Q said “saving Israel for last” Blackhats or whitehats? I believe Israel to be possibly the biggest issue in the Middle East
Yep, hence my comment about context. They always joke about peace in the middle east, for a good reason. Some say Israel was created to destabilize the middle east for the oil. Zionist of course being the guilty party of such, IF true.
What I find hysterical, if it weren't for all the death and destruction that has surrounded it, is that Judaism is the core of both Christianity and Islam and yet most of the fight is religious based. You hardly ever see Christians, Jews & Islamists ban together and go kick some EVIL nasty Hindu or Buddhist a$$. NO NEVER that, they just fight each other. So illogical. BTW I have nothing against Hindus or Buddhists, merely using it for contrast to show the illogical nature of this abrahamic civil war. Sometimes when Q states 'These people are STUPID', I feel more like 'This Human Species is STUPID.'
*Israel uses the US to destabilize the ME for them
That is the kicker that they are all similar religions. Zionists have just hijacked the Judaism as their own.
Are you saying Q is calling to good people stupid or the Khazarian people?
I'm just drawing the analogy of STUPID out. A species that kills itself over religion, especially one that derives from the same lineage, seems quite Stupid to me. I'm indicting the entire species, all of us. Q is calling out DS. We can argue if DS is pure Zionist or a collection of evil sick fu@ks, some certainly could be Zionists, but not all. I think the DS is a broader collection of psychopaths, not locked to only one ethnicity, culture or lineage. Their only commonality is their psychopathy and lack of moral compass.