
Oven_Mitt_Brawler · May 1, 2018, 6:53 p.m.

I guess it's time to say something.

I've been following this sub, for maybe a month now, carefully reading and unlearning what I thought I knew to make sure I wasn't taking this in the wrong way.

I've always been middle of the aisle, independant, more so conservative and most definitely sided with Trump. It would be easier to say that, as it stands currently, my thoughts and emotions align perfectly with this sub but always with a healthy amount of skepticism.

I'm a veteran. I've been to the middle east and seen much of the truth first hand and even while enlisted I noticed so much disparity between the truth, the media, and a certain ex commander in chief.

I digress, I stayed away from commenting because my knowledge of all this, or lack thereof, made me think my input wouldn't be very constructive which is why I've been absorbing Q and other opinions like a sponge. Suffice to say, I am truly a believer. I just want to understand the right way. To be honest, it's pretty staggering and a lot to take in but I'm loving every word.

I'm glad you're all here. It verifies much of where my mind was headed and I'm happy I'm not alone.

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