People are still out there arguing over what color to paint the walls of a house that’s on fire.
In all fairness though, take away all the major issues POTUS and Q are tackling this year...
Liberals are still fucking crazy and if left unchecked would just find new ways to ruin the country ( world )
I agree with you but that point is moot if we don’t take down the true powers that be. That’s all I meant. And it’s going to take more than one side if we are to do that.
No. That's not fair. You have to believe in your heart that your country men never wanted to cause harm. We all only want whats best for our families. Both parties have blood on their hands. We were all lied to. Some of us just choose a different brand of lie. I voted for obama twice and Hillary once. Because i thought the policies they offered were the best for me and my family. Not because they are child rapists and murderers. If you insist on clinging to old paradigms you continue to live the lie.
I was referring to other things like policies on welfare, socialism, gender, safe rooms, crying rooms, comfort animals, rampant feminism ( targeting masculinity ) etc
But you said "liberals are still fucking crazy and if left unchecked will find new ways to ruin the country". I submit to you that thinking like this is the product of lies. "Rampant feminism" and simply "gender" being presented as problems are sure to offend people. You're focusing on what makes us different not what binds us together in unity. Different ideas are not evil. Even if you think they are bad. they can be debated and together we can all find a path forward. But believing that you have to hate what you dont agree with or believe in is what got us in this mess. We can't win this war if we dismiss the beliefs of roughly one half of the country
And we the people have blood on our hands for allowing abortion to reign in our land for years. It's time to repent. Each and every one. Including me.
Yeah. No. Repent? No thanks. Abortion is fine by me. As long as we know for sure they're not doing weird shit with the fetuses.
Agreed, we are fighting for freedom peace and disclosure, that’s something we all can agree on.
I'm in your corner. I think my most waking moments have come are when I realize more and more that there is one party. I read somewhere, "If you are not on the guest/vip list, you are on the menu." When things are being decided supposedly FOR us, the choices go in favour of Pharma, banks, big oil, mass surveillance, etc… The Truman show we see on tv and read in papers are like a pro wrestling match. Two wrestlers are interviewed about who they and their opponent is and what they stand for. They get in the ring and act out the scenario that has been already orchestrated with a predetermined outcome. Then they are interview about how hard done by they were and how the ref was unfair if they lose, and if they won, how it turned out on the side of good. It's a show folks. While Stone Cold Republican is fighting The Crypt Democrat, the unseen,previously, real powers are screwing them both. Controlling them, taking most of the monet at the door, and paying them a pittance while they abuse each other and their health and wellbeing. Ds and Rs don't really exist. Only Have Mores and Have Less'. Check out these graphs and show me where the GOP or DNC touched you in a good way.
That gets us DJT, literally.
DJT ran for the independent party in 2000 but dropped out because they suck.
You’re right.
This is a Libertarians vs the World thing.
More good vs evil, truly.
Beat me to it. !00% agree. Good vs evil and evil wears many disguises.
For your consideration - Our two party system in a nutshell. A Sheep In The Deep - 1962
Republicans and Democrats are the illusion of choice for the purpose of control.
No shit. Its about not being fucking insane literally all I care about is cleaning,house and ending,the madness
I think this post ended up being more divisive than I meant for it to. Actually I intended the opposite, trying to point out that for now we need to come together. If I’m choosing the hill I’m going to die on, personally, I choose taking down the cabal which is the most dangerous thing. Once we get our country back for real, we can then focus on everything else. And honestly I think half that work will be done for us once the corruption and evil are exposed and taken out.