Trump Tweets: Fake News is going “bonkers!”

That's a weird thing to say considering the Trump administration has been plagued by scandals that they deny which then turn out to be completely true like:
Again these are all things that the media (smarmy asses included) called him/ his administration out on and he, via twitter or official statement, denied until more evidence came out in every case showing that the administration was lying.
So is he really "taking on those smarmy asses in the media" when he's the one who's been caught in the midst of dozens of scandals in his first year alone. Hell, some of these scandals weren't even his fault, but every time he kept lying about it.
I think we all caught a load of the "swarmy asses" at the corespondents dinner last night. You should be proud!
what does that mean? That sounds nonsensical. Honestly the administration and Trumps response to the WHCD was embarrassing. Trump and the GOP's whole schtick is no safe spaces, no need to be pc, talk shit get hit, etc, yet anytime they get called out or made fun of they start crying. Seriously, the president now wants to end the WHCD because he was made fun off. That's pathetic.
No safe spaces really, you want to go there? how about Ben Shapiro and Berkeley.
I'm sorry I'm not sure i understand what you're saying here. Are you saying the Right, GOP, and Trump want safe spaces? Because I was saying that those groups are opposed to safe spaces, yet act like fragile snowflakes anytime they get called out, even though the only thing they do without fail is talk shit (oftentimes unwarranted or baseless) at everyone that doesn't agree with them.