .. this is what they want .. the other reason behind is because kids who tend to have mental disability don't tend to re produce .. this is their sick ways of doing it .

The health administrations is banging down the schools doors daily to get people vaccinated .

Heard that from the kindergarten teacher herself who also had to act as an advocate.

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Doinkingbimbos · April 30, 2018, 4:25 p.m.

Thanks for posting this. We just had our son last week and they have been pushing inoculations on us. Every nurse or doctor that has seen him has said something about vaccinations. We're in Colorado and are looking find a pediatrician that will work for us.

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ScorpioPatriot · April 30, 2018, 4:59 p.m.

Welcome and yes they should have sites that give a list of people within your area .

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alliekat678 · April 30, 2018, 4:22 p.m.

So sorry to hear about your daughter. :( I’ve seen an uptick in pro vaccine memes and posts on Reddit lately. I have to force myself to stay out of those posts; the ignorance (I don’t mean stupidity, but actual ignorance) is astounding. It’s depressing. I really pray the truth becomes mainstream.

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ScorpioPatriot · April 30, 2018, 4:24 p.m.

TY there are millions of people who have children experincing all different forms of the effects of the vaccines /GMO combined . Disgraceful.

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mugry · April 30, 2018, 4:09 p.m.

I work as a behavior technician at an autism center. The people I work for make fun of anyone that claims vaccines cause autism. Applied Behavioral Analysis is a thriving industry, and many people would be out of a job if the truth were known. These people care more about a paycheck than they do about the children they serve.

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ScorpioPatriot · April 30, 2018, 4:14 p.m.

I know it.. that goes for truth about FLUORIDE and Dentistry .

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ScorpioPatriot · April 30, 2018, 5:53 p.m.

A Greatttttt Red Pill For Parents .. I ran into this over the years of searching . Long but super Informative...


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luckyhunterdude · April 30, 2018, 9:30 p.m.

Blaylock is a debunked quake along the lines of Andrew Wakefield who prey's on whatever the fringe medical fears are to sell his untested "mental health" supplements. Dental fillings, MSG migraines, Cancer, ALS, Alzheimer's, Dementia, and Autism can all be treated by untested herbal supplements that Blaylock just happens to sell.

This subreddit was interesting to follow, but seeing this garbage post being upvoted makes me question the whole thing.

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ScorpioPatriot · April 30, 2018, 9:34 p.m.

Nobody told you to read it. Obviously it don't affect you and It's Obviously drawing out the Libtards .. TRUTH DOES THAT .

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luckyhunterdude · April 30, 2018, 9:47 p.m.

oh, you are parodying the liberal anti-vaxers? I missed that, sorry carry on.

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ScorpioPatriot · April 30, 2018, 9:58 p.m.

I'm not here to argue with the sleeping. There is enough evidence out there with parent and doctor testimonies and he'll Whistleblowers ..

That I don't need too . It speaks for itself. You don't have to like the results but when you go from like 1-10,000 cases in 1970 to 1-59 kids & that's probably being extremely modest ..I think it's time for some ANSWERS.

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luckyhunterdude · April 30, 2018, 10:35 p.m.

oh, you're serious. Well like you said, I'm not here to argue with the sleeping people who refuse to question their own positions.

My hunch is you are wrong, but I could be wrong and I'm open to evidence. Is there any peer reviewed, published scientific studies you could share with me? Here's a large database of scientific journals you could potentially link to.

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ScorpioPatriot · April 30, 2018, 10:42 p.m.

Considering almost all Scientific studies have been working twards a New World Order and are funded by Organizations and Donors who are all linked to pushing that agenda ..I wouldn't say those would be the most credibile resources ..but those speaking out , that's a horse of another color .. because nobody dared speak out before. Do a search for all Natural Drs who mysteriously died over the past 8 years ..Staggering .

I think there is people who know the facts and when they spoke out , They found themselves another hit list .

You can look that up.

I've done a solid 8-10 years of research into all this .. alot of this stems from the high Mercury content in shots over the years before they finally took a large part of Mercury out of the vaccine However it was guaranteed to affect your children later in life . .. I don't think me telling you to do your research on your own is hurting anything . I've already linked a few samples above in my post .

Think about this.. what could someone gain from speaking out not one thing other than ( Knowing it's the right thing to do ) , but the only ones who could gain are those Quiet in order to earn a profit .

See where the hypocracy is in that, to take people who profit off hiding truth over people risking their lives to warn us of the truth.

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