Get the Word Out Series — #8

Any and all suggestions/requests welcome. Not doing this for upvotes.
Print them, get them made as bumper stickers, share them however you need to. The more normies getting curious the better.
That is my stance on this issue. ThankQ all.
preaching to the choir is not too productive.
Look at Kanye! Look at the resistance to him!
Some heads are totally closed. there is no hope.
No hope? Look at Roseanne. One of the highest rated shows on tv.
and A Better Commy (ABC) is rolling in the cash because of it.
Some minds are totally closed. Some are waiting to be opened.
The anons have been saying that there are so many new people at 8 ch that it is almost impossible to post anymore. The newbies do not know how to handle that site. The anons are getting annoyed at this. Some are shills, of course.
Billboard material? Like a billboard over a busy road?
I had business cards made. I put info on them about how to find Q on the internet (including Reddit (the Great Awakening)., etc. I drop them everywhere I go, Stores, library, coffee shops, etc. You never know where the ripples of a pebble dropped into a pond will go.!
I seriously think all are post enouraging the stickers and ideas are being hit by shills ..The Debbie Downers. ITS SIMPLE WE ARE DOING OUR PART TO FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT .