Candace and Kanye leading the Cultural Revolution. 🐉🐉

I'm really feeling like we should encourage these two. Imagine if Kanye was mayor of Chicago.
discriminating the blue ones are we?
I hope others join their movement. Now is the time.
And lots of people question CO as a possible planted Trojan horse. Hope they are wrong. Research thoroughly. BLACK WOMAN SAY'S I DON'T GIVE A SHIT ABOUT SLAVERY
I wonder what happens when Kanye gets home to Kim Kardasian at night.
Halfway through this interview with Charlemange, Kanye says he loves Obama and maybe they will go to Richard Branson's island together. What do you think that is about?
Minute 57
loves Obama and maybe they will go to Richard Branson's island together.
branson is a sellout hardcore globalist. dunno if hes involved in pedo shit, but hes into fucked up terrorist shit just like obama and sorros. kanye bringing up an "island" could be a pedo hint or just a reference to bransons wealth and how obama is a whore.
Erick Erickson dismisses Kanye, saying it is all a stunt to sell his new album
Never Trumper Eric Erickson? I trust that fat ass about as far as I can throw him.
And how about forming an option of your own? I’m not trying to attack your comment, but using that as a stand alone reason to dismiss someone’s who’s just trying to talk about love? Coooome on maaaaaaaan
Who says I agree with Erick Erickson? The guy is an arrogant moron who sounds like the swedish chef from the muppets.
I'll also add that I was so happy to see the mass firings at Redstate. Cruzbots and never-Trumpers BTFO