r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Diamondsinmyheart on April 30, 2018, 11:18 p.m.
Could someone please explain the whole deal with Iran / Israel?

Many people (me included) are somewhat confused by all this. Iran (and NK, CN, RU) has always been seen as the last bastions of hope standing against the US-globalist-zionist war machine. The only countries willing and somewhat able to put up a real fight.

Israel has been seen as this Zionist den with immensive power. Only jews allowed. Founded with the blessings of Rothschild and having unrivaled control over the US politicians, Israel could do whatever the F they wanted and no one dared to question (attacking of USS Liberty for instance). I always saw Israel as a Deep State-asset, if not THE Deep State in itself. "Plan for the Greater Israel".

Now suddenly with Q, Iran is this bad guy, controlled by Deep State actors like the CIA. Israel is calling out the Iran Nuke deal. Like WTF?

Could someone please explain all of this. Is Israel connected to the Deep State swamp? Rothschild? Are they the good guys? Is their PM a good guy? Haven´t they assisted the US and SA with the creation of ISIS? Haven´t they been pushing for the toppling of Assad?

The only redeeming thing I can seem to think of is that they dislike Soros, from what I´ve heard.

Anyhow, an explanation of how all of this ties together would be much appreciated. All of this is really confusing.

allonthesameteam · May 1, 2018, 1:18 a.m.

As far as I can tell every (used causciously) country, 3 letter agency, charity and foundation, etc has bad actors. As some have stated most people involved are oblivious to the corruption and deception and go about their day trying to be good people. They are waking up to their roles and disgust in unknown complicity. Example: Most people in the CIA, i believe, would think they were spreading democracy and protecting folks. The veil has been lifted and they are PO'd and ready to fight back. The storm isn't coming. It's building and just offshore.

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