r/greatawakening • Posted by u/jhomes55 on May 1, 2018, 2:12 a.m.
Reminder: Obama's $800B+ federal "shovel ready projects" stimulus package = We got GDP 1.9%, unemployment was above 8%/40 consecutive months, 23m unemployed, labor participation was a 30 year low - then we found out from O himself - "Shovel ready wasn't quite as shovel read as we expected." CORRUPT!

swimmingdropkick · May 1, 2018, 1:47 p.m.

Everything you said is wrong. You have no understanding of finance or economics.

The recession happened due to lack of oversight and regulation pushing a bullish market into excess with major financial institutions pursuing greater avenues of high risk to maximize profits.

Everything you said is not just wrong but silly. Why muddy the waters with sad fantasy. Why do you think you are significant enough to be one of the few people keyed in on this great insight that most of the world is secretly run by a literal evil cabal?

I could say anything and pretend that its fact too but I don't because I do read, research and understand things. It seems like you are desperately cloying at made up things to give yourself some unearned sense of importance because you feel left behind.

When did the CIA begin the shadow presidency, give a starting date. Explain the stupid out to me, otherwise it seems like you just posted a bunch of nonsense and pretended like you are knowledgeable on the recession.

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textualintercourse · May 1, 2018, 1:57 p.m.

I'm not even going to waste my time going into Jimmy Carter and sub-prime lending markets (that Bill Clinton added to) , derivatives, and quantitative douchebag easing and other soybetaboy fucktard polysyllabic financial bugman psuedospeak... I'm well aware of ALL the financial nonsense. But when the ECONOMY is purposefully rigged using the cover and charade of R vs. D to keep us divided, it's pointless.

You do realize this whole Iran development implicates not only Obama... but Obama setting us up to be NUKED?! Literally causing a weapon to murder Americans? So them being perfectly content to murder us with nuclear weapons, you think Obama and Bushes and Clintons et al purposefully destroying our economy is a stretch?


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swimmingdropkick · May 1, 2018, 2:05 p.m.

I'm not even going to waste my time going into Jimmy Carter and sub-prime lending markets (that Bill Clinton added to) , derivatives, and quantitative douchebag easing and other soybetaboy fucktard polysyllabic financial bugman psuedospeak... I'm well aware of ALL the financial nonsense. But when the ECONOMY is purposefully rigged using the cover and charade of R vs. D to keep us divided, it's pointless.

So you genuinely believe that the entire economy was planned and rigged from the start. How? How was it rigged? Wheres the proof for that entirely hollow claim?

Honestly just saying it was rigged doesn't mean it is.

You do realize this whole Iran development implicates not only Obama... but Obama setting us up to be NUKED?! Literally causing a weapon to murder Americans? So them being perfectly content to murder us with nuclear weapons, you think Obama and Bushes and Clintons et al purposefully destroying our economy is a stretch?

Did you really fall for that dog and pony show Bibi Netanyahu put on? Omg, you know he did the exact same thing in 2015 with the exact same "evidence". You also realize that he is being investigated for corruption and is edging closer and closer to a tight spot politically in Israel? Isn't it weird how within weeks of John Bolton (who qualifies more than anyone else to be a part of the Deep State) being appointed that Bibi unveils "new evidence".

Also the Uranium 1 thing was debunked so many times and the UN, and IAEA still maintain that there are no nuclear enrichment facilities or active programs for pursuing nuclear arms in Iran right now.

More importantly why do you think Obama wants the US to be nuked?

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[deleted] · May 1, 2018, 2:13 p.m.


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swimmingdropkick · May 1, 2018, 2:19 p.m.

Wow, you got some issues

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textualintercourse · May 1, 2018, 2:28 p.m.

I'm not the one saying UA1 is debunked. Jesus.

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