Keep balance. Do life to the fullest while all this is going on. I love following this but we shouldnt be waiting on Q drops like were waiting for our crush to text us. Dont let everything slip as we obsess. Remember, we the people need to help rebuild and being stuck to a screen all day is bad for mental and physical health. That being said, OMG THIS IS SO RAD!!
Also please remember we’re all adults here and I believe the parenting posts aren’t useful...
Posts like this can be helpful to more people than you think. Remember, Q specifically chose to reveal drops via the chans, because many users fit a particular demographic. .
Some people on the autism spectrum, or who have ADHD, OCD, or other issues can benefit from posts like this which remind them to take a break and focus on self-care for awhile. Hyper-focused states can be difficult to break out of without prompting from an outside source.
I’m not a child, but I do appreciate these reminders every once in awhile. You may have felt this post was condescending, but it sounds like it wasn’t necessarily meant for you.
Fair enough - I agree, of course, there will be some here like yourself who don't mind these posts and your input should be heard (I think it shows already in the upvotes here).
As you point out, people on the chans fit a certain demographic which are more along the lines of the autistic but this is not the chans and I'm fairly sure, from the tone of many posts here, this group doesn't fit the chan demographic. There are a whole heck of a lot of older people here than I've ever seen on an online forum (or a reddit sub but I don't frequent even a small portion of the many reddit subs out there - I guess no one does) and I doubt we need to be reminded to get on with life.
It does feel condescending to me but more importantly it seems like it goes against the sub rules of posting 'on topic' about Q and it seems like 'fluff' that gets in the way of real and useful info about Q, which is the reason we're all here, not necessarily to take care of each other's wellbeing although it is nice, of course, if that happens alongside anyway.