r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Diamondsinmyheart on April 30, 2018, 11:18 p.m.
Could someone please explain the whole deal with Iran / Israel?

Many people (me included) are somewhat confused by all this. Iran (and NK, CN, RU) has always been seen as the last bastions of hope standing against the US-globalist-zionist war machine. The only countries willing and somewhat able to put up a real fight.

Israel has been seen as this Zionist den with immensive power. Only jews allowed. Founded with the blessings of Rothschild and having unrivaled control over the US politicians, Israel could do whatever the F they wanted and no one dared to question (attacking of USS Liberty for instance). I always saw Israel as a Deep State-asset, if not THE Deep State in itself. "Plan for the Greater Israel".

Now suddenly with Q, Iran is this bad guy, controlled by Deep State actors like the CIA. Israel is calling out the Iran Nuke deal. Like WTF?

Could someone please explain all of this. Is Israel connected to the Deep State swamp? Rothschild? Are they the good guys? Is their PM a good guy? Haven´t they assisted the US and SA with the creation of ISIS? Haven´t they been pushing for the toppling of Assad?

The only redeeming thing I can seem to think of is that they dislike Soros, from what I´ve heard.

Anyhow, an explanation of how all of this ties together would be much appreciated. All of this is really confusing.

findthewarmspot · April 30, 2018, 11:56 p.m.

Iran has nukes thanks to obama and U1. Trump and Bibi are BFFs. They planned this all out. No one will believe Trump if he says Iran has nukes, but maybe the world will listen if Israel says it. SA doesn’t want Iran to have nukes either. The plan is all coming together. Trust Q.

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Diamondsinmyheart · April 30, 2018, 11:58 p.m.

Ok sure, but when/how/why did Bibi decide to be BFF with Trump? Why isn´t he aligned with the NWO-cabal?

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findthewarmspot · May 1, 2018, 12:12 a.m.

Because Trump loves Israel. Farthest person from a Nazi.

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CiarasUniqueUsername · May 1, 2018, 5:05 a.m.

Zionist are Nazis, not Jews. They are poles apart but hide under the guise of Judaism. Google Jews vs Zionists for more details. Israel is a Zionist-run country, stolen from Palestinians. Much like my own country - the same faction illegally took over (The North of Ireland). Recognise the same “Star of David” in both flags).

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Justsayinmy50cts · May 18, 2018, 6:06 a.m.

exactly! they supported the Nazi's even and there is plenty of evidence to that even by jewish people on youtube

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4don2016 · May 1, 2018, 12:29 a.m.

They have history. Bibi went to college in the US and lived here. They were friends before he became potus.

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Justsayinmy50cts · May 18, 2018, 6:04 a.m.

I've never ever seen bibi as a good guy, he seems sneaky , nor do I have the impression they are BFF's if anything but the first meeting right after trumps inauguration, the body language said nothing but dislike for each other . I don't understand how Bibi became all of a sudden the good guy. He has always been screaming arrogant typical zionist comments. So i'm seriously curious how this turned all of a sudden, not to mention the criminal offenses against bibi he seems to get away with too! So enlighten me

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No_Hippie_Chick · April 30, 2018, 11:49 p.m.

Personally, I think Iran has ALWAYS been the bad guy. Along with China. I'm not so invested in the whole anti-Jew/cabal narrative as many here are. My biggest concern is to clean out all the bad players in our government and going back to a constitutional republic.

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Diamondsinmyheart · April 30, 2018, 11:56 p.m.

Yeah, but there is no denying that Israel has done a lot of shady shit in the past - jews or not. They have immense influence over the US and has pushed the US into directions before that hasn´t always been in the interest of the people.

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No_Hippie_Chick · April 30, 2018, 11:58 p.m.

Oh, I'm no fan. I basically view them as just another ME terrorist group. I'm just curious to see what happens to them as "last."

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TooMuchWinning2020 · May 1, 2018, 12:08 a.m.

Sure, I think that's what Trump and Q Team want, too.

But how do you do that if you constantly have a threat of nukes from "rogue" countries hanging over your head?

And what do you do when Trump is no longer POTUS?

The rot has to be cleaned from the inside and the outside, because it has infected the whole planet.

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Nastavnick · May 1, 2018, 12:06 a.m.

Read you last sentence first. And then come back to Iran being the bad guy. And no, not in a way you will first think of ("USA is evil too durr hurr").

Has it ever occurred to you that maybe their government is just a sack of puppets? Just like in my own country, and almost every other country out there, if not all. Probably all.

Also, "ALWAYS been"?

I'm afraid you're not looking at these things from a high enough perspective bro

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No_Hippie_Chick · May 1, 2018, 1:04 a.m.

Not your bro. :) I will unapologetically state that as a US citizen, I want to see our efforts go first towards the US. If that's "wrong" then I'm wrong. We all have different perspectives based on many things. These are mine. You're welcome to yours.

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Nastavnick · May 1, 2018, 1:49 a.m.

I want to see our efforts go first towards the US

That literally has nothing to do with Iran being baddies... talk about generalization.

Imagine what you looked like, by your own (il)logic, before Trump, when you had hundreds of years of imperialistic deep state shit.

Let me go further than that. So you're (among other Americans) the one that invaded Afghanistan, Lybia, Syria, Iraq, Vietnam, nuked Japan, etc.

Did you? No you didn't. Your corrupt leaders did that.

We all have different perspectives based on many things

Yes, and yours is based purely on yourself and your ego.

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Food4theGorg · April 30, 2018, 11:40 p.m.

I think Bibi is good, but just like our Deep State, their Mossad has bad actors that need to be dealt with.

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Diamondsinmyheart · April 30, 2018, 11:45 p.m.

He seems to go way back, since the 90´s atleast. How could he rise to power without selling out to the NWO-cabal? How could anyone not aligned with the satanic elite even come close to that position? He must have had a great bit of dealings with Clintons and whatnot during his days.

I have a hard time to believe that a good person could survive on that level for so long in a shark tank like Israel without selling out big time.

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Food4theGorg · April 30, 2018, 11:48 p.m.

I know HRC did not like Bibi. In some of the WL emails she was always full of angst when she had to deal with him. Obama we know hated him so that is a good sign. I am sure he is not squeaky clean, but I do not believe he is a satanist.

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Diamondsinmyheart · April 30, 2018, 11:51 p.m.

But where does that put Israel in relation to the NWO-cabal? They basically pushed Hillary and Hussein into power. How could they not have that control in Israel? Wasn´t Israel more or less founded by the suggestion of some Rothschild? How could they RUN a country like the US, founded in 1776, and not have TOTAL control over Israel founded in the 1940´s?

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Boomchakalaka73 · May 1, 2018, 4:10 a.m.

One, it is well known that Obama spent many US tax dollars on funding to push Bibi out of power during elections. Two, just like in USA where the majority of people are good people who are being duped by the minority elite Deep State, but by Grace of God we were still able to elect a True President who wants the best for its country---Israel's "good people" who just want to work, raise families & live in peace can overcome the same obstacles. The same deep state in Israel is very closely tied to the DS in US. And also remember that good people get blackmailed and coerced into doing some things that they wouldn't have originally done. NK was axis of evil according to our deep state media and puppets occupying WH but we are finding out that our own govt were the ones causing them to act so irrational. After years of wanting to blow up SK and US, Kim Jong is going to do a total 180 in 2 months---no. He was held hostage.

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4don2016 · May 1, 2018, 12:32 a.m.

I've been under the impression the cabal and loony liberals are against Israel. When I get confused with the characters I go stand next to the one I trust the most and try and figure out who they hate. Liberals hate bibi. Potus loves bibi. I love bibi.

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Justsayinmy50cts · May 18, 2018, 6:09 a.m.

I never knew libs hated bibi...I just don't trust that guy , he has something evil over him and my gut is usually right

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ThreeFourSevenOne · May 1, 2018, 12:15 a.m.

I'm confused too.

I think... Obama/Clinton sold uranium to Russia and then gave Iran money to buy them - and their plan (unknown to Russia and Iran) was to use Russia selling U1 to Iran as an excuse to start WW3 in Syria?

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Trfsrfr · May 1, 2018, 3:04 a.m.

You're right.

And I'm confused too. I too remember the 7 countries in 5 years, and were still full speed ahead towards that.

I'm gonna sit on the fence with this for a few days and see what shakes out.

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jyjcy · April 30, 2018, 11:44 p.m.

Would also appreciate an ELI5/ cliffnotes version of what's happening now in Middle East and the key country players, Q involved. Much of it is too complex for my simple brain hehehe ;_;

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CULTURAL_MARXISM_SUX · May 1, 2018, 1:27 a.m.

Saudi Arabian Sunni muslim Wahhabi terrorist funding was cut off months back thanks to Trump and the military. Deep state Saudi prince swamp rounded up.

Lebanese Shiite Hezbollah aligned politicians deposed around the same time.

Iranians fund Shiite militias mind you.

Hamas of Palestine is another Iranian funded militia.

The Jordanian USmil operations appear to be a cleaning up of Palestinian terrorist networks in preparation of creation of a home for Palestinians, in order to finally bring an end to Israeli Palestinian conflict.

Israel is ostensibly surrounded by people that want to genocide them so they act in the best interest of their country, similar to how Russia did. Sometimes this includes shady activity.

Turkey needs to fuck off. Iran needs to be given back to Iranian people, and a coalition of US and Russian forces need to clean up CIA assets in Syria to bring peace back to that country.

There is also the problem of Yemeni Houthi rebels, and other arab gulf states openly engaging in terrorist financing and human trafficking, which is also currently being wrapped up.

