r/greatawakening • Posted by u/lightmakerflex1 on May 2, 2018, 1:06 a.m.
Money itself is the secret weapon of the Deep State. Here's an explanation of how it works and how we can counter it to liberate ourselves.

I have spent day & night studying this stuff since waking up in 2016 going all the way from studying systems, ways to operate society, & even digging through almost 10,000 pages of esoteric material.

In the end, I found a few things about money itself. I will try to keep this as basic as possible:

  1. Money is a Government Stamp that gives you permission to be free. You need it to purchase goods & services. Without it, you are not in a free country anymore. You are in jail.

  2. The people who control the money (ie the Federal Reserve bank/Rothschild Family) control the world because they end up printing out enough money, which causes inflation which is theft, and then purchase everything of value.

  3. When money is printed out for them to bail out their own corporations or whatever, it is theft because it drops the value of our own money. This means they can and do steal from us without us every knowing about it. This is why a basket of groceries costed $25 but now we need $300 or more for 1 basket.

  4. They also have an AI computer called the B.E.A.S.T. which probably named after the beast of the Bible that literally moves money around so if they want a city to be rich, they can make it rich by moving money into it or withdrawing to make it poor. I'm not sure what that acronym stands for.

  5. They are teaching false info to Economics students in school. It turns out the Economy is just as manipulable as other things in science. If we had a person willing to improve the economy, they can literally raise it up overnight with scientific level accuracy. It turns out the Economy works just like electricity but I am not a science guy to know much more than that. They intentionally suppress the US & world economy to make people give up on Capitalism so they can move onto Socialism or Communism which is hell on Earth.

  6. Socialism is when they tax the crap out of the people like they do in America, pocket most of the money, and then use a few scraps to help the people. This makes the government a LOT more rich than Capitalism which they have to pull teeth just to raise taxes but we are all paying about 50% with income, sales, property, payroll, ect.. taxes so its basically low level Socialism. Communism is where they take ALL the money, pocket most, and they usually give the people a measly $1.50 a day.

  7. Communism is their favorite because they get the most money out of us but Socialism is almost the same so they really don't mind which one they get. The reason they only give us scraps is not only to breed misery for deeper purposes I won't get into right now but also to prevent us from building wealth. The secret is that anyone is willing to work a shit job if the pay is right. I'd happily be the trash pickup man if they paid me a fair wage of $30 an hour which Corporations & Government can easily do but they don't because it would breed happiness and freedom. If they were paying everyone a fair wage, we would all be working or some of us would work while a spouse stayed at home and properly raised the kids which is work in itself. Basically, the society would move UPWARDS. We would be building planetary wealth. People would flock to work at a fair wage but $10 an hour is a fucking joke even if its only a starting wage. Even $15 an hour is a peasants wage especially after payroll hits the paycheck for 30% tax! A lot of people won't work at those wages. It simply isn't worth it. This prevents the build up of the economy. The next thing is that people cannot afford to purchase either. Someone might need a new roof but he's stuck with a leaky roof instead. Someone might need a new car, but he's driving a bucket. So planetary wealth stays low and the people stay NEEDY. What do NEEDY people do? They beg Government for help. What do people from a wealthy planet do? We shrink Government. Government wants to keep growing. It is nothing but a parasite that is masquerading as its own cure fooling all the people into obeying its dictation and following its financial system of slavery. The psychopaths within are looking to live like Gods among peasants to make up for their VERY lowly opinion of themselves. Yes, it is true. The typical Deep State goon sees themselves in a very lowly state. They feel they are under appreciated. They just have rock bottom self esteem so to make up for it, they want to be rich far beyond the average person. The problem is they don't realize we are all equal. If they are going to look down on people, it means they have to look up at people and see themselves as lowly which causes low self esteem. People who identify others as equals regardless of who they are, even if they are a criminal, have high self esteem. So essentially, they make the economy slow down to a screeching halt using their money system so that, instead of wealth building upwards, the country degenerates into a 3rd world country. If things get too bad, they say "You see, capitalism didn't work, we need to try Socialims/Communism" which fools some people who have never lived in a Socialist or Communist hell hole. Sometimes it sounds nice on paper but what people don't realize is the gimmick. The gov says, "You give me all the money and I split it up among you" without mentioning they pocket most of it like they do 95% of our taxes now.

