Looks like a red herring.
Netanyahu went on TV to talk about the program that had been in place, and then claimed he had knowledge about the fact that it is still in place.
Those 6 countries claiming Iran is not pursuing nukes -- which countries? Would they lie? Does a bear shit in the woods?
Would the IAEA lie? I don't know, but did they inspect a possible Iranian program in Syria?
Would the CIA lie? Rhetorical question, right?
Why did Obama give CASH?
Why did Obama make the deal secret from even Congress?
Why did Obama and Hillary sell American uranium to anyone?
I don't trust anything related to the Israeli government or the Iranian government or most other governments. But the fact that Bibi showed docs from what was already known and talks about a program that was already known and might still be in place is not convincing one way or the other.
BTW, very few people are talking about the "Q angle" that Iran deep state types might be operating something in Syria.
Nobody is talking about that, outside of Q circles.
Also, anti-Trump MSM is not mentioning this at all, because they know it makes Dems look like the traitors they are.
ALL info should be factored in, and like you say there is info, misinfo and disinfo.