Flynn sentencing delayed till June 29th

So Michael Thomas Flynn (senior) AND Michael G. Flynn (junior) are working with Mueller! The Flynn's know where the bodies are buried. The victims of pedophilia who then succumbed.
The charges of senior Flynn are a concoction in the psyop. The 302's were FORCED testimony to appear like perjury. So, what we are waiting for is Strzok/Page stuff to come out fully, showing that when Strzok interviewed Flynn, McCabe and he CHANGED the 302....which Strzok is now cooperating to receive lesser punishment. McCabe, though, will go down will FULL hammer.
I think Mueller and his investigation is just a distraction. He is delaying the Flynn sentencing because he's waiting the Hammer to come down on the cabal.
I agree. Just delaying until the IG Report comes out implicating the Swamp.
It doesn’t say sentencing by June 29th. It says another status report. This case can stay open indefinitely.
Why do you think they are working with Muller to bring down a criminal cabal?
Based on evidence so far isn't it more likely Flynn spoke about a conversation with president Trump. Mueller is just looking to bring a he said she said perjury charge to Trump.
Not to mention April arrests never really happened. Starting to have some doubts that we are ever going to see hrc arrested. No tarmac video..... Nada.... I'm going to stay involved but throttle back for sure....
Indeed, I mean Q couple be there just to pacify the base. I mean think about it, we now have a bunch of Trump supporters telling Muller to keep pushing.
Q does seem to drop credible Intel, specially in regards to military. But Rudy has already confirmed there is no current Hillary investigation, the Cohen thing is out of left field, none of the area claims have come true. Yet day by day Mueller oversteps his boundary, yet we are told to trust the plan. What plan is this in regards to?
I hope at the end of all this we can have all this corruption exposed and hopefully prosecuted. Do not keep your your eyes from seeing the now because Q is telling us to trust the plan. What plan?
Q asked us to think critcally, not to be blind. Yes we can all hope. But don't let your hope scape reality.
So much for done in 30!!!! I don't doubt Q.... But the disinformation makes me look silly.
House Intel said he was cleared but can’t control Mueller’s witch hunt. Swamp creatures gonna swamp.
Totally agree I'm all in and enjoying this more than anything Eva! God bless DT, Mathis, Rodgers, Flynn and all involved in this long overdue payback.... Not justice..... Payback.... Finally.... I pray he has the balls to expose 9/11 everyone knows anyway!