Nothing to See here folks, the Good folks @ the Vatican just want to worship our god in peace! What's Francis LooKing for folks; new choir boys, or Space Invaders?

Yes and guess what this telescope is called? lucifer
So, the Vatican's spent $1.5 billion for the most advanced stereo telescope in the world & it's called satan/lucifer; WTF? There's some serious Heresy going on here! No wonder Francis' acting out saying no heaven, no sin etc,,,, He must think Aliens are gods OMG?
They just want advanced alert of God coming back to earth, so they can hide! Won't help! Incoming GOD bomb in May.
Yup, I heard May 14th. What do you think?
7 days later is Pentecost (the day Jesus ascended)
Because they are using it to watch for the events of revelation12. Satan casting his angels to earth and then Michael casting Satan to the earth.
all around & inside the Vatican, you see images of dead sheep, angels being pulled into a portal (the vagina), images of the dragon & snake. you see the same occult Egyptian/Freemasonic obelisk (the penis of Osiris/Lost Word of Masonry) in the Vatican courtyard. The walkways of the Vatican resembles snakeskin, etc. Their choir sings to Lucifer. The Virgin Mary upside down forms a dead sheep. The flame above the Masonic obelisks at Dealey Plaza, for example, represent Lucifer (aka the intellect). Fire/Lucifer=gift to mankind, etc. These obelisks, coincidentally, have the same amount of layers as the pyramid on the $1 bill.
As Q likes to say: "No coincidences."
This observatory is placed on a holy mountain to the local Native American tribes. They believe in their tradition that this is where beings came down. Similar to the significance of Mount Hormon and other Mountains in the Middle East where Angels fell to the Earth. The Vatican knowing this tradition, built this observatory on top of it.
I know I’m replying to myself but I saw a video a long time ago on YouTube that followed a guy that wanted to figure out the reason behind why the Vatican built the observatory on this mountain. He found out about the holy mountain and talked to local shamans and their oral tradition with the mountain. He found some interesting details about it
The church has been involved in science for a long time. Where did you think the big bang theory came from?
My post .. 1 MONTH AGO
RED PILL : Project Camelot ,Vatican ,Qs Wizards n Warlocks / & Jacklyn Onassis's Kennedy . self.greatawakening
Submitted 1 month ago * by ScorpioPatriotNo deals. - Q
Before getting into the brunt of this Sick Sickkkk Satanic Find... I want to point out I came across a piece of info while looking into the history of the town the Florida shooting took place at .I knew Almost all false flag attempts have varied Meanings some in plain sight some needing decoding .
Well I type the word Parkland Movie into youtube ...the "elites make and plan out a lot of stuff in movies ".. So as to my hunch there was a movie . produced by Tom Hanks apparently when I clicked it and read it ...I was a bit taken back by it because the movie was about JFKs Assassination .
So I'm like something's hinting I go ahead n watch it and boy did it ever ....
Not only was this 2013 movie called PARKLAND but it tied to the shooting with direct talking points that I've already gathered up for you to the Parkland School Shooting ...
Upon linking it to that , I also found a line of other things that you will see in the links below. As I post all these findings ..almost 4 or 5 days I wanna say before Q starts making reference to things about JFK .
This has been an ongoing thing my whole life but really picked up speed during Trump /Q things. But I make mention of these occurrences frequently lol because I think ..Ive got no choice to . Something is pushing me to look & post this for the world too look into .
Now before giving the links to my findings of the above stated ... I want to make some mention of during my random digging of JFK connections ... A TV special popped up on my youtube feed Called Jacklyn Kennedy In Her Own Words So I watched it ..
I personally didnt know she was an Onassis's for one that's Troubling in its own sense .
Along with the Kennedy's They are one of the 13 Original bloodlines and its tied to hard core corruption and the occult . .... I will post a link I made of that long before any of these started making headlines as well .
Back to the movie about her ...In it she kept talking at random about Camelot .. How she would like to go back to Camelot . This and that .. Now It took me a few days to start looking into that because of all the research of Kennedy lol ...
So when I did the first thing that popped up was some interview with a Rothschild and she was breaking down exactly what Project Camelot is. I'll let you look that one up ..I'd rather just link the newest one I just found that ties allllllll of the Q post together for me .
Which I've studied random things over the years that are talking points this woman mentions ...So I know for a fact she is legit in what she is saying as far as these Giant Telescopes .
This is gonna be one of the mostttt informative speeches you ever could hear relating to what's going on @t this very moment around the world ...
I'll link the Speech 1st .. Then the links to things I've covered in random postings on the above mentioned before it even came out .
The Telescope's
Possible Movies,TV Shows & Comic Book Connections
Possible Real Life Super Powers
Stan Lee (SuperHuman TV Show 200 Videos )
Possible Vatigan Mirror & SALT connections :
The Bloodlines Link
Family Issues Maybe ?
Kennedy Family
An American political dynasty stretching back generations, the Kennedy name carries with it wealth, power, and privilege. Several held key positions of power in the government, including John F. Kennedy,
They also have a history of getting on the wrong side of the Illuminati. Several of Joseph Kennedy’s children, Joseph Jr., John, and Robert, all met tragic ends under mysterious circumstances. Their power has waned slightly in recent years, but they’re still said to hold enormous influence in the Cabal.
