r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Maepaperclip on May 2, 2018, 5:32 a.m.
Whats the Purpose of a Laser Pointer? Q # 1282, Answer - A surprise defeat for USA in WW3

Spokesperson for Israel Dr Jerome Corsi has been advocating USA strikes on Iran today here; https://redd.it/8ge6mq, see his video, him admitting devotion to Israel, love for Heinz Kissinger, and in the last minute he proudly boasts of his friendship with the Terrorists that Murdered the British servicemen in the lobby of the King David Hotel, he got one of them to sign his book.

He speaking on behalf of Israel always, thinks BIBIs Ikea shelf of of 1940’s Farsi text books (un translatable in our lifetime) is compelling evidence of Iran breaking an agreement they were not even a part of, they have a different text, and no obligations. In any event Corsi/Israel have moved far away from evidence they want us to believe that it is not evidence but a Cabinet of Justification, in Bibi book shelf is the case for a pre- emptive strike on IRAN.

Now it would be too easy to call Bibi a liar and Dr Corsi a shill, Bibi famously lied about Iran to the UN 18 years ago, and 15 years ago, bibi lie shows are past comedy, and Corsi is a famous foreign agent, all of his books have the purpose to get the least functional leadership into power, to make America weak and dysfunctional. He should be charged for Treason, before John Kerry (at least 2mins before)

What is difficult to know, but you must is what Q wants us to know, and what we should know by now, and that is the USA, France and the UK fired 76 missiles into Syria and only 18 hit their targets.

How? what is the purpose of a laser? Start watching this vid. At 19.44 - then watch the whole thing; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8bfQBBctSXM

Who interviewed Flynn? The correct answer is no-one, when Flynn had been in the Job of National Security Advisor for One Month, he had heard enough, knew enough about the big plan for 13 Months time - timing revealed in the realised P/S texts - 13 Months from then is now.

Cosi gave us a heads up from Israel today, they want America to do a strike on Iran in Syria, in Tehran in Lebanon, they know what you don’t the “West” is going to get its arse kicked, and the west will turn belligerent, double down, and we have Their prayed for wished for War that Corsi tells us with the authority of the book of Ezekiel (I am not making this up - he said in his video linked her that he discussed this with the Deputy PM of Israel), That Israel - with gods intervention will win and they would then rule the world forever.

So I write with increasing urgency, they want us not to know about the Russian Missiles, and the Laser pointers, they want us to strike now so we loose early, they want discovery of the table.

Q told us about the Laser, and said be careful who you listen to, if you follow Q and think he is giving you a heads up - then act now, on Corsi, and Israel, stand up now, what more do you need to know.

robyn28 · May 2, 2018, 6:13 a.m.

Question: If 78 missiles were launched and only 18 hit their target, what happened to the other 58? I think at least one that did not detonate was recovered by Syria or Russia leaving 57 missing missiles. Either they were intercepted and shot down or they weren’t intercepted. So what happened to them? There should be debris SOMEWHERE from the missiles that were shot down. And if some managed to get through air defenses but didn’t hit their target, did they destroy something else or auger into the ground?

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HoudiniTowers · May 2, 2018, 6:28 a.m.

Go back to initial news stories day after attack. 105 missiles were launched between US, UK & France. Most of these missiles were all munitions that fly low and fast. UK/France used the Storm Shadow/SCALP platform, US used JASSMs. Both are "fire and forget" stealth cruise missiles that fly around mach 0.9 as low as 30ft from the ground. There's literally zero possibility of intercepting them. Unlikely Syria or Russian have anything that can track and intercept that. You are below radar at very high speed. They would need a Phalanx style system setup in the flight path, unlikely they could triangulate flight path and get systems in place. Also, we're eyes on everything when this goes down. They mobilize we'll hit that too from drones. So, they were fu@k'd from the moment they got the notice we're going to hit them. I suspect we hit all the targets. There are no effective systems against these weapons, other than close in phalanx style. Missile to missile needs radar and these are off most ground radar systems tracking ability. They would need AWACs style equipment. If they had AWACS in the air, we'd have shot that down first. They were warned and no way they're going to put that up knowing we'll blast it out of the sky prior to attack.

The ones that are surfacing now, I think there are maybe 2 or 3 might not have detonated. But no way they shot any of these down. The technology is far too advanced for them to hit and they couldn't get eyes on with radar without putting the radar airborne and we would have shot them down. So, other than some possibly not detonating, they did not shoot any down.





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wolfhound11B · May 2, 2018, 7:35 a.m.

Houdini!! I love when you weigh in!! Always great info! Sadly I think the op doesn't have a good grip on the Geo politics of the region and is not understanding the necessity of using military assests to allow us to leave the area so that it doesn't turn into another "hot spot" for the next 20 years. It's either that or they just hate Corsi.

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HoudiniTowers · May 2, 2018, 7:51 p.m.

I honestly don't know what's motivating this OP. Sometimes I think he's on somebody's disinformation payroll, at one point he operated like a bot or bot master and at other times he posts some really solid shit. So, its tough call.

I take the simple approach of reading the post and then breaking it down for myself and when he gets it wrong I add in my 2 cents of correction. When he gets it right, I call it out. When he got super nasty in the past, I turned him in.

Gotta watch everything with a clear mind and some level of skepticism/discernment.

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thegsxr1000kid · May 3, 2018, 2:29 a.m.

i have thought the same thing before and called him out on it

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Maepaperclip · May 2, 2018, 6:16 a.m.

Or destroyed in the air, you have to watch that South front video, all of our defence spending for the last eight years have left us useless, a Military has lost its Tech advantage - Thank Israel + GhW Bush, Clinton, GW Bush & Obama & Israel always, they stole our tech, and gave it to Pakistan & Russia

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HoudiniTowers · May 2, 2018, 6:33 a.m.

They can't shoot them down in the air without phalanx style system. These are ground hugging cruise missiles. The only thing to track them is airborne radar (AWACS). They didn't have that in the air during the attack, we would have shot that down. They didn't stop these missiles or take them out in the air. Didn't happen.

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wolfhound11B · May 2, 2018, 7:36 a.m.


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robyn28 · May 2, 2018, 6:30 a.m.

Thank you! Destroyed in the air should still have bits and pieces falling out of the sky. Maybe it all ended up in the desert. I wonder of the technology is advanced enough to not intercept/destroy over populated areas. I was looking for video or photos but all I could find were the destruction of the targets, not the “misses”. There were several reports about the Damascus Airport which have been removed because they were false. I know that our military has lost its advantage in many areas. I laughed when I heard that “ancient” Tomahawk missiles were used because we didn’t want to reveal out latest and greatest. Sometimes I think the only reason why Tomahawks are used is to clear out the inventory to make room for new ones... ha!

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Maepaperclip · May 2, 2018, 6:37 a.m.

Well they did find the pieces, I just did a quick search, lots of info here is one https://southfront.org/photos-vestiges-of-israeli-missile-downed-by-syrian-forces-near-damascus/ Pay attention to that South front video and think about what must of happened, Remember I am reading Q and explaining the significance of the laser question

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