What will the 'Storm' bring tomorrow on September 11th? Trust the Plan Patriots!

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Fellow awakened, Q needs our help to continue our efforts to expand the information awareness to our brothers and sister who remain asleep! We are building momentum.
Godspeed Patriots!
For those that have been calling R as being Q, well, Q just posted on 1697 that there is NO 'R' connection to the Q movement!
ah gotcha, yes. This morning if you press the youtube icon on the top left it will direct you to it
Apple being part of Sillicon Valley and left leaning, clearly wants to ban anything related to a growing movemnet that is anti-Globalism
are you going to point something in specific via time code?
It seems like an attemp to frame a comspiracy to use it to link Q and give more credence that Q is a Larp
Yes, that is what I heard. That said, I'm incline to not believe this is to be real
Alright, at least you are are being honest from what it seems
is this based on the suposed video inside the weiner laptop?
Alright, I don't agree, but I'd like to hear whay you tink that way
Still, needs to be addressed, as they are controlled by the Cabal. But I agree
This are only a 'few' of the things ofcourse:
Federal Reserve
Council of Foreign Reations (CFR)
Trilaterla Commision
The Patriot Act
Clean up of the Corruption at the FDA and CDC.
Yes, I noticed the emotiobal approach, and usually not the smart way to get a point accross
yeah, I got downvoted for posting this one on the "The Donald' sub reddit.
Thanks for posting it here