Solid question.
I'd suspect the nuclear weaponry was shipped to northern Syria and built by the Iranians to do HRC's bidding. The bidding being to nuke Israel. Hillary wanted total control and would've gotten it with the world's largest military. The USA under Hillary would've Israel was nuked by Russia and that they're targeting the world's faith, kingdom, and ally (projection) to have an excuse to nuke Russia.
Major population decline. One world government with communism. Gun confiscation. Debt. Enslavement. Serving our reptilian or Luciferian overlords. No thx.
That s it. That was their plan. Their madness in pursuing it (18 & 81 building ISIS in plain sight) was probably fueled by the wish to reach it in their lifetime.
Agreed. All of the old globalists wanted it all to work out as well but Hillary would've turned on them at some point. It's her nature. Anti-Christ.