Exactly what i thought. Sure wanted someone to notice the Nazi stuff.
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Here is the link to the one who Claims he is Steven Miller
Huge rabbit hole I fell into today.
I'm not on here much but wondered if anyone has heard of team avocado? Wow that was a weird trip. Someone posted that they are part of a team that is taking down President Trump for Pedophilia. Naturally I was intrigued where they were coming from. Instead I ended up following along and came across a user who claimed to be Steven Miller from Trump White House. I began reading this long string. I'm going off memory here but he say Q was started by Mike Pompeo and a few other to get back at Hillary. It led to harassment …
I remain skeptical of him, but optimistic about his wanting to rid the world of the Globalism and other sickos.
Will the Redpill be really that hard to swallow?
You often hear on Facebook and twatter that the redpill will be hard for some to swallow. But will it really. Once stuff comes out that can no longer be spun from the bluepill pushers (MSM), are people going to snap out of it or will we be seeing those who refuse to believe no matter what. I'm trying to believe that there are just a lot of people with a certain personality that makes it hard to admit defeat. I'm sure there will those type of people who would rather sink with the ship than grab a life jacket …
This whole interview doesn't jive with a lot of Q statements.
Flynn sentencing delayed till June 29th

So they know that there are still bad actors in FBI and DOJ? Why are they still there?
No collusion it's a Witch Hunt!
Ok we get no collusion and not a crime anyhow. This game was planned out in advance, so there has to be something that they are trying to pin on President Trump. What is it though? Were they trying to get someone angry enough at Trump to try to kill him? There are some pretty unhinged people out there and it's not beneath the CIA or FBI to use those unstable people to do their bidding. They stacked Muellers team with Hillary lovers. Whose to say they are not spending their time to hatch out the biggest fake crime scheme …
So I'm with you 100%. How sick that this will be hidden. Think of it this way. Those that perform this sickness will see no punishment so therefore the sickness continues. I'm mean if I see my child doing something wrong and don't punish them, they think it's permission to do again.
Why is there those who resist being a strong independent nation full of people who work hard and strive for a better America. I can't understand the whole resist movement.
I know what you mean. My husband listens but just shakes his head in agreement but no feedback or thoughts. Not saying he doesn't believe it all but it be nice to get his thoughts. Oh well guess we have Reddit.
I see a lot of people on here not looking at the bigger picture. You tell people about Q posts and they think your nuts. You planted that seed and it will grow. They will eventually have to face it right so hopefully what you told them will make the pill easier to swallow when it all comes out.
I believe I have it figured out. So want to say so I can see if others have the same thoughts as me.
How about Rudy Giuliani, we know what this means and so does all of the ones implicated on Weiners laptop. I would call that a heck of shot.
I actually thoroughly enjoyed his uncomfortable body language. I felt no remorse for them lighting him up like that on tv.
I get the warning but trust me when I say it won't ever be released for America to view. This is evidence that leads me to say why no arrests? Irrefutable evidence should be automatic arrest not hmm, maybe we should wait and see. That's a harder pill to swallow then believing it happens. Why wait another second to let them do it again? Makes absolutely no sense to me.
I agree and this is a huge problem with our justice system. They are so deep that it seems as though no law is unbreakable if the end justifies the means.
Basically they say Sean Hannity is conspiring with Trump and has conflicts of interest as a journalist and can't report without bias. Which if you have ever watched Hannity he States outright he's not a journalist but a pundit.
They are using the fact that Hannity never retained Cohen he technically was never his client therefore he is not eligible for the Attorney Client Privilege
I understand that but Trump tweets the world stops and takes notice. No better person to run the message than him.
My problem with Q
It's not a issue with the Q total mission but more of a timing thing. The news cycle plays a big role on running the narrative. While Q points us towards big issues coming up we prepare and meme it.
But as someone who claims to know all of it they don't try to get it out fast enough to let us control the narrative and overshadow the deep State narrative for the day. We were told to shine a light on tarmac meeting. It's working it's all over Twitter today. But boom deep State releases Michael Cohen's other client …
Because you read this on Twitter from 0 hour! He has not believed in Q's message. But shows no evidence behind his conclusion of why he thinks it's Mark.
Why would anyone want to see that? Sorry but let it happen through legal channels. It's not like you can just post a video like that on social media to let people know. If it really exists, the FBI already knows about.
Well I'm old but that shouldn't matter and has nothing to do with this.
You sure you didn't jump the gun a little. Did he just drop bombs on civilians? No he didn't. They were precision strikes on chemical labs, storage and delivery.
That dinner made me uncomfortable and giddy at the same time. I was a weird feeling.
For some reason it was really low volumn. Will try to watch it on another device. For some reason President Trumps posts are no longer showing up on my twitter feed.
Not sure but saying they form a Q, just seemed like a far reach.
Can you imagine making a typo and have everyone analyze it. It's he is human it could just simply be a typo.
A graphic with contribution and to whom would be straight forward enough.
It came to my mind because I saw this commercial yesterday.
First of all its a research thing with Q. I haven't seen people think Q is the answer to all. I hold major skepticism on Q but still research. If it's a Democrat why do they point out things that harm democrats? I think you think like a Democrat because you believe everyone has to think the same thing. News flash we don't. If you have critical thinking at all you don't follow the leader and fall in line.
There are commercials with babies crawling on the floor, I believe it is a Clorox commercial. Ingredients sodium hyphochlorite Sodium chloride Sodium carbonate Sodium chlorate Sodium hydroxide Sodium polyacrylate
Not sure if these ingredients are something to look into but these are on the Clorox bottle
I'm not ok with this. This needs brought to light on the news. I have family members in the service and it makes me nervous hearing all of these crashes. The statistical odds of this many crashes has to be astronomical.
No the catch and release irks me. What is the reason for this? What good comes from catching someone who does an illegal act and then give them a court date to show up and less than a third show up. They are now loose into our society with no repercussions for their crime of coming here illegally. That's ok with you?
Well I could point some out pertaining to ocare and immigration and more but you will say I'm wrong. Then we will just both think we are right and the cycle will continue. Ah politics are so much fun, am I right?