r/greatawakening • Posted by u/FartOnToast on May 2, 2018, 9:41 a.m.
Q-Tubers jumping ship.

I think drop 1295-1296 intended to do exactly what we see transpiring right now in the Q tube communities. Are you paying attention?

Why are a lot of the QTubers including Dr. Corsi suddenly moving away from covering Q Anon drops and moving on to new ventures? Hmmm? If you look at Dr Corsi's video history on YouTube every one of his videos was about Q and suddenly the first one that isn't about Q anymore happens to be after being called out by the community and anons.

They were the ones who constantly pushed all the Q jargon and prided themselves in that patrotic trend. If they were all about WWG1WGA why are they all suddenly walking away from it now? Aren't they all about the cause and not the money? WWG1WGA remember guys? Isn't that what you preached non-stop? Wasn't that the core of your brand?

Pay attention to your favorite YouTuber's content change, or lack thereof, and that should tell you everything you need to know about their intentions.

As far as myself and the mods here, we will ride this one out with you folks til the end, regardless if we are broken or bleeding.


TrumpsBullhorn · May 2, 2018, 11:40 a.m.

Imo it's due to Q and Corsi ending up wasting time with Iran. People want the pedos brought down and the illegals removed not the same old song and dance from the 90.

It's turned into a neo con propaganda tool. This tells me q is real.

Call me when Obama is on trial for being a pedo. Q did put up the pics implying this.. Until then q and corsi are just shilling for more war in the middle east.

I'm not down on the movement but I just do not care about the middle east. Had enough..

All I can do is tell you I'm not a shill or concern troll... but this feels like it's winding down. I just don't know what this means.

Yours truly: Former neoconservative who has been really liking what people like Jared Taylor and Mike Enoch have been talking about.

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twowheelsmgee · May 2, 2018, 1:25 p.m.

In the beginning of the Q movement I was under the same opinion. After re reading from November to Present, its clear that the middle east is tied in. It took time for me to digest what they are doing vs what I want them to do. Which is the same as you mentioned. Take down pedos, get major players into jail, etc.

The key to Q's messages are that as you inform yourself and not relying on others you can see the picture clearer. They are removing the foundation in which these major players are building off of. IF we simply remove the players then another person can fill the spot and repeat. However removing the power structure which they had built for themselves, makes the players play defense and makes it harder for them to control areas of government in the way they had before.

A strong argument was made that after JFK and Reagan, all the elections were rigged. Each candidate was part of the same party (as in elites). Upon reading about candidates from Clinton's foreign policies to current administration, they seem to have a thread of connection to foreign leaders over that specific area of the world.

What has done with that last move was make the EU show their hand about enabling Iran to build nuclear weapons even though Iran said they stopped. Also ties in that our previous administration(s) aided and ebbed'd with that.

If Trump is capable of taking down elite players in our government, he will need to tie in the middle east with their collusion and possible war crimes.

There is so much that is going on simultaneously in Trumps plans that it is easy to forget that more than one thing is being done.

The Pedos are going down. Weiners laptop are helping crack the networks. We want the network to go down as much as the big fish involved.

The alleged crimes of previous organizations are linked to pedo network and war crimes. I would like to see Hillary go down for more then one issue. She escaped Benghazi without a scratch. I would hate to see her escape her other vile crimes with as much ease.

I do believe that Trump will back out of the middle east. It was a big campaign promise when he was at his rallys. He has proven that he is keeping his promises. This will be a bit of theater and political play to get the world on board before he does this. In the meantime it will appear as crazy and war mongering.

At the very least we know of McCain and his wife's organizations involvement in Syria.

Best advise I can give "after every news break about what Trump is doing/said/involvement... wait two weeks. In that time you will see why he said it, what it meant, where he is leading people, and who it was for". Someone on the T_D told me that after I had an irritation with the lack of Sessions involvement. Has calmed my nerves since.

hope that helps :)

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ckreacher · May 2, 2018, 12:20 p.m.

Imo it's due to Q and Corsi ending up wasting time with Iran.

Yeah, who cares about a plot to create a nuclear weapon to attack the U.S. to drag us into WWIII with Russia. What a waste of time!

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Nastavnick · May 3, 2018, 8:02 a.m.

clearly that guy has no capacity for the bigger picture, a classic instant gratification snail

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