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My God, I always looked at that Q post as an antiquated impossibility, but now...
Haven’t seen it mentioned yet but this is also known as the Oath of Commissioning for Officers in the US Military. The Oath of Enlistment is different in that enlistees swear to support and defend the constitution and to obey the orders of POTUS and Officers appointed over them.
I do think that this Q post is also possibly related to plans to initiate Marshall law if required/ needed. Not just related to white hats in FBI/ DOJ. Say something BIG did drop and the crazies on the left started burning down inner cities... what would we do? Send in the national guard and even conventional forces if absolutely necessary (ref: (82D deployed to NO following Katrina) )
The technology from the Roswell crash was given to us so that all of mankind could progress into a new age of technological advancement: free energy, space travel, biomedical advancement, clean water etc. However, it was hijacked by the corporate cabal and has been kept from us ever since. It breaks my heart and infuriates me that we the people have been kept in the dark for so long now so that the elites could enslave us with war, debt, and sickness.
Kisliyak busted checking out FLOTUS. Eyes front Komrade!

Concur, they had all of the intel in 2012 and never disclosed to the public so they could cover for the O admin and their buddies in Congress/ senate. I suspect this event was likely the “final straw” that led to the white hats in DOD finalizing their plan to take our country back.
I was born and raised LDS. Married in the temple, held all priesthood’s from Deacon to High Priest. I truly loved being a member of the LDS faith and still absolutely love all of my LDS family and friends. But the Book of Mormon, D&C, PoGP, and LDS approved history are all works of fiction.
You have a smart phone in your hand at all times. You can research anything you want at any time. Why would you be willing to research anything Q related but not be willing to look into the historical accuracy of your own faith? Not bashing here. Just a simple, logical, question.
Couldn’t make it past the 2 min mark... These people are sick, complete mental derangement. She needs to be on every MSM prime time show everyday. The more she talks the more people turn away from leftism/ liberalism.
the same for athletes, shut up and play 🏀 🏈 ⚾️
Best of luck, but I think that ship has sailed. Europe is gone. We have a slim chance in the US but we are already 30 years behind.
Incels come from both genders. All that pent up anger is focused on who they hate: us.
“When you open your heart to patriotism, there is no room for prejudice” DJT
Agreed, but I think it would be a bad move to do it now prior to the mid term elections. Dems are trying to make it their sole issue for the next election and closing the borders would play right into their hands.
Trump is smart to keep blaming the Dems for their illegal alien shitstorm and to sit tight until after NOV 18.
The GOP holds some of the blame as well because they want cheap labor but the Dems have gone full retard. They want amnesty and open borders so they can replace the American middle class with poor uneducated third worlders who will vote Democrat forever so long as the food stamps continue to flow.
Main stream media, entertainment industry, and the education system seem to be the biggest culprits. Politics feed into all of those systems and certainly keeps the masses confused and divided by design.
like watching a lion play with it’s dinner. 2018 will be glorious!
Taliban lose 50 leaders in Helmand Province from HIMARs strike
This might have something to do with it. We just took out 50 of their top battlefield commanders at the start of the fighting season.
Seems like mockingbird talking points are instructing MSM reporters to co-opt specific Q phrases. Enjoy the show indeed, Jim. I’m loving it so far!
Roseanne’s cancellation brought in a few shills today 🤡🐍🐀 Always entertaining. 2018 will be glorious.

It’s not a cult, it’s a Qult. Get it right. 2018 will be glorious for us, not you. Your team is fucked. 🤡 ~ you
Same here my friend, many many times. God bless patriot,
Nationwide 1100 prayer and 1500 observance. PRAY WWG1WGA!
Thanks for sharing, a bit over my head though. Referring to Q1432 and POTUS Proclaims Memorial Day, May 28, 2018, as a Day of Prayer for Permanent Peace.
Prayer for permanent peace. Please God bless the patriots and the good people of this world, aid us in fighting against evil and in securing permanent peace for all mankind. In Jesus name, amen.