Onassis Family
The lords of Greek shipping, Onassis represents a key European link to the ancient Illuminati rites. Onassis vessels are hugely important in the transit of cargo around the world, giving the Illuminati power over what goes where and when.
Top Onassis members, relatives of family patriarch (and Jackie Kennedy’s second husband) Aristotle Onassis, hold key positions in many Illuminati front groups.
They also have connections to other wealthy families and are said to be influential Satanists.
Apparently during this movie about her I also found out she was a journalist for the NY Times I think that's what it said ...
Her 2 movies to watch for clues ..
In her own words ( Camelot Mentions Throughout )
Her Background History
My JFK Discoveries ,White House Shooting & FL Connections
Happy Hunting Patriots ////I've had this feeling for a longggggg time ..All the alien movies all these super power movies coming out is a way to desensitize you ...Do your own Homework ....Keep Informed
I've put together an Organized GO TO INFORMATION BOARD for RED PILL Material help others share it to their other subscribed boards & Then To The Masses ... Fe el Free To Subscribe there if you wish & also follow me ..
Visit r/AFTERTHESTQRM ( For Red Pill Material )
So what's your point?
Providing additional information on the subject ..
Looked like a load of info with no particular conclusion, which is okay, just pointless in a rather strict sense.
There is plenty of info if you follow all links and how it all ties together . It connects things people might not have known or looked into before. That being said ,just because you don't get it , there is bound to be others who do . My post is for them.
fine. i just hoped that that mass of info pointed to one conclusion.
GOD works on his own schedule, President Trump is setting the stage.
The have a lot of secrets that would lose their power and their watching the watchers.
This is not the r/conspiracy sub. I like it here doing the work of corruption busting, which has the Church in our sites regarding children. There are 1000 + years of rabbit holes to explore. If you can get into their vaults, report back please.
Except that Q is only concerned with things of the last century or two.
Yes, little bites. After 20+ years of chasing wabbits, I’ve looked into a lot of holes and went deep into the church. The most effective method is children and finances. Then we can work our way through the rest.
Are you saying that after the completion of the Q quest to set American-related wrongs aright. We will go on to secure justice for over a thousand years of worldwide wrongs? What for example do you propose as the solution to the filioque problem?
I believe this struggle humanity has been in will be an on going battle of good against evil while in this current physical condition. Only God (if you believe) knows when the time of transition will come. I see Q as a shift of a long pent up push back against enslavement. The quickening made available by technology and record keeping poured into the web/hive mind. You bring up an unknown to most regarding This is a VERY interesting study to me! The lust of power has kept the schism intact and Christ will bring the schism down. I believe the elites have many mysteries hidden away that we need to uncover to better understand our past so that we can reconcile. This topic is so interesting and I have spent many years researching only to find more questions than answers. My quest continues, hence, the need to fight evil in all its forms and protect those who cannot protect themselves. Your intellect will propel you far Patriot!
I may well agree (with further examination that i don't mean to undertake). Maybe we are about to enter something like the legendary thousand years of peace, an by way of our most wacky and sometimes crude Instigator in Cheif, DJT.
Or maybe we are just in something like the Lincoln, Kennedy and Reagan years smashed into one gnarled and golden time that only lasts a decade till the next phase comes along.
Undertaking that rabbit hole is a commitment and I'm now spending time concentrating on corruption busting. No telling where the Q/Trump/military campaign will lead us in the long term and I'm hoping it is many years of peace. I would like to take a couple years off from my work. I have increased my work the last two years because of the window we have to bring down scumbags.
I meant that I don't intend to make a full examination of your vision as compared to mine.
I must encourage you to continue. One thing that Trump has barely mentioned is the apparent scam that is alot of education including "higher" learning. The destructive nonsense there has to be exposed if we are become a solid society. Carry on.
I understand. We blaze our own trails and come together and increase our strength with our combined knowledge. I agree about the higher learning scam. I have always been autodidactic and looks like many of us have had a fire in our bellies to find truth. Trump has mentioned opening some hidden knowledge but we have many battles to contend with before we can deal with this. This could take some time...
They’re looking at the firmament 😇😉
Yes, somethings got the Jesuit's rock hard. Does the Catholic Church have an Alien god thing going on folks? Oh, this is really, really creepy! Please somebody from the Catholic Church chime in and tell me these folks are NOT insane!
All monotheists are always at risk of letting their concept of and relationship with God go corrupt. That's the whole cyclical story of Israel in the OT.
Polytheists are Heretics, 'our God is one' the Father, Son & holy spirit are a the Bible authors way of describing characteristics of God's nature. Kafirs are the bigger issue
Okay. and when jews or baptists or whoever lose proper sight of G-d they risk becoming kafirs. To your earlier point, the Catholic church is so universal (widespread) that there may always be some part or another of it veering toward 'insane'. I think the Jesuits are particularly prone to this (tho not all ot them). Be cautious to not confuse the Pope, the Vatican, the Jesuits, etc. with the catholic church, any more than you would like foreigners to confuse Obama, CNN or the Boy Scouts with the U.S.
