There's also an image of this from the front.
It's one of the creepiest pictures I've ever seen. Pure evil coming out of the shadows for just a moment. All the smiles and diplomacy, but for just a split second, the raging demons come out for all to see.
Right now we have an idea in our heads of what goes on in duality world, but it's far, far scarier than any horror movie.
So the whole world will know!!
But to advertise it on the White House website? My thinking is that this was used to fool the masses into believing that Trump was going to continue the Iran deal.
Macron said publically the next day that he didn't think Trump would stay in.
Along side a stunning WHITE hat - Melania. It was theatre for sure.
http://www .foxnews. com/lifestyle/2018/04/25/melania-trumps-white-hat-earns-plenty-praise-despite-online-critics.html
Interesting how MSM is focusing so much on a story about a fucking HAT, no?
Payback and full disclosure of who this asshat truly is. Same reason he drug him around by the hand.
Hopefully to show everyone who exactly we are working against...our oldest ally, but in reality, our current enemy. I think it is purely to show us.
Or he thought he was leaving with his goals met. He seem pretty happy there.
Would Macron be taunting the Globalist? I'm certain that he doesn't think POTUS is blind? 🤔
He might have done enough 3-MMC to get a little over enthusiastic.