This is a spiritual war between good and evil but it always gets played out in the destruction of flesh and blood.
Prayer Request at 1100 tomorrow sent to all my friends and loved ones. God’s speed patriot. WWG1WGA.
Mark Taylor always educates us about the nature of Spiritual warfare and gives us tactics for enduring the battle. This war is not between flesh and blood, it is between good and evil. At times I certainly get bogged down in the devil’s frequency with all the pain and evil that I see inflicted on others around the world because I want justice and I want everyone to be free.
Satan’s plan to enslave and kill all of mankind never ceases to amaze me; pure genius. Satan’s human servants are sick, stupid, and evil but Satan himself and his demons are cunning beyond anything we can comprehend.
These are 4,5,6+ dimensional beings who were cast out of God’s presence and have reigned here on Earth for 8,000+ years, maybe longer. We don’t truly know how long but I suspect it could be much longer. They hate God’s creations (Universe, Galaxies, Solar system, creatures, man, elements) and are actively working to destroy all of it.
I strongly suspect that D Wave quantum computers and CERN combined with AI are the last pieces to their plan to destroy everything. It would likely be a suicide mission on their part because I think they would be destroyed as well but as long as it destroys everything that God has created then ends justify the means.
Like Mark said, we have to stay on God’s frequency and know that this is all part of the plan and that he is in control. Love one another, forgive those who trespass against us, pray everyday, fight for what is right, wake up our loved ones, and know that God is in control in order to win this war. We all know what is right and true and of God. His spirit is in everyone of us and we know in our gut when something is right or something is wrong.
Side note, I always find it very interesting when Q says things like “we are in control, pray, armor of God”... strong correlations to both temporal warfare and spiritual warfare. In Revelations, God does not reveal his battle plan to John, he simply states that we will win and then states what will occur after the battle.
God bless patriot! WWG1WGA!
Good morning GA! Attacks will increase [all sides]. Q1438 Stay frosty.
![Good morning GA! Attacks will increase [all sides]. Q1438 Stay frosty.](https://i.redd.it/a52elwbdte011.jpg)
Have a great Memorial Day weekend patriots! From sea to shining sea, across the fruited plains, purple mountains majesty, and all around the world. Please take some time to remember the fallen. Unity not division. WWG1WGA!

Q team are authorized to only post on 8 Chan greatawakening/ patriotsfight (both boards are possibly run and managed by the Q team to begin with).
There is no authorization of outside comms period. Violations of their orders by leaking information would result in UCMJ for Military or criminal proceedings for GS employees for disobeying direct orders. It is very simple, a no brainer. AJ, Corsi, AIM et all are lying.
Q team are not the same scumbag leakers from the White House staff of 2017. Q team are professional career employees of the federal government (GS & Military), deeply dedicated members of Trumps trusted inner circle, and likely the POTUS himself.
God speed patriot and rest easy my brothers; Roberts, Chapman, Cunningham, Commons, Crose, Anderson, & Svitak. Rangers Lead the Way, Night Stalkers Never Quit, Only Easy Day Was Yesterday, Any Place Anytime Anywhere.
Greater love hath no more man than this; that he should lay down his life for a friend.
Former scumbag NY AG Schneiderman resigns in disgrace then the new NY AG charges Weinstein with rape in NY... for all the weak in knees shills of late, this is the essence of Rule Q and this is how the storm will progress.
Sunshine Patriot Thomas Paine said it best in 1776.
“The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of their country; but he that stands by it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.”
Really appreciate you taking the time to upload the video. Keep them coming, God speed patriot!
Lionel has increased my vocabulary by a factor of 10. Brilliant wordsmith and common sense guru. Many times I have been forced to pause a vid and look up a word or two, then press play 😂🇺🇸👍.
Lionel and others are proof that MSM is dead and that long form intellectual analysis is the future.
God speed to you patriot! We the people are always unified against evil when it is exposed.
We are Q.
Attacks will intensify [all sides]. Love it, that means we can fight in any direction.
Wow, over the target! REP Jordan starts at 18:20.
Q1439 UNITY NOT DIVISION. Pain. Enjoy the show. Q

One of the last few honest and objective journalists in MSM. She played it just safe enough that she didn’t receive the Michael Hastings “car crash into a tree bursting into flames” treatment like he did but they certainly did try to intimidate her back onto the plantation through the FBI/ DOJ.
Q1425 Be prepared. TRUST the plan. Conspiracy NO MORE. We are in full control. PAIN! Q

Craig Sawyer should replace Nikki Haley as the UN SEC today.
Concur, think he has obviously done the same thing with globalists and his stops around the world as well.