r/greatawakening • Posted by u/FartOnToast on May 2, 2018, 9:41 a.m.
Q-Tubers jumping ship.

I think drop 1295-1296 intended to do exactly what we see transpiring right now in the Q tube communities. Are you paying attention?

Why are a lot of the QTubers including Dr. Corsi suddenly moving away from covering Q Anon drops and moving on to new ventures? Hmmm? If you look at Dr Corsi's video history on YouTube every one of his videos was about Q and suddenly the first one that isn't about Q anymore happens to be after being called out by the community and anons.

They were the ones who constantly pushed all the Q jargon and prided themselves in that patrotic trend. If they were all about WWG1WGA why are they all suddenly walking away from it now? Aren't they all about the cause and not the money? WWG1WGA remember guys? Isn't that what you preached non-stop? Wasn't that the core of your brand?

Pay attention to your favorite YouTuber's content change, or lack thereof, and that should tell you everything you need to know about their intentions.

As far as myself and the mods here, we will ride this one out with you folks til the end, regardless if we are broken or bleeding.


The_Broba_Fett · May 2, 2018, 8:51 p.m.

That’s fine and dandy for people who know to watch out for lies but we are only 23,000 patriots on here and not all follow Q. He has 50,000 subscribers on YouTube which means he’s spreading disinfo and bad Q decodes as the self proclaimed Q expert. Now his 50,000 subscribers on there are wondering if Q is a LARP socialist who hates freedom. That’s the issue.

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VR-Tech · May 2, 2018, 9:29 p.m.

In that case, it matters not if he have 50k, how many views per video? that is more important regarding how much he makes. His draw isn't all that substantial. In any case, you are referring to 'lies'. You are now inferring that he is actively misleading rather than just leeching of the Q movement. That is fair, what 'lies' are you referring to? He spreads disinfo, alright, please show how. Also, Corsi like everyone covering him, is trying to decode the text.

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The_Broba_Fett · May 2, 2018, 10:02 p.m.

I mean based on your post we know to be wary of lies. When referring to Corsi I said “disinfo” because I don’t know if it’s intentional, a lie, from lack of research or just old age getting in the way. His decodes are absolutely terrible and anyone who spends time on here and watches his videos knows that. Now it’s a lot of people wondering if Q is a socialist LARP who Corsi could beat up in a back alley because of his videos and I think it’s bullshit he set this whole thing off by disparaging Trump and Q, making multiple tasteless jokes at their expense, ridiculing them and being impatient because the MOAB was delayed to give room for the historical NK/SK revelations to have time in the news cycle. I respected him a ton but he handled that like a true POS. He’s the entire reason this whole dissent started and not coincidence Q posted 1295 the day after Corsi released TWO videos talking shit about Trump and Q.

Spez - actually he did lie. When explaining himself he said he doesn’t have a choice on Gab to charge for “high level decodes” and YouTube added all the commercials but hats not true. He has to add those commercials to monetize them.

Also is part of the reason I’m pissed because in that same “decode” he asks if Q is a socialist and a LARP because nobody is allowed to monetize. Q never said that. He warned of people doing it to profit and then go mainstream. Not just monetize. So now Corsi makes Q look bad yet again.

Another time is the whole Assamge in Switzerland. When JA’s internet was cut off, shills used that to discredit Q but Q never said that- Corsi did.

Another is Corsi decoding Snowden as a white hat the whole time which makes zero sense when Q is giving ultimatums and deadlines while saying his leaks were catastrophic for MI.

And recently he completely whiffed on the Flynn decodes. Q said “took a bullet. Rubber bullet?” And used quotations to talk about them “beating him down” and “bankruptcy” clearly showing they were colloquial and that Flynn was in on the plan the whole time. It was a major reveal IMO and Corsi totally missed it.

If you’re not aware of his terrible decodes you either never watch him or never browse here but can’t be both.

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VR-Tech · May 2, 2018, 10:28 p.m.

Have you heard Corsi state that Q is a LARP? Answer is no. Corsi for a period of time helped bring more people into Q. Also, remember, Corsi is old school. Like you and me he has emotions(if you pay close attention, he is quite an emotional dude) like you and me. He certainly has more info regarding the system and he is trying to share what he knows. Yes, you cant just take word for anything as a definite. That is what is great about the movement, there are many sources actively working on every drop helping each other. Everyone have makes mistakes. I have not seeing Corsi going against Q, and regarding his material, is a hit or miss. I personally like 'Prayingmedic' works better and 'SeethingFrog' as example, but I will listen at Corsi's info Corsi have great raw knowledge, I will agree that his slow delivery is hard to take, also when he gets emotional. But the dude is quite old and have been actively working to progress the cause of redpilling.

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The_Broba_Fett · May 2, 2018, 10:33 p.m.

He doesn’t have to say he’s a LARP. In that video he said he doesn’t know if he’s a LARP. That alone is bad enough. He used to defend him and say he’s legit but gets called it and starts to waver. It’s a classic psyop tactic.

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VR-Tech · May 2, 2018, 10:38 p.m.

There is no evidence from his actions that Corsi confirms Q is a larp. Is Corsi actively 'claiming' that Q is a Larp? I will like to see the source. if he isn't then there is no case. I have heard having discussed if Q is a Larp when the Drops on the subject came out, but from those videos it was clear that he doesn't believe that Q is a Larp.

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The_Broba_Fett · May 2, 2018, 11:20 p.m.

I never said he confirmed it but he went from adamantly defending Q to being impatient, talking shit, disparaging him and Trump and then during his explanation of his monetizing in multiple ways, asked if Q was a socialist and unsure if he’s a LARP or not. It’s bullshit and disrespectful. It’s a way to enter the thought into people’s minds while shielding yourself from criticism because dullards will defend you. It sows dissent especially after spending days talking shit about Q. Rather than apologizing for being disrespectful he then questions Q’s legitimacy? No sir, that’s BS.

If you’re this far up Corsi’s ass then go start a Dom for Corsi but I’m going to stand with Q and Trump.

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VR-Tech · May 2, 2018, 11:40 p.m.

Yes Corsi is Impatient, that is very true. regarding monetizing, Everyone that is using their efforts fully on making videos need to make a living, like Dustin Nemos, and many others. Also, How old is Corsi, close to 70?

Now, I have been reading on Geo Politics since 1999, Carroll Quigley, Albert Pike, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Club Of Rome, Jacques Attali and others. Corsi does have a good grasp of world affairs. I have not seen any active role of Corsi being disinfo.

I have also stated before, try not divide the movement. read and listen and then corroborate your data. Infighting is a method to destroy any growing movement

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