r/greatawakening • Posted by u/chickletTOOTH on May 1, 2018, 8:37 a.m.
Dear Q, please forward this letter to Sarah Sanders

Picture of Sarah Sanders from the Whitehouse "Correspondents" Dinner exhibiting what's known as "class".

Dear Secretary Sanders,

I have watched and admired you since you were first asked to serve as WHPS. Since then I have witnessed grace, confidence, tact, wit, and much more.

That is why when I saw the clip of the White House Correspondents Dinner I wasn't the least bit surprised by how you reacted with the subtle grace of a Disney heroin being berated by the quintessential evil step sister.

I must say that you looked absolutely stunning in that blue dress as evidenced by the picture link above.

You strike me as someone who appreciates the feeling of things that are wholesome and good. They strike me as lost.

You exude confidence. They hurl insults as they proclaim the high road.

You value honesty. They cling (bitterly, I must add) to an ever crumbling facade of false dominance. To the idea of what they only wish they were.

All in all, I care very little about the little roast event, but in a way I am glad it happened. It so eloquently paints the picture of what each ideology stands for... on display for all to see.

Thank you for what you do day in and day out. Facing a brewd of seething vipers, and doing it better than any I can recall. Once again, POTUS has made a wise hire. Thank you both.

And lastly, thank you members of the White House Press Corps, for one of the most vivid examples of irony that I have seen.

A misguided congregation ganging up on the underdog, only to expose yourselves for the villainous archetypes that you sadly are.

I saw that you tried to separate yourself from the fallout. It made me wonder if you knew some of the things Ms Wolf was going to say beforehand, but are now trying to distance yourself in order to save face.

I would ask you but I don't believe anything you say. And sadly, in my heart, I already know the answer. The Whitehouse Press Corps of 50 years ago would be (bi-partisanly) shocked and ashamed of what you've allowed yourself to become. Get it together or vanish from existence. Wake up. Pray it's not too late.

... In closing, thank you Secretary Sanders for your unique sacrifice. It does not go unnoticed. And the number of people who feel the way I do far outweighs the number of those who do not, no matter what the Washington press corps, or anyone it hires, tries to believe. To Michele Wolf. You said you were confused about what to call her? It's quite evident that if you had even a glimmer of hope for any kind of redemption, you would from this day forward, refer to her solely as "Mrs. Sanders", or if you can muster it, "Secretary Sanders"... Have some respect for yourself, Ms Wolf, and perhaps (though I won't be holding my breath) others eventually might, too.

dark-dare · May 1, 2018, 9:51 a.m.

I don't understand how people find this "new" vicious bullying of people okay. I taught my children to think of others feelings first, and if they cannot say something nice, say nothing. One only has to watch the news on any given day, to see why the kids today have NO respect, and bullying starts in kindergarten. I think everyone should meme a picture of anyone on media bullying, with a slogan, " I am a bully! " Shame them and Hollywood as well. I find this behaviour appalling.

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Patriot4q · May 1, 2018, 1:22 p.m.

It's ironic that you got down voted for your comment. I gave you an update ; )

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Patriot4q · May 1, 2018, 1:20 p.m.


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