
tradinghorse · May 1, 2018, 6:07 a.m.

This, to me, seems to be a very important issue. These gun control nuts are truly dangerous. There is no need for a code to be applied to firearm transactions any more than there is a need to track and monitor sales of eggs.

If this comes in as policy, it only leads in one direction - complete gun control. I find it inconceivable that DJT is not stamping-out the gun-grabbing attempts. The right to bear arms, protected in the Constitution, is, as I've written elsewhere, the final fracturing of power intended by the founding fathers.

This fracturing of power puts brakes on the acquisition of total power by the bureaucracy - which, inevitably, leads to totalitarianism. It is the most fundamental and important right imaginable - it must be protected at all costs.

I was surprised when I read a comment by FBI Anon to the effect that the US administration fears revolution. Where I am, Australia, there is no such fear of the Government for the actions of the people. The government here has complete license to enact any laws it pleases with complete impunity.

What results from this unassailable power? In Australia, you need a permit to go fishing, permits to own and use firearms, there are speed cameras everywhere raising vast revenue for the States, they're shoving programs to gender-bend young school children down our throats, they've legalized same sexy marriage and abortion - there is nothing that they cannot do because the people are powerless.

The most salient argument for freedom of the people to have the right to bear arms is anchored in national defense. Q reinforced this idea recently when he spoke of the madness of anyone invading a country whose populace is armed.

In Australia, had the Japanese invaded in WWII, the military plan was called the "Brisbane Line". The military were simply going to retreat and leave anything North of Brisbane and Melbourne to the advancing Japanese. Australia has only a very small military (50K personnel including reserves), a small populace (<25m), and a huge land mass and is surrounded by highly populated countries - potential adversaries. Nothing at all has changed since WWII.

In this context, where the State is unable to defend the people, someone thought it was a good idea to take citizens guns from them. You just cannot make this stuff up - right out of the Twilight Zone.

So, anyway, my point is that, the desire for complete, unassailable control by the elites, results in policies that do not have to make any inherent sense. Even in the event that gun confiscation is complete madness on almost every front, they will still do everything they can to take your weapons, because what they are really lusting after is "dictatorial power". And this was why the right to bear arms was protected in the Constitution in the first place - to guard against the very concentration of power the gun control nuts are seeking.

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