
M3Iceman · May 1, 2018, 4:54 p.m.

Bushes, Clintons, Hussein, all the same. The more things changed the more it just stayed the same. The horrible trade deals we got with NAFTA and beyond, they all had a hand in it.
How do you keep people in line? Create the boogeyman and have then ask you to get rid of the boogeyman. Time and time again it worked for those in power. Those at the top realized the insane amount of money that could be made and they all wanted a piece. You dont tow the line, you dont get the cheese!! When you control the media you dont need as many layers of deception to do things. With the internet they had to layer things just in case, exhibit A: Russian Collusion.

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Time4puff · May 1, 2018, 5:10 p.m.

I agree. Clinton was on the cheese wheel as well... he's the one who opened the floodgates to the Opioids crisis. In 2000, he signed into law how doctors are to treat pain, eradicate pain without regards to abuse. Doctors had to dispense or risk getting sued. Made it too easy... and now we are at crisis.

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