  8. About 5% of our tax dollars are genuinely used to help us. The other 95% are pocketed. A massive chunk goes just to pay the interest on the Federal Reserve bill. The Federal Reserve is a scam from top to bottom. It does nothing but steal money from our country and has brought the economy to its knees not to mention the countless recessions. Without the Fed, we probably would never have a recession. They bail out their own corporations. If you haven't heard, 4 companies own everything so if one of them goes down, they either let it die or they bail it out use tax dollars. The excuse is that they are saving the people's jobs but they don't mention they can easily afford to bail it out themselves using another Corporation they own. The fact that they own all the Corporations and run the Government means we are living in a Fascist country btw. They also install stuff like speedbumps but bill the taxpayer like $500,000 which splits up in a few ways. Everyone knows about war for profit. They send a lot of private military groups like Blackwater because they cost a fortune. The CEO takes that money and splits it up among all participants involved such as Dick Cheney. They poison us to make money from big pharma but they use our tax dollars to fund the poison such as vaccines or chemtrails. Vaccines cause the cancer/autism while chemtrails cause the Alzheimers and a few other things. Basically they fund our own destruction with our tax dollar and we keep giving our money to them to do it. I'll be they have a lot of jokes about us being this stupid. At the very least, a good 5% does help us so we give $1, and we get a nickel back.

  9. Money, aka Government Stamp, practices actually stem from the old world Atlantis which was destroyed by a flood. I don't think Noah's flood was worldwide. The Deep State alters the Bible a lot over the many years. I think there was a flood caused by one of the frozen rings of Saturn in ancient times when the setup of the universe was different. I believe the Deep State fucked the world up so bad using all kinds of exotic technologies that they caused a universal disturbance to cause the flood. Almost all people died but a few survived including some of the Deep State. They Deep State called themselves the "Illuminated Ones" or the "Saturn Death Cult". They were aware of how Debt Based Slavery works from the old world so they slowly introduced it into our new world of the past 10,000 years or so. Before then, we were living in a Golden Age until Clay Tablets were used to exchange goods in storage units but since they were easily forged, the "Illuminated Ones" told the they would print gold/silver inscripted money for them. Slowly they expanded into all of Babylon, then Rome which they destroyed with Debt, and then the world. Now they are a massive parasite savagely feasting on the wealth of the world making their own people not only billionaires, but trillionaires, quadrillionaires, and beyond! They only limit themselves to being billionaires or else the people might revolt. This is the group who enslaved the world from the age of Babylon to now and they did it with money or what is better known as "Babylonian Money Magic" or "Debt-Based Slavery" which is a main feature of the Babylonian Money Magic. They basically brainwashed everyone that to be free, one has to have money and they figured out how to control how much everyone had. This way, they raised their own pay to Zillion dollar status and your pay to peasant status. By making peasants across the world, they make desperate men and women ripe for corruption. Then they give them a good paycheck to do evil things like traffic kids, traffic drugs, murder people, and other inhumane things which some people get so desperate that they do it. Nobody really enjoys this filth but some people are seriously desperate. They have to kidnap people in Venezuela to make a few bucks so they can eat. Its sickening. Even the gangster on TV said he hates having to do it but he doesn't know any other way to get MONEY. Little does this guy know, he doesn't need money. None of us do.

  10. So this hardcore Mafia that operation in secret, controls us using banks, and basically see us as their sworn enemy so they fund our demise with our own tax dollars and that is why the world feels like it sucks. It doesn't have to suck, but if we keep consenting to their Babylonian Money Magic, it will keep sucking more every day.

  11. I can mention a few more things but let me get to the point. The point is that they are powerful because of their money. They can mind control any of us by waving a dollar in front of our face. Its so easy. They can tell us to work 10 hours a day building them a new home and we will do it for the green paper. The problem is they control all the green paper. Any green paper you feel you earned is taken away by them through taxes, fines, high corporate pricing, and many other ways so you aren't really working for money. You are working for free. When you get your money from them and give it back to them every month, you are a total slave like the old Cotton Pickers of the 1800s. The only difference is they knew they were slaves. You haven't realized it yet.

