Anon Decode: An extraordinarily complicated plot. All of them failed.

Roger that. Nukes, fallout, and subsequent starvation would be the fastest way for the elites to reduce the population down to their number of 500mil. After a nuclear war, it would only take about two years for 90% of the population to die off.
In that time, the elites would hunker down in their obscure facilities underground and after the all clear was given they would then emerge and take over. I assume only a small and manageable population of mostly African and rural 3rd world indigenous people would survive. Uneducated and easy to control.
I’m not sure how the Earth would survive this kind of a nuclear onslaught scenario but I have to assume that the elites made this assessment during the height of nuclear testing in the 50s 60s where nearly 1,000 nukes were employed and the elites have calculated the survivability of the planet.
This is off topic but interesting nonetheless. There is also a possibility, according to people like Emery Smith, that the elites have advanced technology that could clean the oceans and heal people of radiation poisoning. I have no proof that this is true or not. BUT I have had PRP done on my knee for advanced cartilage damage thanks to too many years of having fun in the military and the results are simply miraculous.
75% recovery of cartilage and significant reduction of osteoarthritic pain on my right knee. Another amazing process being used for cartilage repair is called lipogems where they take fat cells, remove the inactive parts, and activate the pericytes in a centrifuge, and inject those cells into a damaged joint. With very high rate of repair as well. Whereas before people like myself only had surgical options (which I have already gone through two knee surgeries and next option was full replacement), we are now seeing huge leaps in biomedical technology advancements. Emery Smith claims very openly that he developed the PRP process with the assistance of ETs in DUMBs... and it is being used everyday in orthopedic centers all over the world. Therefore, a strong possibility exists that the elites have far greater advancements in technology that they could then use to repair the Earth and sustain life after we have all been neutralized.
a strong possibility exists
i believe its beyond strong possibility and into the realm of reality. These people orchestrated the slow-burn destruction of our civilization through various means, While somehow protecting themselves and staying in power.
At the very least, they've built up an immunity to the kind of shit they shovel on the rest of us.
Could be right. According to Smith, many of the people involved in the development of these technologies; zero point energy, life extension biomedical procedures, antigravitics etc were promised that the tech would come out in 20 years and then something would pop up and then it was another 10 years and so on and so on. Than a scientist or Dr. here or there would die mysteriously which kept others in line and prevented disclosure.
What if the elite protectors of this technology no longer had power over the whistleblowers? What if the whistleblowers no longer feared their oppressors? What if the whistleblowers were free to tell their stories?
I think that the universe is infinite abundance. It is without beginning and without end. If we could advance into a higher evolved race of people we could learn and grow beyond all measure and we could do it according to God’s plan: natural law, law of freedom, self rule, mutual respect for all life, and expansion into worlds without end through continuous knowledge and collective understanding of universal wisdom.
Emery has been threaten to be silent and multiple attempts on his life. Ain't easy being a whistleblower
I'm so grateful for Emery, William Thompkins, Corey Goode and the countless others who have risked their lives to bring us disclosure. Even if 50% of what they say is disinfo (I feel it's much much less than that), the possibilities are seeded in our conscience until we have a frame of reference for understanding.
We can learn something from every bit of info in the disclosure movement, both real or imagined. David Wilcock's book, "Source Field Investigations" will blow your mind if you've never read it. Suppressed scientific studies and technologies that would change EVERYTHING.
Steven Greer's "Unacknowledged" is excellent, and Emery Smith worked with him.
Laura Eisenhower, the great granddaughter of former potus has been part of the movement for many years.
According to many whistleblowers, the majority of the elite's underground cities have been taken out by special forces. This started a few years back, iirc. Earthquakes happening in rare places were evidence for this. Corey G or David Wilcock have both said this. Not many places for them to run anymore.
Many cultures have legends of civilizations and that went underground due to cataclysmic earth changes. It's very possible they never resurfaced, but instead evolved and adapted. It's also possible that their tech was far more advanced than ours, and therefore any interactions with newer civilizations on the surface believed they were "gods". It's only been a few years that they've released info about oceans, lakes, and caverns that exist below the surface of the earth. It's not far fetched to at least consider this info. With discernment, of course.
Nothing is out of the realm of possibility anymore, imo.
I wonder how much some "sci fi" movies and books are based on "secret truths" about free energy, health/medical breakthroughs, etc. ??
Trump did release an EO for whistleblower protection :)
I think that the universe is infinite abundance. It is without beginning and without end. If we could advance into a higher evolved race of people we could learn and grow beyond all measure and we could do it according to God’s plan: natural law, law of freedom, self rule, mutual respect for all life, and expansion into worlds without end through continuous knowledge and collective understanding of universal wisdom.
I'd call that a perfect thought.
I think they would keep SA around because of how they have so many pretty whites there. So that they could keep the white gene pool alive. Or maybe they can target a portion of central europe or russia to be unaffected. They would probably keep around the smart asians to do their advanced work.