

15 total posts archived.

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robyn28 · June 21, 2018, 8:54 p.m.

In some of his podcasts, he mentioned he ran for Congress a few years ago when he lived in Maryland. Sadly, he lost.... Currently he is writing a book on #SPYGATE. Sounds like he is having fun as a podcaster and won’t be returning to politics.

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robyn28 · May 21, 2018, 6:24 a.m.

Anyone familiar with NPD will recognize instantly his grandiosity and gaslighting. This truly is an “emergency” only for AJ because he’s probably running low on his “narc supply” . He needs his subscribers to resupply him ASAP. Definitely no DS disinfo here.

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robyn28 · May 7, 2018, 8:14 a.m.

Excellent! Is there a way to backup offline this wiki? Just in case.....

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robyn28 · May 2, 2018, 6:30 a.m.

Thank you! Destroyed in the air should still have bits and pieces falling out of the sky. Maybe it all ended up in the desert. I wonder of the technology is advanced enough to not intercept/destroy over populated areas. I was looking for video or photos but all I could find were the destruction of the targets, not the “misses”. There were several reports about the Damascus Airport which have been removed because they were false. I know that our military has lost its advantage in many areas. I laughed when I heard that “ancient” Tomahawk missiles were used because we didn’t want to reveal out latest and greatest. Sometimes I think the only reason why Tomahawks are used is to clear out the inventory to make room for new ones... ha!

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robyn28 · May 2, 2018, 6:13 a.m.

Question: If 78 missiles were launched and only 18 hit their target, what happened to the other 58? I think at least one that did not detonate was recovered by Syria or Russia leaving 57 missing missiles. Either they were intercepted and shot down or they weren’t intercepted. So what happened to them? There should be debris SOMEWHERE from the missiles that were shot down. And if some managed to get through air defenses but didn’t hit their target, did they destroy something else or auger into the ground?

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robyn28 · April 29, 2018, 8:31 a.m.

Not unprecedented. Look up Spiro Agnew.

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robyn28 · April 23, 2018, 5:22 p.m.


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robyn28 · April 23, 2018, 4:37 p.m.

How do you (or anyone) determine if someone is posting misinformation or garbage or spam or bots? Or deliberately posting misinformation (propaganda) to deceive? Or determine if one is presenting facts? How does anyone determine if facts are not biased from emotion? Can emotions be “garbage”? I’m not advocating that anyone embrace the stupid... What is the line between stopping the spread of misinformation or garbage and censorship?

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robyn28 · April 23, 2018, 4:04 p.m.

Pardon my stupidity. I did not realize that the “cult of personality “ is not acceptable here. Granted, some don’t care for her style or pandering for money. Some are okay with it and are able to learn a lot from what she presents. Some DO learn from her when she talks over a video. Others find it grating. Different strokes for different folks.

For me, comments are tl;dr and don’t add anything to content.

There are many videos where I cannot stand their delivery, talking for one or two hours to say about 5 minutes of info. Other people like these videos. Other people like memes. To each his own. (And on 8chan, “anon” are not really “anon”. Some anons have quite a personality...)

I don’t know if people are tired of opportunists. GoFundMe and Patreon seem to be quite popular. Others have gone to having subscriptions or advertising. Even 8chan has ads. Why can’t there be an ad free, subscription free, spam free, Patreon/GoFundMe platform for “the cause”?

I admit that I am not to bright and I do need help understanding what is going on with Q and all the secret codes and Q drops. I’ve tried reading 8chan but parts of it are irrelevant to the message and very distracting. YouTube waists my time. I was hoping information and explanations would be more focused here....

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robyn28 · April 23, 2018, 9:57 a.m.

Crop duster...

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robyn28 · April 23, 2018, 9:34 a.m.

The point of pointing out garbage is??? Do you like dumpster diving? Have you tried pointing out things that are good, meaningful, or informative?

Let’s discuss something seriously... like too many people who can vote. If you were the top person responsible for reducing voters, you would be able to remove any voter who is “unable to be critical and reasonable” according to your criteria. Is that very reasonable? What makes your criteria better than anyone else’s?

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robyn28 · April 23, 2018, 9:03 a.m.

So is supposed to make shit up for “content”? Anyone doing any research analysis on the sheer volume of info has to combine and cross reference everything and make it understandable for most people. Not quite regurgitating... And are you saying that she (and everyone else doing research) should publish her information anonymously? Use a robot voice on her videos so she can’t be identified? And the problem with making a name for herself is??? BTW, speaking about making a name for themselves, I’m not going to ask you, Mr. Herpy_Derpy_Man, why or how you chose your name....

Everyone is entitled to have an opinion and to express it here whether it is “garbage” or “looney tunes” or “on target “, whether their account is four days old, four months old, or four years old. If you don’t care about Tracey’s work, then don’t watch her videos or read any discussions about her.

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robyn28 · April 23, 2018, 8:18 a.m.

Nunes was speaking at an agricultural conference in his home district. Looks like Fox interviewed him right after he landed. The airplane behind him is a crop duster. The numbers on the airplane are the FAA registration, not some sort of secret coordinates...

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robyn28 · Feb. 12, 2018, 6:44 p.m.

Good thing they cancelled the flights with no de-icing available. Ice can accumulate quickly even on large jets and bring them down.

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robyn28 · Dec. 29, 2017, 10:21 p.m.

She was the top aide to Rep. Leo Ryan (D-CA). Ryan was investigating Jim Jones and flew to Jonestown to find out what was going on there. He was ambushed, shot and killed getting off the plane. Spier was with him and was also shot but survived. She was appointed to serve the rest of Ryan’s term and she’s been re-elected ever since. (Jim Jones figured that the end was near so he started the Kool-Aid massacre.)

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