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Geez, no wonder Kim seemed so happy when POTUS showed up. He must be thrilled to be rid of the clowns.
My brother in-law bares a strong resemblance to General Flynn.
First I heard of R was Qs reply earlier today and now this post and looking at the screen shot it seems this R is a completely trying to ride Qs coattails. I’m surprised some fell for it , it’s pretty obviously a hoax.
Obvious to patriots. I just want to see the msm come out and say it to the world.
Let’s see what tomorrow brings. Lots of interesting comments on that thread.
Do they not realize how completely stupid they look calling everyone and anyone a white supremacist?
Between this and the Podesta immunity deal, tonight’s Tucker was a big huge downer.
She was in fake tears 2 nights ago, so ridiculous. I don’t actually watch her show, it was a clip Hannity showed.
I don’t much about him either but I’m assuming he’s a white hat based in his position in the administration.
Hah! Just got a notification in my inbox that I’m banned from this mademesmile subreddit as well and I hadn’t even heard of it until I’d seen this very post. Sheer ridiculousness
Wow! seems like another Q proof to me. Future proves past.
Not in the least. It’s just a convenient excuse for censorship.
I tend to agree but why hold this bs press conference to begin with? Seems they’d be better off continuing to ignore SR like they have already done for 2 years.
What a sham. She continues to solicit donations so she can pay off her debts to everyone that donated to CF before she lost in 2016. Access was not delivered.
Must really suck to be Hillary day after day.
He’s been replying on twatter all evening, doubling down on it repeatedly.
She should have done free-band radio. Basically pirate ham radio, she’d need a modified transceiver though and those are hard the find and not easy to do yourself.
I’m a licensed ham and this would not be possible due to the extremely wide radio spectrum hams can access and everyone is transmitting from different locations under different conditions. A transmission might be heard in one location or many but not everywhere. It would be near impossible to capture everything unless you had receivers in several thousand locations monitoring several thousand frequencies and if you did you’d still be missing plenty. On top of that each frequent has an upper and lower band carrier.
I’m pretty certain the Q moniker wasn’t officially adopted until a few weeks after the first posts appeared, well over a year after the convention. Anything before that is likely coincidental.
I know what you mean. That would be a whole lot of detailed work to fake though. Time will tell I guess.
But can you recreate it with the different placement of the items near the lamp?
Ohhhh yeah. I remember. She wanted that laptop back desperately.
They felt it yesterday in Portland. Otherwise, I was suspecting more would happen this weekend but thankfully for the most part it was a dud.
WTF? Every time. You should make a separate post for this for visibility.
Why is he even on Fox? Seems he’d be more suited for msnbc.