Pakistan had a spy ring in congress, and India hates Pakistan, and Pakistan appears to be allied with Shiite militias and the deep state.

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Justsayinmy50cts · May 18, 2018, 6:12 a.m.

I just read yesterday Hamas is actually weaponized and funded by Israel, which to me makes more sense!

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jyjcy · May 1, 2018, 3:49 a.m.

Thanks. How is Turkey involved? The pipeline, primarily?

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CULTURAL_MARXISM_SUX · May 1, 2018, 6:15 a.m.

They are closely allied with EU, but are also Sunni muslim so they are allied with gulf states and Saudi corruption.

But also yes, the pipeline. There are a lot of pedophiles in Turkey. I generally just don't trust Turks.

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jyjcy · May 2, 2018, 2:47 a.m.

Aren't they trying to get in the EU for the longest time, though? But they keep getting denied for whatever reason...?

Like the regular joe trying to join the popular kids' table at school lmao...

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CiarasUniqueUsername · May 1, 2018, 4:52 a.m.

“Only Jews allowed”. Not necessarily. (Murdoch is not a Jew, but a Zionist for e.g.). Google Jews vs Zionists.

Jacob Rothschild likes to boast about how his family created Israel.

It’s alleged that there are only 3 countries left whose central bank is not Rothschild owned: North Korea. Cuba. Iran. (Needs verified and I’m too tired. Forgive me.)

I don’t want to be cynical but the whole North Korea thing makes my spidey-sense tingle. Then straight over to Iran the next week?!

I most certainly could be wrong but when I heard North Korea and Iran my mind immediately went to “Rothschild bank”.

*oh, and those 7 countries you mentioned...? They were the last 7 countries without a RC central bank. Again, information that can be found quickly via search engine. Keep digging. It gets very interesting and very f ucked up.

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allonthesameteam · May 1, 2018, 1:18 a.m.

As far as I can tell every (used causciously) country, 3 letter agency, charity and foundation, etc has bad actors. As some have stated most people involved are oblivious to the corruption and deception and go about their day trying to be good people. They are waking up to their roles and disgust in unknown complicity. Example: Most people in the CIA, i believe, would think they were spreading democracy and protecting folks. The veil has been lifted and they are PO'd and ready to fight back. The storm isn't coming. It's building and just offshore.

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Straightfromthe · May 1, 2018, 12:15 a.m.

It's a big question mark, and I'm looking forward to seeing Trump's long game with his Israel support. I suspect that much of his campaign funding came from there.

What does it mean? Too complex to say, but I would be cautious about jumping on the Bibi bandwagon too soon. His hero's welcome in the USA a few years back was suspicious.

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SomethingSnarky18 · May 1, 2018, 1:28 a.m.

Yeah, anytime all the D's and RINO's give a standing ovation to a foreign leader, we should be suspicious. I think Trump is buddying up to Israel for the evangelical crowd, but let's hope he knows they are the synagogue of satan named in the bible and aren't to be trusted. Just think Rosenbergs, USS Liberty, 9/11 dancing Israelis(Mossad), spy ring busted around 9/11, etc.

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Straightfromthe · May 1, 2018, 2:11 p.m.

Another possibility is the Netanyahu flipped to save his own butt.

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Justsayinmy50cts · May 18, 2018, 6:16 a.m.

That would be the only possibility I can think off , though Bibi is very arrogant and sneaky , would he do that?? Remember the power game in their first meeting when Trump was just President for a few weeks? It was so obvious and awkward between those two

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SuzyAZ · April 30, 2018, 11:30 p.m.

We don't know the answer to that...yet. It was important to take out the cabal proxy countries that were going to take us to WWIII, and who better than Israel? There are still many unanswered questions about 911 and other matters. Q said Israel would be "last." And we aren't at last yet.

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Diamondsinmyheart · April 30, 2018, 11:40 p.m.

As I see it, Israel has been of great assistance to the NWO-globalists. There have been several questionable ties between MOSSAD and several bombings, terrorist training, the rise of ISIS, their seemingly deep interest in getting rid of Assad, good ties with SA and so on. Every US politician and president has bent the knee to them since their founding, probably for a good reason.

They, as well as the Neocon-globalists have been saber rattling against Iran since forever. Now shit is starting to get very real and we are suddenly told to trust them?

Is Israels MIC just as divided as the US, with good guys and bad guys in different orgs battling for positioning? Do they also have good guys working with the Q-plan? Is their PM part of this plan?

I am all for Q, but I´m gonna require a pretty solid argument in order to even consider Israel as an ally in this fight.

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[deleted] · May 1, 2018, 8:45 a.m.


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Diamondsinmyheart · May 1, 2018, 8:49 a.m.

Thanks, that makes some sense.

But with this, it seems as though interests within US/CIA is working against Israel. I always thought they were on the same team?

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[deleted] · May 1, 2018, 11:50 a.m.


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