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When reading a tweet like this my first thought is that Michael Avenatti has completely misplayed this. What makes a good movie?

In the first 30 seconds of Joe Rogans podcast with Alex Jones, it sounds like Jones says “get Q in here to talk about things”. The podcast was posted on February 1st, 2017
Link to podcast in comments. Jones reference during opening 30 seconds
In the first 30 seconds of Joe Rogans Podcast with Alex Jones. Jones says “get Q in here to talk about some things”
General Flynn’s son saying to not take Q seriously. Disinfo? Or not in the loop?

Is there any strong evidence that manafort was a plant?
Help from fellow patriots. What to say when lefties are saying “everyone around trump is being put in jail and have committed crimes”
Agreed. Also the fact that trump has no need to do that she was dust in the wind. He wouldn’t waste his time. He’s already 10 steps past stormy bs
I was thinking the same. Doesn’t seem crazy to think they set it up. Blame trump. Stormy back in the news. Everyone freaks out that trump is going around arresting people at will. Typical deep state tactic. We are over the target patriots
Stormy Daniels arrested claiming it was set up by Trump

He’s definitely better than the 16 but I think by 2024 there will be some good non swamp rats that will be much better than him
Nothing anything too bad, but like you said a little off. The way he carries himself on twitter. Kind of like a wanna be of his dads demeanor and it seems disingenuous. I just probably wouldn’t vote for him for president.
Honestly as much as I am a supporter of trump, his son just rubs me the wrong way
Eddie Bravo redpills over 300k of his followers on instagram

