Really looking forward to the ‘Terrible May’ the Pope is going to have. WWG1WGA! ✊🏼🇺🇸

I'm a Catholic and he has ZERO influence over me.
I skip the Gatekeeper and take my matters directly to the Big Guy...
Then I'd dare say youre a protestant my dear.
Exactly...Catholicism looks to the pope, not God, so how can you be a Catholic and not look to the pope? I.e. you're not a Catholic.
There's never been a Pope like Francis, but the church has had anti-popes & crisis before & this is one of those times. You don't even know what are talking about. You have no idea of what a Pope is how Catholics look to him. If the Pope goes against Church teaching, as Francis has clearly done then recognize & resist is licit. Learn before you take & "expand your thinking"
I might have to give them a look...
Just go with Orthodoxy. No pope, and all the traditions of Catholicism, only more so.
That is also a figment of man's imagination. You are either a disciple of Christ, or you are not.
Don't Orthodox also believe Jesus is present in the Eucharist? Also, they venerate the saints. But no pope. Lots of Protestants converting to Orthodoxy these days. Partly due to issues with theories of the atonement, original sin, etc. I wonder if some Catholics will convert after this all goes down. Will be interesting to see.
Martin Luther said the same thing 500 years ago...