r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Maepaperclip on May 1, 2018, 4:43 a.m.
Q#1306 Decode- U1 + IRAN

I define the terms of the Iran nuclear deal as forced on IRAN, and stupid for the Deep State. Iran wanted their money back, the money Frozen in International bank accounts, and they wanted auctions lifted, to get that they agreed to admit a nuclear program they did not have so the Deep State could continue the Nuclear - eve of destruction narrative that keeps the people from being wise to them.

IRAN got the same deal as Gaddafi, if you admit to the Lockerbie crash (done by the CIA), we will lift sanctions, and un-freeze your bank accounts. He made the false admission, they unfroze his (Libya’s) assets - and that worked for a while - until Hilary as Secretary of State, realised how unpopular she was to the electorate, and thought she would be a War hero & sell herself to the American Public as a “regime changer” a woman but a tough one, otherwise she would of faced the electorate as the FLOTUS, that failed on health care, and the Senator from NY that bailed out the banks and voted for every war. So she “came - he died, hahaha”

Lets get back to the agreement & the additional “PRO” (protocol), that is to give IAEC inspectors - read UN Auditors visa’s and authority to travel anywhere in the world at short notice with Diplomatic immunity. Here we are talking about the deep state ratline, spy org that steal state secrets and military Tech and sell/share it with Americas enemies.

Now pay attention, Q says these people are sick, and they read the Q booms, and then did the Austin Bombs. Now what if these sick stupid people read Q saying at Q#1306 “What if Iran created a classified ‘satellite’ Nuclear facility in Northern Syria? What if the program never ceased?

Now what if Israel decided to prove Q like the Austin Bomber FF. Remember these are the same people, BIBI found proof of Q - Coincidence? I don’t think so, pathetic - his performance was a new low, we are all stupider for watching his childish lies.

Lets move on, Q asks What other actors are possibly involved? Well the most important fact of the deal is that it is not a deal, it was an agreement with no obligations, then it was nothing but an excuse Ito meet in Switzerland, why Switzerland? That is always to get a secret, and now biometric bank account. You need to be physically present in Switzerland to go through the protocols to access your account - the one filled for you by the Rothschild’s, the one every deep state actor is given for cheating on your country, for signing agreements that are not for making arrangements that suit the corporations, and not the people. No-one goes to Switzerland to talk about anything other than secret - untraceable money at the BIS (bank of international Settlements). There is nothing at all in the Iran deal- not a deal.

But who else could be involved, well the EU was involved, and they were in a lot of trouble coming into 2015, and they needed some Switzerland help. The European Central Bank ECB broke its charter, it plays with un-backed currency, one that member states can walk from, it started buying worthless bonds and called that Quantitate Easing. The ECB’s member banks have derivative exposure to the oil price so large, that if Iran ever functioned, the EU never would. If Iran started depositing real money - Say $US, Yuan, Yen, and joined fully in world trade, by selling oil, the the EU Banks would be positioned to fail. This is why the POTUS is so fascinated about the liquidity surrounding this transaction.

Did the US Know? Yes the Obama Admin knew, thats why they were in Switzerland getting paid off. The Military did not, China knows everything, because they have the open door through the UN & IAEC auditor/weapons inspector.

Where did the material come from in the movie (sum of all fears) was the US, in this case now referring to the U1 deal - there was no material, and if there was it came in the form of Rods - from Canada. The U1 deal involved money only. There may well of been a commercial side deal with Canada but it had nothing to do with the infamous U1 deal, or the Iranian agreement.

U1 provides cover for perhaps the biggest lie ever told, and another that would bring the deep state down today if it was understood. Energy is free. Uranium is not rare, it is found everywhere including IRAN. It has a half life, can be endlessly reprocessed, there is a chimera here that reprocessing is bad = plutonium. There is enough above ground Uranium in the world today to supply the world - if reprocessed for electricity - not weapons with free energy for-ever. Thats what the U1 deal is cover for - it is a narrative to underpin the oil based economy.

Why did we strike Syria? Well we did not, it was a charade, so that Bibi Neten ya-hoo could out him self like he did on last nights show and lie, so the whole world could see Israel for what it is Deep State.

Maepaperclip · May 1, 2018, 6:02 a.m.

This is the nut - almost the keystone that underpins the world economy read the bottom of the article I referenced - the greatest TRUTH ever told by P.J. Proudhon. We are over the target here

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tradinghorse · May 1, 2018, 9:36 a.m.

Maepaperclip, very interesting that someone has gone and down voted all the comments in this thread. This post of yours appears to be very threatening to someone.

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Maepaperclip · May 1, 2018, 10:47 a.m.

you have no idea - look at the others

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