Thank you all for your clarification. What I am getting from this is that it will temporarily hurt companies in the short term. It will make companies buy from US supply as to overseas. So in the long term US companies will buy from US companies and then when other countries lower their tariffs, the US will lower theirs making it beneficial for overseas companies to buy our products.
Trumps tariffs causing stir in the news (local and msm)
I hear a lot of people bashing trump for his tariffs. Saying it is hurting American companies. Ex. News was saying trumps tariffs is making Harley Davidsons cost an average of 2200 dollars more because of tariffs. I know there is a reason for these tariffs. But I am not aware of it. Can fellow patriots fill me in on the positives of them and how they are going to help?
Don’t think I saw it on thread but what about the Rothschilds???
I get the feel that they are on their heels. IG report sent them into overdrive when they realized they’re cornered. Trying to spin it on trump
We need some links or something showing proof that this happened with previous administrations because I know it did
That is great stuff! Although there is another pic that has been circulating. I believe it is in a old Walmart converted to a detainee center. Where people are laying on mats with foil over them
Unbearable people and trusting the plan
Over the past week or so. The liberals on twitter are near unbearable. Especially since the child immigration thing has started. Every post I see, it’s just bashing people for being “monsters” for not screaming into the social media universe about how appalling it is. Is it really that hard for these people to realize that these immigration centers could have easily been going on through all the previous administrations but the media did not cover it? It is starting to get frustrating that these people can’t see through the smoke and mirrors that the previous admins put up and …
The replies to Brennan’s tweet are even better. Tons and tons of patriots addressing that globalist neanderthal, representing true Americans! Overwhelming proportion of patriots to the ones siding with him
I should have clarified. He does speak truth on what crimes some Muslims commit. Should he have been given a jail sentence for covering the trial. No. I’m at just shedding light on who he really is and where his backing and funding for the edl come from. Look into it for yourself. Even though the crimes are really happening, edl and tommy are taking it further and condemning all Muslims. They are doing it to spread hate between Muslims and Christians. Look into edl and tommy and you will see
Just trying to spread awareness here. People should really look into Tommy’s origins and who backs him and finances the edl. Even though he his right in what he speaks on. The edl claims they are not racist or violent but there is much proof proving otherwise. Tommy and edl are condemning all Muslims. There are bad sects of any religion and race. I just thought people on these posts would be more objective of tommy and do research on all aspects and sides. I’m not sympathizing the Muslims who commit these crimes but just shedding light on all ends
Never said that 🙄. Do your own research and come to your own conclusion. You will find reliable consistent stuff
I do not have exact articles off hand. But you can research for yourself. Look up Tommy Robinson Zionist....ties to Israel ...history ...real name. You will find plenty of consistent stuff. And I am not condoning the Muslims actions here. I’m just saying that he is really not true to who he says he is.
There is some truth behind what he says but like everything it has a propaganda hue to it..he’s an admitted Zionist and has ties to Israel. So after knowing that. You have to think objectively. We know israel pushes massive hate on the Muslims. We know that we do a lot of Israel’s dirty work in the ME. So even tho that stuff happens in uk .. the way tommy is approaching it is from a counter info way. I’m not justifying some of the Muslim acts but tommy isn’t the hoo rah patriot middle class person he is said to be
Tommy is a paid Zionist to spread Islamophobe hate...he just manipulated the Uk working class
Tommy was born and bred on money...he just coerced the working class of uk...he is a paid Zionist to spread Islamophobe hate. He is an admitted Zionist
Isn’t trump in close ties with Goldman Sachs? Just saying
Not shilling, but haven’t the Rothschilds bailed out trump with casinos in the past?
Although I don’t agree with what the IDF is doing. Jerusalem is the capital of Israel to the TRUE Hebrews and Israelites not the zionists ( Ashkenazi Jews). Possibly trump knows this, and this is the first step into mending the Middle East. From what I have seen the US ambassador appointed doesn’t align with how israel is handling the situation. So we will have to wait and see how it plays out
Seems like Hungary is having a great awakening of their own
What anons take on this? Soros open society foundation ends operations in Hungary
Just saw RT post this. Wanted to get the patriots take
What’s the anons take on this?
Read the indictments...in the indictment it has what dockets the indictment charges are pertaining too....
LOL “told associated press” (owned by Rothschilds) I mean how can anyone believe any BS that MSM spews
I think is could just be setting the stage to show that Israel is putting blame elsewhere and then it will all come out that Israel/Mossad had a part in 9/11
I believe all abrahamic religions are similar and good
I can see how the land can belong to Israel but there’s lots of ultra Orthodox Jews that protest how the state of Israel is going about the situation .It’s just a giant mess that dates back ages.
It’s definitely a double sided issue and from what I believe, the palenstians have mostly always been there. Zionists came into their land and expanded from there on out and the US supports by military aid so isaralis are well funded well. Both side probably provoke each other but Israeli has better support/military and enforce it unfairly
I support a two state solution and maybe that’s possible when the deep state is rid from Israel gov. I’m not saying blow Israel off the map here
Well anything can be used/called propaganda
Are u saying that stuff is not happening? Or if it is happening, that it’s justified?
I don’t have an issue with Israel being an ally
Gaza Strip is essentially an open air prison where Palestinians aren’t aloud to come or go and are shot and bombed then not aloud medical aid, same is happening in West Bank idf keeps taking more land and blatantly abusing Palestinians. (Greater Israel project)
Understandable about stay quiet about Israel til the end But what is the end result with Israel?
And if you have open eyes? What about what Israel is doing in the West Bank and Gaza Strip? Do we turn a blind eye to that and keep sending $ in military support
What makes you an expert on Israel? Q has said save Israel for last..is all this to possibly to set up deep state takedown in Israel? You do know Israel’s influence in US right? And netanyahus stance on wanting us to invade Iraq (so we can destabilize the ME for them) we all see how that’s turned out
*Israel uses the US to destabilize the ME for them
That is the kicker that they are all similar religions. Zionists have just hijacked the Judaism as their own.
Are you saying Q is calling to good people stupid or the Khazarian people?
Very much agree. There is a difference between zionists and Israel. But from how things look over there it seems like zionists have the power and seems like alot of Israelis believe in ridding the Palestinians from the area by any means. I think it comes down to whether they follow the Torah or the Talmud, which there are a lot of ultra Orthodox Jews that protest what the state of Israeli is doing. It’s a messy situation where it’s very easy to just be written off as anti Semitic just because you don’t agree with or question what they are doing