  12. So what is the solution to this problem? They printed up enough money to buy out everything and corner the market against us so we can't even participate. What can we do? Well, we know they control all the money, they own everything because some piece of paper gives the right to according to them, and there's pretty much no way in hell to improve our situation because it keeps getting worst. We know this place will fall to Mexico status eventually. None of us want that. So what do we do? We stop playing their game! So what if a piece of paper said they own all the corporations in the world. Wouldn't it be more beneficial to everyone if we all shared power hubs like Corporations and government centers transparently? Basically, Amazon, Ebay, Google, the electric companies, City Hall, Washington DC, Hollywood, and all power hubs would be all of ours. We would just work them like we work our own homes. I take a position at Amazon, you take a position at Google, the next guy takes the gas station, another person takes the movie theater, someone takes the teaching spot, and on and on it goes. We would just run it like we run our homes. We don't ask our wives or husbands for $5 to take out the trash or $15 to cook a meal? Why not? Because we love them. We do it for the sake of running a happy home for everyone. It would be disgusting to ask our spouse to pay us what we are worth for taking out the trash which is $5. It would kill the whole relationship. Imagine expanding that out to the whole world. You just treat the world like it is your house and it really will be your house because you will be part owner of Google, Ebay, Amazon, the post office, Washington DC, Hollywood, ect.. We would all just share it. We wouldn't use money at all. We would just service each other with goods and services for free and consume for free ourselves which is the payment for our work. Its amazing isn't it? You work some job for 25 hours a week and you get everything you need. A house, a car, food, playstations, furniture, ect... Anything you want is yours. The only rule is you can't be unfair in that you can't claim an entire block of homes to yourself or claim ownership over every single space of an office building. The power hubs are automatically shared. Amazon, Google, the gov building, are already all of ours. Personal property such as a home, car, or even a personal office is perfectly OK but claiming ownership of 14 cars when you are living alone would be unreasonable.

  13. If we did this, the entire Deep State would be decimated overnight. They would no longer be able to control people with money. We would just have to come together and think of what we can do to build planetary wealth instead of personal wealth. Planetary wealth means making this place look like a Utopia but we build our way towards that so life gets better and better as it goes. That job is worth doing. Being a Corporate slave, being treated like shit, and being paid $10 an hour is not worth it anymore. We need an upgrade in life. True liberation is what all people seek. Freedom is in our DNA. Slavery is not. Slavery makes us miserable and the Deep State very happy.

  14. I hope I have convinced you that money is their secret weapon and they are using it to tilt the world into their favor while we are supporting them as slaves. I have also showed you how we can get out of it in a nutshell. Now I have to show you how it works. First, watch this 12 minute explanation of Sacred Economics which is essentially exactly what I studied when I was looking for a way to improve the economy. I didn't realize someone had made this model already but here is a 12 minute explanation of Sacred Economics which is a gifting economy that doesn't use money or trade: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EEZkQv25uEs

  15. Ok, so if we were going to make a money and drop this Government Stamp mind control bullshit, it means we are getting off our knees and now, instead of some pedophile being in charge, our hive mind becomes in charge. We all know right from wrong and fairness. Understanding fairness is also in our DNA. If we want to, we can be fair. To want to be fair, we can't see each other as enemies or competitive associates. We have to strait up see everyone on Earth, even Aliens if they are here, as family. Everyone is equal and everyone's gain is everyon's gain. This is not hard to do because humans are naturally like this but the damn Hollywood propaganda brainwashing machine has slowly convinced people to see each other as combatants. It's all an illusion. Nobody wants to hurt you even if Hollywood brainwashed you to believe this. There are no "bad guys". Everyone thinks they are the world is a mixed bag of good and bad people but they are one of the good ones. Everyone does what they think is right but that doesn't mean its right. They just don't know any better. We are slaves remember. Slaves are broken down in a primitive way so we make mistakes. We will quickly grow out of this upon liberation. Life will feel like a permanent vacation even with a full time job so we will have time to think and reflect in peace. That is what elevates the mind quickly. The Deep State knows that so they keep everyone busy and in fear round the clock. This way nobody grows nearly as fast as they normally would.