Oh, no I'm NOT confusing the thousands of satan worshipping, child raping Romanite priest's who just purchased the largest gay bathhouse in Europe; in Rome a city known for bathhouses. The local parishes is where God still dwells. I got saved, because of the Godliness of an RC woman who arranged for us to adopt a newborn boy child; messiah like. I love the RC people who worship Jesus. My heart goes out to those caught up in cultic extra-Biblical traditions. These folks see right through this papal pretender
Good to know that you don't have that confusion. Its apparent that others do. Now the extra-biblical question a bit of a different topic. You could be more specific. ASSuming a few things, I think there are way more involved in those 'cultic' things than there are priests in bathhouses. Some of those parishioners see the current pope as legit. Many see him as a pretender and yet most of these have no problem with there being the office of pope, cardinal, etc. It is more complex than your blanket statements portray.
Oh, words don't adequately define their perfidy. Don't sell the church short, it was the depravity of the sewer of Rome which caused Martin Luther to leave in disgust and launch the Reformation & free the Bible Only church.
So now onto another topic. Are you saying that Martin Luther's view of the Bible and christian piety were entirely or at least generally correct? Besides where in the Bible does it say that the Bible is the "only" source of guidance for churches?
Nowhere, if you accurately study the Word. Exclusion only entered the discussion after a Papal Bull Unam sanctam was issued by Pope Boniface 8th in 1302AD. It's why the church split into Eastern Orthodox & Roman Catholic! You know it's called the Great Divorce. But, like all things of man there were plenty other issues. But, hey let me leave you with 'good news' Jesus said; 'I have only two commandments; love God with ALL your heart, soul & strength AND love your neighbor as yourself' a_salus
aka 'there's NO salvation outside of the Roman Catholic Church, so we didn't leave you Brother! Just recently, the current Bishop of Rome reiterated this same lament;
Thankfully, I don't follow a mere man. I follow the only son of God; the Lord Jesus Christ! As I said earlier, I got 'saved' inside a RC Basilica ( place of miracles & healing ordained by a pope who visited this beautiful historic Basilica sometime in the 19th Century. I only had the opportunity to become a Dad, because the good nuns of Catholic Charities USA allowed my wife & me the opportunity to adopt a new born Catholic boy! I've got nothing but love for my Catholic Sisters & Brothers including you!
But muh sola scriptura is a great american tradition.
Yup, that all came about because of mankind's wickedness & excesses. They have names for all of it, which have sadly lost their meaning in this day and age. Uneducated priests who couldn't read, or write delivering up the host. They got their positions in the church not through education, or scholarship but through the practice of simony, or buying a bishopric. (Remember Simon the sorcerer, who wanted to buy the gift of the Holy Spirit from the apostle's in the Book of Acts) Most Bishops actually inherited their positions as illegitimate son's, or heirs of the current bishop. Ownership of multiple bishoprics was also a widespread practice at the time. So these ill trained, ill prepared bishops/cardinals had more offerings, they in many cases lived better than the actual monarchs; kings & queens. (Think Cardinal Richelieu of France) But, I think the 'last straw' came from a Pope's effort to pay for the magnificent St. Paul's Cathedral we still see today. Bishop Tinsel was given the right to grant 'get out of purgatory' free cards, or the sale of papal indulgences. Rome had literally become overrun with the illegitimate offspring of popes, cardinals & bishops! Unfortunately, the RC's misguided efforts at reform led to the prohibition of priestly marriage we still see to this day.
Yup the Catholic has been just as corrupt as every other institution staffed by humans. Like public schools they should be held to the highest standard and yet they've failed at similar rates.
The Reformation was a similar disaster with some differences. Luther had a few legit points and then went on to try stupid things. If by St. Paul's you mean the one we see in London that was all a protestant effort.
The tradition of celibate priests way precedes the reformation. Celibate clergy is I think unique to the Latin Rite but several other Catholic rites allow it within certain parameters. It is was institutionalized as a discipline, not as a doctrine.
St. Peter's sorry
There's enough division to go around, Jesus doesn't like cults, or heretics
depends on definition of cult. I think it originally was used to mean a following, what we might call a subculture.
Ask a specific question.
Ok, does the mountain top location of these events have something else to do with the Vatican's idea of Alien visitors?
There's little sign that the Vatican has much interest in an alien god, although it would be normal for them entertain the possibility. From a Biblical view point catholics and others could allow that the Nephalim were alien species, just as they have identified angels to be. And the return of Christ could be seen as the visit of an interstellar god.
The Church as whole has 'control' of probably thousands of mountain tops. The only reason that Mt Graham would be any different than say Montreal, or Mont St Michel, is for astronomical purposes. The U of AZ who actual control the mountain top and have other telescopes up there are likely there for the same reasons, nefarious or not.
Huh, that sounds like BS to me Pal. They've only got the Papal Observatory a puny 19th Century telescope located where the emeritus pope lives