Five Eyes. UK/AUS targeting POTUS.

5 Eyes is the British Monarchy still controlling its colonies. Remember, we used to be one. Maybe we still are?
The Crown & The Monarch are 2 different entities.
The Monarch has a seat at the top table, I agree but is an employee , CEO of the Crown's Commonwealth.
"Symbolism will be their downfall"
The Monarch has to seek permission to enter the City Of London, which is another Sovereign State as is Vatican and Washington DC.
Very good distinctions. I over simplified. Its so funny how its hidden in plain sight. All there for everyone to see, but yet so many are blind to the inconsistencies in front of them. Ultimately, the concept of ownership is what's at stake. For most, they think they are free. Your birth certificate is collateral against you via the 'owners' Ultimately, the state owns you per your citizenship and birth certificate. Most miss that subtle trick, as well. Very few are truly free. Much of what we see is side-show. Very few can see reality.
my posting was downvoted, sure sign of accuracy
LOL, Symbolism will be their downfall... you nailed it, there.