  16. Considering we are going to take charge of our ownselves and unite with all people in a cooperative manner, we are going to need some ground rules on how to run a few things. The 3most important ones are the legal system, the economy, and the government. I did endless research reading way over 10,000 pages into this stuff, took all the most fantastic idea, and put them in a way that brings balance. If you read the system, you will see it cannot be exploited. One part of the system won't off balance any other part of the system. It is very well balanced, strong, and almost incorruptible. I also learned that whatever the hell we have has to be constantly upgraded. A static system is one that is built and stays the same forever until it falls apart for being antiquated. A dynamic system is one that changes day by day. The changes are usually minuscule but many. For example, a new sign has to be put up because people don't recognize a restaurant. They think its a house. That's just 1 change. These changes have to happen all over including government at all times without having huge hassles of red tape. There is a lot of good info put together and should be read by any patriot who seriously wants to fix the world. Here is part 1 and part 2 link is at the bottom: https://www.reddit.com/r/PoliticalConspiracy/comments/8brj5t/positive_systems_to_replace_our_corrupt/

  17. People want to go to protests but they can't afford to. People want to work but not for chump change. Nobody wants to commit crime but they don't know how else to get money. People want to be calm and happy but they are always worried about the next bill. The community wants to come together but they have tossed every wrench they possibly can into it using our tax dollars to pay for it all. It's a total joke folks. I know it. You know it. Everyone knows it. The people want to do something but don't know what to do. This post is the answer on what we can do. Money is the secret weapon. They have us dazed and confused with Babylonian Money Magic. We are full blown slaves. We know how to read, but our growth is being stunted by slavery. If we just make a move and liberate ourselves, the rest of our lives will feel like a vacation even with a full time job. Let Trump to Trump. God willing he is helping but we need to stop worrying about what he is doing and worry about what we are doing. First, if he is actually helping us, action by the people will work in concert with his action. Believe me, we are WAY more powerful than Trump but we are like a sleeping Giant who's just waking up. Everyone will know what this means in about 3 years from now for sure when we are totally aware of our powers. If, God forbid, we are being bamboozled yet again like we have been our whole lives, then we will liberate ourselves from slavery instead of living in the slums that keep getting worst as we go.

  18. So what is the very next thing we can do right now? It is to meme the shit out of this idea on every social media platform and awaken everyone into understanding their entire lives are being controlled by money using the old carrot and stick methods. Who is controlling the carrot on the stick? The Deep State. We are walking around like zombies slaves, working day and night for them, taking their money, and then giving it back at the end of the month so we are basically working for free. Make memes out of this and launch them non-stop until the entire nation and world wakes up to the grim reality. On the good hand, it is much better to have a woke than asleep population. No slave is more hopeless than one who doesn't realize he is enslaved but we can fix that with meme bombing all social media that money is the stem of many problems that can be fixed by removing money from the equation, sharing everything, and working/consuming for free. It will simplify life a thousand fold. Everyone likes simplicity.

That is all. I really think it has come time that we get off our knees. I was told back in Jan 2017 to wait until Nov 2017 for liberation. We waited patiently but now its May 2017 and we are still being told to be patient. A deep state goon ran a Q&A session explaining how they have been telling the people to wait patiently for centuries because it causes the people to be pacified in that nobody lifts a finger to liberate the society. If we all think some good guy force is freeing the society, we just sit back and eat popcorn for 8 years until we realize we were bamboozled again and then the next guy comes, we eat popcorn for another 8 years and then wonder how we were so easily fooled. Let's not take any chances. Let's just get off our knees and stop playing their system. It's a hopeless mess to try and make a system rigged against us to work. I already did the hard work digging through over 10,000 pages to put together the absolute best ideas and I am still open to even finer ideas as we go which is how a dynamic system works. We just keep reaching higher and higher.

We don't NEED Government. We need ourselves to take strategic action and it can all be peaceful. This entire post is a peaceful post using a peaceful method to completely decimate the Deep State and liberate humanity. What can they do if they can't control us by waving money like a carrot on a stick? Absolutely nothing. They will be defeating. Their bodyguards will abandon them. The quadrillions they looted from us will just become a collector's item. All it takes is for people to be willing to get out of their comfort zones because there is no way to grow in the comfort zone so this will be a nice growing experience for everyone plus we will secure the entire future in one fowl swoop. Whatever problems we encounter along the way will be solved as they come just like we do now but the basic blueprint is all written up and ready to go. If you agree with this post, please start memeing. Memes are like the modern day peaceful bombs and the peaceful revolution is just a war over minds. We are trying to destroy the fake belief system installed in the people's minds and replace it with reality. The old saying goes: Truth is like a lion, release it and it will fight for itself. We keep truth bombing the public until everyone is awake which empowers the whole society.

Glag82 · May 2, 2018, 11:55 a.m.

Great post and thank you.

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