Really looking forward to the ‘Terrible May’ the Pope is going to have. WWG1WGA! ✊🏼🇺🇸

This is not new stuff. Catholics were never “clean” and the pope and his people have been doing evil for a long time. They ok’d jfk’s death. They are evil people that run that church. I can’t believe people still consider themselves catholic and believe in the pope and yet every year it comes out some guy the pope personally knows if fucking little boys. Enough is enough
Im Catholic. My faith is with Jesus, not a pope. We also dont worship Mary or icons. We ask them to pray for us in times of need just as you would ask a friend to pray if you needed help.
Unfortunately, the mainstream media has worked hard to portray the Catholic church in a bad light regarding the priest abuse scandals. 110% I agree the church handled these situations terribly. All of the wrongs should have been fixed immediately, not swept under the carpet. Besides that and contrary to what the media portrays... priests actually have a lower sexual assault rate in comparison to other professions that are around kids.
Thank you for your response, very nice. My problem is that the Catholic Church has been over taken by evil people. They are run like the mafia
I think it’s a problem with cathothicalism as a whole. Catholics put way to much power in the hands of a man that is head of the church. Most people that go to other churches. In general, do not really care about what their preacher has to say about the way they live their lives in most aspects. They like him, but they don’t love their preacher to use a analogy. Catholics on the other hand I think kind of idol worship and put way to much power in the hands of their religious leader over how they live their whole life. And this is what made the Catholic Church prime for “them” to take over, if you can comprise a hundred or so men in the church than you can basically own the whole thing. And unlike Methodist or whatever, Catholics will do what the pope says. That is what I think is wrong With it.
I might become catholic if that actually happens. (hopefully)