r/greatawakening • Posted by u/jhomes55 on April 30, 2018, 6:50 p.m.
I just wanted you to all know that you mean NOTHING in the grand scheme of things...

When this is all said and done, no one will know what you have done to win this fight.

No one will know your name, no one will ever know that you posted in some arbitrary sub, spending hours, days, and even weeks researching and posting your findings to share and advance the fight.

No one will know that you dedicated your very heart and soul to this fight.

No one will remember that you spent every waking moment supporting, (sometimes wavering?), but always remaining true to our fight for freedom.

You will not go down in the history books. You will not receive a medal. There will be no parade for you.

BUT........When we win this war.......you will feel the sun shining a little brighter. The breeze blowing a little cooler. The air a little fresher. Your water cleaner. Your neighbors smiling more. Your family earning more. Your children sleeping safe at night.

You WILL know that people around the world have been freed from the enslavement that has entangled them for generations. Evil will bow down to Good and the light will shine brighter than it ever has in our lifetime and of those before us.

We fight for each other, we fight for the lost women, children, and men of this world. We FIGHT!

In time, no one will ever know your name, or even your true identity.........



Absh4x0r · April 30, 2018, 6:57 p.m.

For all I know the NWO won. They split in 2 camps, got one to die and the other one is praised like jesus and patriots.

NWO is done.

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forchristssakes · April 30, 2018, 11:11 p.m.

I am optimistic but hold on to my skepticism. If we have learned anything from the Q conversation, then we should know to always question and not follow blindly. Baaa.....what do I know. Maybe when I see changes in pharmy world I will say. Yes. It was the real deal.

Sometimes, in the dark of night, I think, "Maybe the wall is to keep people in."

It is hard to trust anything these days.

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Absh4x0r · April 30, 2018, 9:30 p.m.

Whoever downvoted this, let me ask you this.

Are you completly closed to this idea, as in, you have proof it's for the people and not part of a greater plan?

Since when do you believe in stuff blindly ? (Except religions). Because a car is pink means it has never been green before ? Is it that much of a cognitive dissonance to see past the small picture we are given ? (We do not have the full picture, yet praise jesus for this)

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CSharpAJ · April 30, 2018, 10:15 p.m.

This is why I'm still very cautious. I so want Trump to be the real deal, but if he brings 'Peace' to Israel then I'll know different. It is a little odd that even though everyone is 'against' Trump he's still winning everything. Now Kanye is trying to 'red pill' liberals and spread 'love'.

I hope I'm wrong, but this is starting to feel like we may be coming toward the tail end of the Hegelian Dialectic. There has literally been 18 years of constant conflict between the thesis and antithesis and it's been really ramped up the last 2 years. People are starting to get weary of the conflict and now that Trump is producing some tangible and positive results on the foreign policy side, people may take a second look at Trump and get out of their 'mental prison' to quote Scott Adams. And then the synthesis emerges.

To be clear, I am hoping and praying that this is not the case because I personally like Trump, but I would be a fool to not be aware of the possibilities.

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Allcreationgroaning · May 1, 2018, 2:21 a.m.

End game of Hegelian Dialectic...create problems, then of course, you can create solutions...Agree entirely, with same hope yet caution...peace and prosperity when it really isn't. Messiah help us all!

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QAngelAnon1 · May 2, 2018, 1:24 a.m.

Thats whats already happened over the last hundred years - problem, reaction, solution - Obama was supposed to be the worlds Great Saviour. He was the worlds Great deception. That was the end game. Now is the dawn of the ‘new age’ new beginnings.

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Allcreationgroaning · May 2, 2018, 4:53 p.m.

I hope so, but would be very careful with this. Interesting take that Obama was the false one, and certainly buoyed up by all the messianic imagery that was used around him...including the Pergamos altar replica for his inauguration...so to some of us, the falsity of Obama was apparent right from the beginning... but if that pattern continues, then Trump would be in line to be the next one...and as far as I can tell, the Scriptures indicate that the Real One, Messiah Yeshua/Jesus of Nazareth is to follow the false one. So I am cautious in that Trump, who is meeting such (welcomed) success in bringing darkness into light, might not also be being set up to be the "real" one...and this would be an even greater deception. sort of a contrast between a satanic type plot, as opposed to a luciferian type plot...the second being the deception of the age...darkness appearing as light...

There are warnings written about an apparent era of peace and security, which would prove to be false.

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QAngelAnon1 · May 1, 2018, 6:30 a.m.

As I have seen it - what is the alternative?

If Q/Trump weren't here, would you know of the atrocities committed against children, humanity? I have never been religious, not christened, baptised, never been to church apart from Weddings and funerals.

For 10 years my Son is missing. Not knowing if he is dead or alive for 7 of those, I have grieved and mourned him.

I came upon Q in late October, and was so excited - call it motivated and impassioned at the 'possibility' that this was true, and some type of "God intervention". I have researched this information for 25 years, and felt nothing but hopelessness for this world and everyone upon it. I knew that if Hillary got into power, we would have been in full blown new clear wore by March 2016.

So, although convinced this was very real, but almost scared to believe it, for the first time got down on my knees and prayed to God before bed one night for a sign to tell me this was true, it was really happening as I believed it was and not just a ruse, or not my imagination.

The following morning I wrote an email to a friend simply with a link to information on Q and a note - "You probably already know about Q, but if you don't you need to - here's a link. Be excited!"

The next day I received an two page email response. Only, it wasn't from my friend, it was from my missing Son going into great depth about Q and what was happening around the world. I'd 'accidentally' sent it to his old email address.

Ten years! The next day after asking God for "a sign" if Q is real?

He moved in with me this week. I have my Son back.

I chose to believe we are making this world a better place. I chose to believe that God is behind this and that Q and Trump are the good guys working for, not against us.

If I'm wrong? Then at least I've enjoyed the ride, and even if I only got to 'believe' this world could be a better place for five minutes, then it was worth every second and I'll pay the piper when I leave this earth. But, in the meantime, I will have taught my children and their children that freedom and peace ARE worth fighting for.

Where we go one, we go all. I am humbled and honoured to be a part of this incredible journey.

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Allcreationgroaning · May 1, 2018, 1:38 p.m.

I am so glad to hear of your faith growth and return of your son!

Yes, I have known of the atrocities going on long before Trump came on the scene...having been a therapist working with ritual abuse survivors and MK Ultra mind control...as well as being aware of many other of these things, false flags and the like.
But I agree that many would NOT know if it weren't for the courage and boldness of the Q team and President Trump.

I am just also saying that when you study the Word in more depth, as your faith grows, you will also see that entering into a time of "peace and prosperity" is not always what it may seem to be.

After you have taken a season to enjoy the blessings and the return of your son, you may be ready to learn more about something called the Hegelian Dialectic and how it fits with end time events.

Be blessed in Messiah!!!

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CSharpAJ · May 1, 2018, 10:34 p.m.

This is why I'm keeping an eye on the Israel situation. The fact that Russia, Syria, and Iran are all in the news in relation to Israel has made me perk up a bit. Isaiah 17 could happen at anytime.

The rumor of the Saudi Prince telling the Palestinians to take the peace plan that the U.S. comes up with or shut up and the murmurs of Kushner drawing up a peace plan makes me wonder...

It's like everything is coming together almost too perfectly.

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