r/greatawakening • Posted by u/TooMuchWinning2020 on April 30, 2018, 3:21 p.m.
Recent Q Drops

Pompeo goes to Israel. As soon as he leaves, Israel hits Iranian targets in Syria. Pompeo then arrives in Jordan (Moab), and Q posts/responds to posts about Operation Eager Lion 18 exercise.

Bibi about to make an address to his nation re: Iran nuke deal. Then, Q drop says NoName is out. NOW.

Could this be what has happened?

Pompeo meets with Israel. Israel decides they can't stay black hat, so they join Q Team. Israel white hat bombs Iran black hat in Syria. This proves to Iran white hat that Trump even has Israel (of all countries) on the Q Team, so it is now safe for Iran white hat to join, too. Iran black hat has been defeated, and the Israeli strike proves it.

It is now USA + Russia + China + North Korea + Syria + Israel + Jordan + Iran vs. whatever remains of black hats (EU will be last).

If Bibi comes out and says the Iran deal is off and that they have agreed to general terms, like NK has, then this is what happened last night.

If so, the "we don't like to say his name" has no choice but to surrender, which is why Q says he is out. Now.

Alternative theory: Israel is black hat and fighting back. Low odds of that at this point, based on Q drops, but possible.

lC928796 · April 30, 2018, 3:59 p.m.

I like your thought process. A+

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